Help and Advice Needed

Hello everyone, I am hoping you would be kind enough to share your wisdom. I am struggling losing weight and not sure if I am doing things right.

My story:
Two difficult pregnancies in the last 5 years, DS1 is 4 and DS2 3 months old. With DS1 I went from 57kg to 97kg – a massive gain partially due pre-eclampsia and being bed bound for almost 6 months. With DS2 I was 111kg just before I gave birth and am 97kg now.

Between the pregnancies I tried eating healthily, followed by weightwatchers, followed by a meal replacement programme, followed by Dukan –nothing worked for me. Looking back, I think it was a vicious cycle of eating too little, and then loosing it and stuffing my face with cakes or any carbs I could get hold of.

This time I tried low carbing, stuck with it religiously in Jan & Feb. Lost about 4 kg, but all of it in the first two weeks, so I am guessing it was mostly water. Started MFP last week and no loss again.

I eat 1400 a day, do 30 min of light cardio + 30min of strength most days. I have damaged my knee by doing 30 Day Shred, so now I am just trying to up my activity levels by doing lots of cleaning :smile: .

Do you think 1400 cal/day is ok? Do I need to cut it back even further to see the weight go down by something at least? I am worried about doing that as if I starve I tend to binge as a result. I’ve not lost any weight for over 8 weeks now, granted only 1 of them on MFP. I am getting a bit disheartened. Trying hard and not seeing any results is so demotivating :sad:


  • orchid1602
    bump :flowerforyou:
  • DaniKenmir
    DaniKenmir Posts: 387 Member
    I didn't lose weight on here for the first 9 weeks, I just kept trying different things, I can set my goal to 1400 and still lose weight but it's getting harder now I'm almost there, I find cutting out my sugar helped my weight go down, but so did my mood so it's a bit of give and take till you find a good way to do things, I've just started weights and hopefully that bumps off that pesky last 2 kilos! Feel free to add me :)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I would try NET 1400 (ie eat your exercise calories back) for 4-6 weeks and then decide if it is enough calories.

    aim to get your 5 portions of fruit and veg a day, lots of lean protein to help keep stay full, and keep treats to a minimum!

    all you need to lose weigth is a moderate calorie deficit and lots of patience!!!
  • eviltangerine
    Aside from doing 30 min of light cardo and intermittent strength training how active do you keep throughout the rest of the day? Sedentary, somewhat mobile or very active?
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Do you log everything you eat? Are you weighing foods and measuring free-pouring liquids? Entering your own recipes and not using generics or others' recipes from the database?

    Here's a good post to get you started on what your calorie goal should be:

    Low-carb isn't necessary in my opinion. If you're going off the rails because you miss carbs that's going to hurt your progress. It's better to just moderate them instead of cutting them completely.
  • orchid1602
    Thank you for you replies, much appreciated :flowerforyou:
    Aside from doing 30 min of light cardo and intermittent strength training how active do you keep throughout the rest of the day? Sedentary, somewhat mobile or very active?

    I probably fall into "somewhat mobile" wheather permitting I take my DS2 for 1hr walks and do quite a bit of cleaning/gardening. Back to work in two months though,so it will quickly turn into sedentary :embarassed:
  • orchid1602
    Travistock & Angel – I think I am doing ok in terms of fruit/veg/protein. I tend to eat simple meals like roast chicken and veg on the side, so not hard to track. I am not weighing foods, but I am fairly confident I am not under counting as I tend to buy small portions and scan labels, i.e. I would buy a piece of meat for one dinner and eat half of it. Drinks can’t be an issue as I only drink water, no hot drinks, no sweet drinks or alcohol...

    Thank you for the links, I’ll have a read through.

    I think you are right, I do need more patience, but I haven’t lost anything for so long I am terrified I will wait for a loss for another 4-5-6 weeks with nothing happening. This would mean I would either have to buy a new wardrobe for returning to work or just go in wearing my lovely stretchy maternity jeans

    Do you recon it’s just a matter of giving it time or do I need to keep trying different things?
  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    How tall are you, what is your BMR according to the calculators, and how long did you heavily restrict? Is 1400 above or below your BMR, and by how much? How much lower were you than 1400?