Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred



  • alisi85
    alisi85 Posts: 27 Member
    Heyyy I'm Alisi and I'm on Day 4 of Level 2 ..and man I'm still in pain and Im definetly not a small girl at all I decided to make mine a 45 day shred at 15 days per level. Love it the end when she goes "you are on your way to being shreded" lol hell yeah I am shoot... Hi5 to all of you for starting!! Please don't feel discouraged if you miss a day just continue on yall got this!! Let's finish strong:) Good luck everyone!!
  • c2111
    c2111 Posts: 693 Member
    Really inspirational c2111!!! I have commented on your success pictures!!
    I will also take some before and after pics for you all when I am finished!

    Have a good Tuesday everyone

    Honey thats not me lol but shes incredible , my info is on my profile :) I havnt posted pics on the success boards as i dont know how to :blushing:
  • thejemma
    thejemma Posts: 40
    Lol silly me!!!! I will have a look at your profile now!
    Keep me updated how 30D gets on!!! Xxx
  • hcivitarese
    hcivitarese Posts: 5 Member
    Hey All! I've done this off & on a few months ago...can definitely feel the difference after a few days!
    Just curious...do any of you log this into myfitnesspal? How do you account for it?
  • balancedfire
    balancedfire Posts: 13 Member
    I am on level 2, and I know that my stamina has gotten better. I log it in as 20 minutes of circuit training. My stomach was upset for a little while so I skipped working out during that period. Then I restarted on level 2, and OMG it kicked my butt! I still haven't noticed a huge amount of weight loss, ( I am trying to get rid of that stubborn last 20 lbs) but my husband says I look more toned.