Double chin but skinny?

I'm 5'7 around 122 pounds, i've never been fat in my life but I feel like i have a double chin. When i look at my profile i can see it, and i can easily give myself one if i push my head back. Does anyone else have this problem? I feel like the only way to get rid of it would be to lose more weight , which I don't think I should do, or get plastic surgery.


  • freelancejouster
    freelancejouster Posts: 478 Member
    I've always kind of had one, too. In high school I was 5' 4" 114, and by face was chubby then, now, four years later, I'm 150ish (and losing) and I have a chubby face. Some people just have less defined jaw lines than most and the skin sags a bit beneath it. It's natural and nothing to worry about. No one else notices it, trust me.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm 5'7 around 122 pounds, i've never been fat in my life but I feel like i have a double chin. When i look at my profile i can see it, and i can easily give myself one if i push my head back. Does anyone else have this problem? I feel like the only way to get rid of it would be to lose more weight , which I don't think I should do, or get plastic surgery.

    Everyone has a double chin if they push their head back.

    You don't need to lose weight. At all. And you don't have a double chin. At all. You're gorgeous.

    What you may have to do is accept the way your face is made.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Yep, my double chin hasn't disappeared after losing weight, but looking back on old photos I had it even when I was 130lbs and 19 years old. I figure I just need lessons on how to do the Facebook pose in photos!
  • ericmessier
    ericmessier Posts: 235 Member
    It's all about the myspace angles. :tongue:
  • luciadel
    luciadel Posts: 3
    Since I am now a Grandma, I am finally learning to accept my double chin that I have had my entire life..even when I wore a size 0 I felt like I had a fat face and a double chin ..I guess some of us are just blessed with a big beautiful face !! :) BTW you do not have a double chin!
  • sam22289
    sam22289 Posts: 1
    I stumbled upon something in youtube called the face yoga method. you should check it out. there is a 28 days challenge to get rid of double chin and other benifits (i'm to lazy to practice it) but you should check it, there is a lot of positive comments.

    here's the channel:

    good luck