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nolife1980 Posts: 14
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
My name is Adam I am diabetic and 54 years young. I need and i must lose weight it got way to far. But I try so many times before and nothing happen. I am totally lost and not even know where to start. I am afraid to eat anything because I gain weight in triple speed. I just watch on food and gain weight. I have to say I am from different country and I just live in USA for a long time but eating habits still have from my country, and USA database won''t help me much because I do not eat much American food. That make my diet more difficult. I hate milk and never mind low fat milk I rather not drink then drink low fat milk. I am also on tons of different medication which I think helps me gain weight. I just hope I will find here solution and support from people here and help me figure out how to lose my extra weight. I call my self No Life 1980, that is the year when my miserable life begin. Please help me out find the way to do this. Also one more think. I can't walk my feet are to much swallow because of my over weight, and allot of exercise I just can't do it.
Best wishes to all in this forum
No Life 1980


  • shimabell
    shimabell Posts: 1
    Dear No Life 1980 I feel your pain and sense of hopelessness but I want to encourage you. It may sound cliche but if you renew your mind a day at a time, minute by minute, second by second and just for that day to say and then do something positive to encourage yourself. I'm very much the loner and I am only beginning on my own quest to lose weight. But I realize if " I " don't start to change my mind set nothing will ever change. It's really weird for me to be on line but by grandson started me on the myfitnesspal website and I'm excited about the change I'm getting ready to do for my life. For me it's a Life Change. I know you have the challenge of Diabeties but don't allow your self that excuse. And what a wonderful thing that you are from another culture, but as you've said you have been hear in America a while and we don't have very good eating habits either but there is sooo much information out her like this site and you can find another way or again I say change your mindset on how and what you are eating. I am now thanks to this website and my plan this website has designed for me I am more motivated to reach my Life goal. Not just to diet or exercise for my goal but to change my mind and decide that I'm going to live the rest of my life Loving me and that means change my eating habits and more exercise. I love to swim and swimming is a wonderful way to lose weight. If you can't swim you can learn or just hold on the side of the pool and kick your legs. If you are embarrassed about your weight try to find a place with people just like us and swim. Decide today, no excuses. Don't allow yourself any excuses, it is the most easiest way for us to stay where we are. Be encouraged, encourage yourself, if there is no one else in the world to support you, support yourself, love yourself, you are worth it and you are unique and there is only one you and you only have 1 chance to live so live for you make the change.

    Peace and Love


    PS don't be surprised if you don't here from me for a while I don't get to the internet that often, but when I'm tracking my weight I'll check in on ya to see how you're doing:)
  • emilyfh
    emilyfh Posts: 291 Member
    Hi and welcome to MFP :flowerforyou: I also am a diabetic. Sounds like your feet/ankles are swallon, so you really need to drink lots and lots of water :drinker: :drinker: believe it or not, it well help the swelling. Start by eating 3 meals with protien (some meat, beans, ect) a small fast carb like 1 cup of rice, potatoes or pasta) and lots and lots of veggies to fill you up. To keep your blood sugars more stable, have 3-4 snacks a day (under 300 calories for a man) Eat every 2-3 hours. Ive been doing this for awhile, Im on the food Lovers Program. If all you can do is walk right now, take baby steps and go alittle farther each day. But drink alot of water to get that swelling down, at least 10 8ouces glasses a day (it will also fill you up) Is there any were to swim by you? A great exercise and you feet wont be hurting as much in the water. Get Busy!! You Can Do This, little changes each day!
  • obifatkanobi
    obifatkanobi Posts: 190
    I don't know if it will help you to log your foods or not, but here is a link to a very huge food data-base. You may need to break down foods by ingredient, but I'm sure you will find most everything listed here. Good luck...
  • Rhonnie07
    Rhonnie07 Posts: 36
    I hope that this site and the people here help you in obtaining the goals that you are looking for. You have to how ever need to start with yourself. You are on the right track by joining a weight lose site. The next step is to start feeling better about yourself. It sounds like you have low self esteem, which I am sure is because of you being so over weight. Still you are what you think. And, with a positive attitude you can over come and lose the weight that you want. There are many exercises out there that you can do by just sitting in a chair and doping. I worked in a nursing home for years. There a lot of people that need to exercise but because of many factors can't use their legs. You can do a lot of toe touches from a sitting position and a lot of stretches as well. Your doctor should be able to find allot of these for you. if not if you visit a care facilityIam sure that they would be happy to help you find the exercises that you need to get you started. Once you start to take the weight off you should be able to start in on the rest a little at a time. Don't get discouraged if it doesn't work at first just keep it up. The results will come in time. And most of all drink water it helps to flush out the excise water in your body. eat lots of vegetables. Stay away from corn and those vegetables that have a lot of carbs in them. Good luck
  • nolife1980
    nolife1980 Posts: 14
    Thank you all of you for so quick respond it helps, people are out there and they do listen others problems. I have presently gouts in my both feet. And being diabetic, with kidney failure I cannot have medication will help me quick to fix the problem. I taking right now medication which raise my BG tremendously and have to watch closely. My legs in calf area is same diameter then upper part of leg. And I can describe the pain I have constantly since gouts begin (1.5 week ago). I know is from bad food, that is why I want to get back on track some way or other. Most of the time I drink water and lie to my self I am fool of food by drinking water. I pee every 15 minutes and drink all over again. It is impossible for me to get out from home right now, pain in feet is to much I can't make a step. I have to go true this and fix gouts first. Then I can try do something to start moving around. Plus I have DVT in both legs back pain, neck pain, constant pain never stopping until I will take very strong pain pill, which I don't like. It make me dizzy and sleepy So I am in position of catch 22. I ask my doctor for solutions, he don't have any. He keep telling me stop eat. I change the doctor so many times. No one seems want to take any actions or responsibility. I went to several dietitian no results, no body believe me what I say. I start study my medication I take may be those medication helps me gain weight same way or other. But you will not find information like this in USA is to privilege. Every drugs in USA are the best thing can happen to you. You'll never find any negatives about drugs in American WEB sites. They will tell side effects but nothing else. No doctor in USA will tell you that drug help getting weight. It is sad I think they should describe medication what it dose and what you can expect from it. It is that way in country where I come from. Medication over the counter are much more stronger then here. And they actually work. Here when I got flue I going to be sick for weeks on medication over the counter. Please don't get me wrong I just see the issue that way I could be wrong. I don't complain either. I just deal with. When I have a chance and visit my country I purchase flue medication much is possible, because I need one tablet and my flue is gone in matter of few hours. But I cannot buy it here because FDA did not proof medication to be sold in the USA. You may think why I am still here, why I did not go back where I come from. I love USA it is great country and has allot nice people here they willing to help you and they are nice to each other. It is different somewhere else.
    Best wishes
    No Life 1980
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