Seeking training advice for a 100mi road bike ride.

Hi - doing my first 100mi bike ride in 9 weeks. I have never done a long distance road bike ride but am commiting to a 'century' with some people on 05/18. It's the 'goldilocks' all women ride.....very excited! (I don't think it's super competitive but I don't want to be last.)

Does anyone have any advice on an 8 week training program including weights on non-bike days?


  • annabellaisme
    annabellaisme Posts: 7 Member
    This is going to sound way creepy but my mom does goldilocks every year!!! I'm trying to do one with her at the end of the summer. I'm not much help with advice just wanted to say good luck!!! (:
  • gaiaearth
    gaiaearth Posts: 49 Member
    Thanks for the good luck, and good luck too. Where are you guys doing Goldilocks? Has your mom done training in the past or are you guys planning on some? I guess just getting out on longer rides should help. If you're in SLC and are interested in doing some riding let me know.

    Oh, and I'm WAY to young to be a mom, just ask my pets...... :smile: (kidding)
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    MagicalLeopleurodon Posts: 623 Member
    Ive got no advice-im just way jealous! Let us know how it goes and good luck!
  • annabellaisme
    annabellaisme Posts: 7 Member
    Hey she and i do a lot of riding back roads of Spanish Fork. Right now I'm doing a lot of spin and trying to get my bike ready for the season. (: I'm in the area by slc so if you want to personal message me we can figure something out (: as for my mom she's way experienced and rides a lot!! She's done little red and the ulcer a lot!
  • sillygoosie
    sillygoosie Posts: 1,109 Member
    I did my first century last year and the only real training I did was time in the saddle. I rode 3 days a week for an hour on my trainer and then took progressively longer rides every weekend. 50, then 65 and two weeks before the century I did an 80 miler. Getting your *kitten* used to that much time on the bike is probably the biggest thing. Make sure you do some good hill climbs and some sprint intervals. My only issue was that I trained so much that after the century I was burned out and didn't feel like riding very much for the rest of the season.

    Good luck and have fun!
  • racerx1
    racerx1 Posts: 6 Member
    I have done a few metric centuries and one 100 mile ride on the back of the tandem. I did not have to train but I was already riding most weekends and on Wednesdays.

    The organized rides usually have a rest stop every 15 to 20 miles. So I would look at it like I was doing 4 or 5 short rides and that helped a lot. There is also the sag wagon.

    I may have done a lot better on the rides if I had trained. I plan to do the Chico Wildflower on 4/28. You are inspiring me to train. Thank you.

    I did a quick google search and found some training plans. The url is below:
  • racerx1
    racerx1 Posts: 6 Member
    Sllygoosie has good advice. Maybe take up mountain biking to deal with the burn out.
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    I did my first century last year and the only real training I did was time in the saddle. I rode 3 days a week for an hour on my trainer and then took progressively longer rides every weekend. 50, then 65 and two weeks before the century I did an 80 miler. Getting your *kitten* used to that much time on the bike is probably the biggest thing. Make sure you do some good hill climbs and some sprint intervals. My only issue was that I trained so much that after the century I was burned out and didn't feel like riding very much for the rest of the season.

    Good luck and have fun!

    This is what I came to say. Saddle time is the most important thing for me. Have to get those sit bones ready
  • runforsummer
    runforsummer Posts: 7 Member
    I did my first century last year with my dad. Basically I did a few 50 mile rides, some 20-40 mile rides, and one 65 miler. I'd recommend doing at least 70 because the century was tough for me. But it also may have been because my normal pace was around 13mph and the century went out so fast and my dad was like "let's try to draft for a while" even though it was going 20+ mph until we and a few other slower riders got dropped in the first 10 miles. We ended up doing it in 6 hours, which was WAY faster than my normal pace.
    I should also note that I only rode about 1 maybe 2 days a week, lifted 2 days a week, and ran 3-5 days a week.
  • photognurse
    photognurse Posts: 27 Member
    I am unsure if I will do a century this year or not. I have in the past. I am doing a few charity rides, one for sure in August for 150 in 2 days. The best thing you can do is ride ride ride. There are training plans. I use some on (although I have access to some free from the august ride)

    If anyone else is doing rides or wants to be training buddies or anything, add me. I have a hard time finding people that ride longer rides.