insanity friends

currently on the insane train to fitness, looking for other insaniacs for support and advice, just started month 2 on day 2......Shaun T nearly killed me today but I survived just!


  • Ssand_257
    Ssand_257 Posts: 90
    I'm doing insanity (month one week two)!!!

    I hear that the second month is sooo much worse lol so great job powering through!
  • abe11181
    abe11181 Posts: 1
    i just started yesterday with the fit test..that was a killer..looking for support!
  • Kempossible
    Kempossible Posts: 158 Member
    Completed INSANITY a few weeks ago. Doing P90X now. Loved my results from Insanity. I plan to do a second round after P90. Best wishes to you on your weight loss journey.
  • njean888
    njean888 Posts: 399 Member
    Hi there, I'm on Week 4, Day 2. Actually really looking forward to Month 2, Month 1 is getting a bit boring (not easy but boring) it pain's me to look at Tania and the stupid faces she makes while working out!
  • yes month 2 is harder and longer but I think month 1 definitely prepares you, I did shout at the telly a lot today though and some of the new moves are crazy!!!!

    p.s the first fit test I did made me almost physically sick.

    I hope for some good results this month

    Px90 looks crazy, might have to try that next
  • Haha i'm so glad someone else gets annoyed by tania's workout faces! month 2 is good so far! are you noticing any changes? don't get bored, keep it up! :)
  • njean888
    njean888 Posts: 399 Member
    I have actually done Insanity before, back in 2011 I think. I really liked my results then. This time around not so much, but I do realize that the bigger changes happen in Month 2 so I will stick with it. I also did P90X but never finished the 90 days, I only made it to day 45 and saw amazing changes. I'm really looking forward to starting it up again. I intend to start as soon as Insanity is done.
  • Just started Week 2 day 2 I've a long way to go, but I'm looking forward to it!
  • lqmustang
    lqmustang Posts: 125 Member
    I'm in my 2nd round of Insanity, just stated back with the month 2 workouts this week. I've been extremely happy with my results to date. Dropped my body fat from 23% to 17% so far. Would like to get down to 15%. Today was max plyo and I threw in some insane abs for good measure. :)
  • kristinrayerootes
    kristinrayerootes Posts: 21 Member
    Hi there, I'm on Week 4, Day 2. Actually really looking forward to Month 2, Month 1 is getting a bit boring (not easy but boring) it pain's me to look at Tania and the stupid faces she makes while working out!
    OMG...I just laughed out loud at my desk. She drives me NUTS!!!
  • ackeebee
    ackeebee Posts: 1,042 Member
    Hi all,

    I just completed insanity on 2 days ago. It was hard, not going to lie. Great program though. I feel and look so much better after insanity. Haven't had any major weight loss, but have lost inches which for me is a great result. I will definitely be doing the program again but taking it easy for a week or 2 first.
  • jez4ever
    jez4ever Posts: 190 Member
    Hi there, I'm on Week 4, Day 2. Actually really looking forward to Month 2, Month 1 is getting a bit boring (not easy but boring) it pain's me to look at Tania and the stupid faces she makes while working out!

    lol... facebook actually has a page called "I hate Tonya.... From Insanity"...too funny
  • deannajf4
    deannajf4 Posts: 223 Member
    I also did Day 2 Level 2 today!! Killer - I think the worst for me was that it was 55 mins long!! I hated watching that countdown clock - seemed like forever. While the moves were hard, I didn't mind the pace...a little less insane so to speak, but yes, the moves were hard, and as I'm able to do more of them, I can see how they'll be a challenge.

    There was no way I could even think about that sideways push up!!!!!

    I've lost 5 pounds and many inches, so I'm really pleased so far, AND how did you handle missed days??? I really thought hard about it cause realistically I missed quite a few days. In the end, I just picked it up where it was scheduled, because for me, it was more about achieving the deadline, then doing the schedule perfectly....felt like I might get discouraged if the end date kept getting farther and farther in the future. Plus, I rationalized that since I spent a small fortune buying it, I'll go through the program again and try to get more days about you??

    Another AMAZING side effect of doing the program. My sis-in-law and I began running last week. the last time we ran together was two summers ago, and I remembered how those first few runs felt SO tired and out of breath etc...but THIS time around, I feel like I could run forever, I'm MUCH stronger thanks to Insanity, and that makes my running better!!
  • Arlene03431
    Arlene03431 Posts: 3 Member
    i am starting insanity tomorrow.... hoping to tone up significantly. Not really concerned about weight loss so much as inches. i am a little nervous about the intensity.. any thoughts words of wisdom woudl be appreciated

    Arlene :)
  • jade14b
    jade14b Posts: 22
    I am joining that facebook page asap! So glad to know that there is a likeminded community of Tanya haters out there lol
  • I've just started the insanity beachbody 90 days. got my fella to help me count the number of moves in the fitness test whilst I concentrated on breathing! :-) day 2 of the dvd's now and feeling great. My calves and knees ache a bit from the jumping around, something I'm not used to. I'm hoping to be able to do push ups soon, really struggling at the mo!
  • jillydod
    jillydod Posts: 6 Member
    I just started Insanity as well. Tomorrow is Fit Test #2 day! Hopefully my rep(s) numbers will be increased! I had very tender calves the first week for sure! Just so you know, I don't know if it will happen to you, BUT I retained fluid for a while and it made my numbers go up on the scale. After contacting my 'coach' and 'online discussion forums' I learned that IT IS TOTALLY NORMAL, SO DON'T PANIC IF YOU GO UP IN WEIGHT. I am only wrapping up the second week so I am no expert at all but I wish I would have known that when I first started. haha.. Best of luck to you and I wish you the best!

    God Bless!
  • lqmustang
    lqmustang Posts: 125 Member
    i am starting insanity tomorrow.... hoping to tone up significantly. Not really concerned about weight loss so much as inches. i am a little nervous about the intensity.. any thoughts words of wisdom woudl be appreciated

    Arlene :)

    It's a good idea to do the workout on an empty stomach, because either way you may finish the workout with an empty stomach. Make sure you wear good shoes. Don't try to keep up the the people in the video, go at your own pace and eventually you will get to that level. Most important of all, have fun!!! It's a tough program but stick with it and you will get results! :)
  • Bettibettinas
    Bettibettinas Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in my 2nd round of Insanity, just stated back with the month 2 workouts this week. I've been extremely happy with my results to date. Dropped my body fat from 23% to 17% so far. Would like to get down to 15%. Today was max plyo and I threw in some insane abs for good measure. :)

    Wow.. CONGRATS! I'm just starting day 4 :)) I feel great and have lots of energy
  • I love the Insanity videos... I've been trying to do them almost every day to change my workout routine up from just running and lifting. I don't get sore from a 7 mile run, but I'm EXTREMELY sore from an hour and a half of Insanity! It's crazy. Anyone have tips on recovering faster?