I must be doing something wrong...



  • studentRN
    studentRN Posts: 440 Member
    Your diary isn't shared so I can't see how many calories you're eating but I suspect you're not eating enough. How many calories a day do you have your goal set to? Are you finding yourself hungry an hour or two after you eat a meal? (If you're not then your metabolism may be slowing... listen to your body... if you're hungry... EAT!)
  • lovebrittnie
    you're doing good!! And don't stop the exercise because you aren't losing as much because you're gaining much more... you're creating a habbit to exercise, (one that will last beyond the goal weight loss) you're gaining endurance (to keep you active) and ultimately it's 3 pounds you didn't gain! But instead was loss... and that's not a little achievement... one pound of fat is about the size of those little butter containers, and you burned off 3, so great job!
  • cindyangotti
    cindyangotti Posts: 294 Member
    I have read every response and I thank you all. I see that I probably could add more calories to my breakfast and lunch. I don't know, it just seemed to make sense if I ate less and exercised a lot the pounds would melt off. On the happy side... the scale isn't moving much but my butt is lookin' good! lol
  • Precious_Nissa
    STRESS adds weight...sounds to me like you are stressed because you are doing and doing and doing and not focusing on the bigger picture...

    take a deep breath
    try changing some of your foods that you are eating
    try changing up on the exercise and
  • Precious_Nissa
    3 lbs is good by the way...keep up the good work
  • barresa
    barresa Posts: 16 Member
    it just seemed to make sense if I ate less and exercised a lot the pounds would melt off.

    I hear you, it's hard to believe because it's not something people talk about, unless you're at MFP. Who Knew you're supposed to eat MORE calories to lose the weight if you are burning alot with exercise. That seems to be messing me up too. I started burning mega calories and the scale has not moved. Can't seem to find the sweet spot (right amount) to eat back since it's different for everyone. I'm actually trying for the next 7 days to not exercise at all and just eat 1200 calories for the day to see if the scale moves. Then take it from there. It's been one day and I already lost 1 lb, in 1 day.
  • canstey
    canstey Posts: 118
    I only use the HR for exercise. The exercise I do is rollerblading. I burn between 1000-1400 calories each time (depending on how long I can take the Florida heat) Usually 50-65 minutes.

    I think you are overestimating your calories burned during exercise. 600-900 an hour is more typical of someone who is in very good shape. The first thing I would check is your max heart rate setting on your HRM and see if that actually makes sense given your actual heart rate during exercise. Some people and it seems especially women, can have a much higher max heart rate than the standard 220-age predicts. If your HRM is saying you average 85%+ max heart rate for an hour then likely your max heart rate is set too low for you.