I always feel hungry



  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
  • yokumsm
    yokumsm Posts: 13 Member
    I try to make sure I have a healthy snack every few hours so I don't get to the point that I am so hungry that I just start grabbing whatever is near. If you have recently eaten and feel hungry, try drinking a glass of water and wait 20 mins or so before eating another snack. Sometimes mine is thirst and not real hunger.

    I also found that logging through out the day and thinking about what I was going to eat next was causing me to eat more. I try to log my day the night before instead of as I put it in my mouth. This usually helps me plan my calorie spread better and I don't find myself in the position of dinnertime with only 50 calories left.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I'f you've just started watching what you eat, it will take some time for your stomach to adjust. But hunger does tend to come in waves - have some water, tell yoruself you'll eat in 20 minutes and see if it passes.
  • Also remember that if you're used to big meals, your stomach is getting used to the change and more reasonably sized portion, so it's normal to be a teeny bit uncomfortable... But you shouldn't be hungry all the time! My first week of dieting was very hard for me, and part of that was because I have Binge-eating disorder, and over time my binges must have stretched my stomach or something. The first couple of weeks are always hard, and then you get used to it.

    Also, it's good to make sure you're eating enough calories every day. Don't be afraid to grab something like a piece of fruit or some vegs as a snack.

    I hope that helps!
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    More protein, more fiber, more healthy fats - this combo will help you feel full throughout the day while meeting your goals.

    I recently switched to 40% carbs, 30% fat and 30% protein and I am literally amazed at how full I feel all day long. It's difficult to actually eat all of the calories I am supposed to be eating without feeling like I'm stuffing myself.

    Making good choices at the grocery store can go a long way towards making good choices on a day to day basis. Plan your meals, bring a list, and start seeing results.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Your diet is more than likely off.
  • masdec7
    masdec7 Posts: 166 Member
    Don't drink diet drinks either (those that use sugar substitutes). I've found that artificial sweeteners make me hungrier. Stick with unsweetened beverages or use real sugar in small quantities.
  • KateRepine
    KateRepine Posts: 60 Member
    It can also be a sign that you are dehydrated.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    Difficult to make any suggestions when we don't know what you are currently eating and how much. An open diary helps immensely when asked for input on such topics.
  • ChristiSykes
    ChristiSykes Posts: 186 Member
    I always feel hungry how can I stop this?

    PROTEIN! Protein shakes keep you full! I have to force myself to eat to get in enough calories! I make a protein shake using Protein powder, ricotta or cottage cheese, coconut milk, fruit and ice. Yummy and satisfying. TRY IT!!!! :)
  • Eat things high in fiber! That will keep you full. Also drink water throughout the day, Coffee and Tea; Warm water makes you feel full. Also allow yourself to snack but make sure it's healthy! Veggies, Low Sugar Fruits, etc.

    Good Luck!! (:
  • evey591
    evey591 Posts: 2
    Drink lots of water, also bananas help me feel full.
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    Me too. It's gotten a bit better when I plan accordingly but it's still there. My advice is to up your fruits and veggies, increase the amount of water you drink, eat foods with alot of fiber in them and have things that are distracting to you so you don't think about food. Sitting in front of the tv, for example, always makes me think of food. So get up and do something.
  • awetherell
    awetherell Posts: 61 Member
    Are you sure it's definitely hunger and not psychological? Quite often I feel hungry, but I'm actually just bored, or annoyed etc. Try drinking a glass of water or two (often thirst is mistaken for hunger) and then leave it - try not to think about it. If you are still feeling hungry in about half an hour, then eat. Just try to put it off if you can.

    I'm not suggesting you follow the Fasting diet, but I read Michael Moseley's book out of interest of the science behind it and they write interesting things about hunger and perceived hunger. It's made me think about it more when I consider snacking. I'd recommend reading it!

    Make sure though that you eat sensibly with good amounts of protein and sensible carbohydrates. Stock up on filling vegetables and cut down on sugary things too - I find they just make me feel more hungry as they're addictive...

    Good luck!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Your body wants to maintain the status quo; that means keeping you at your current weight. You're eating in a calorie deficit, and your body's not going to like it. That's going to equate to feeling hungry sometimes, especially in comparison to the feeling of rarely being hungry that most of us have gotten used to. Spacing your meals/snacks out fairly evenly throughout the day can help, and so can saving calories for those times when you're most hungry -- like in the evening.

    For me, I need a high-calorie, high-carb day once in a while where I eat at my maintenance calories or slightly above. It restores a hormone called leptin, which is the hormone that tells your body you're full. Planning for it also gives you something to look forward to. I'm a firm believer that being good most of the time is a whole lot easier if you know you can be "bad" some of the time.
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    Eat. More protein will keep you feeling full longer