Not new, but need new friends!

Hello everyone! I'm a 24 year old mom of 3 very active little boys. I've had weight issues my whole life, and I was finally diagnosed with PCOS about a year ago. Finally someone had figured it out!

Anywho, this is the (insert ridiculous number here) time I've tried to diet and lose weight. I love food. I'm addicted to sweets. I can literally look at a green bean and gain 40 lbs. PCOS makes it all 10 times harder. This is my life... and I'm ready to change it.

Over the last two years, I've counted for a month or two here or there. Obviously, during that time, I lost most of my MFP friends. Now, I need new ones! I have at least 115 lbs to lose. I WANT to lose 154 lbs.

I don't comment a lot. I don't post everyday. I'm a busy bee most of the time.. but I promise that if ever there is a moment that you are down and need encouragement, I'll be there :)


  • angelbug813
    Hey I added ya we can be friends I always look for people to try to encourage I dont always leave post either but if you inbox me I will always answer if anyone else wants to add me they can as well!! you got this girl!
  • jadeyq1
    jadeyq1 Posts: 178 Member
    Always great to have new friends! Request is on it's way :)
  • cherylatkwechanged
    cherylatkwechanged Posts: 479 Member
    Add me if you like xx
  • BOOMaggedon
    BOOMaggedon Posts: 244 Member
    Sent a request...always looking for more friends to give and take with.
  • Quadzilla4425
    Hello and welcome. If after you review my profile and would like to add me please do. I can be quite motivational and funny. Either way all the best and have a great night
  • hellokittyykat
    hellokittyykat Posts: 66 Member
    I'd love to have more friends, as well. Feel free to add me! :) I'm on everyday.
  • sara0ann
    sara0ann Posts: 57 Member
    I AM new and would love to have more friends to inspire and be inspired by. I'll also send a request! Also, to anyone else reading this, please request me if you would like another new friend :)
  • AllisonConnell1301
    I'm on every day! Anyone feel free to add me :) I am new to the message boards but have been using the app for months.