Hi from Vermont!

So I have been overweight my entire life!! I live in Vermont and have lived here my entire life. It’s a beautiful place to grow up and raise a family. However if you’re not an active person there is not much to do, so living a sedentary life often occurs with those who don't hike or ski often. Thus my lifestyle :)

I have an amazing husband whom is very supportive of my weight loss goals; he himself is trying to lose the extra pounds. I have two amazing boys, and a great step daughter who made me a grandmother last July at the early age of 36!

I started this journey back in 2010, and then fell off the wagon in April of 2011. I gained the weigh I had loss back making me feel like a complete failure. In December of 2012 I made the decision that 2013 was a new year and I would be making a life change for me. Since Jan 1st I have lost 26.5 lbs, and I am on a mission to lose 100lbs. I am not going to do it by cutting out what I like, I am just going to make better decisions and get off the couch more! I am able to still enjoy my pizza from time to time; I am also able to have a burger. It’s all a matter of being smarter about what I put into my mouth. And drinking water!! Instead of diet soda, that has been huge for me, everything used to revolve around diet soda for me!

I look forward to adding new friends who will encourage me to keep going on my journey. So if you would like support send me friend request tell me about you and we can start this life journey together!! Always looking to support those who are willing to support me! Good luck to all!!


  • June2268
    June2268 Posts: 37
    I just sent you a request.....
  • MistynVT
    MistynVT Posts: 11 Member
    I am looking for some Vermont friends as well! I live in the Burlington area. If you are interested, please, friend me! Looking for running partners. Would like to run my second 5k--first one doesn't count. ;) I am also doing Turbofire, trying to lose these extra lbs that I have gained in the last 12 years in between having my four girls. Hope to hear from you soon!