Just can't seem to eat enough :-(

gillian_gail Posts: 66
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
So I've noticed a huge trend when it comes to my caloric intake lately. I rarely seem to be able to eat enough. I think my problem is mainly that I eat at really odd/random times during the day since my schedule is extremely goofed up. So, got any advice on foods that are a little higher in calories but won't totally ruin the fact that I'm trying to eat healthier? I'm pretty much open to anything, as long as it's not some super expensive foods. Thank you in advance for any responses :happy:



  • hslobar
    hslobar Posts: 12
    Have you tried eating nuts? For me plain, unsalted walnuts, almonds, or pecans can be a great snack. They're easy to pack for a busy day, and you can just eat a few at a time. Hope that helps!
  • vflores16
    vflores16 Posts: 7 Member
    i noticed i had that problem too so what i did was made my self a food plan and made my self eat even when i wasn't hungry in the morning a protien shake then a snack alittle later then lunch then another snack of grapes cheese and almonds then dinner but watch your portions and calories. it worked for me i lost 15 pound when i started
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I used to have this problem, and I learned to carry food with me everywhere. Unsalted raw almonds in little bags, baby carrots, cut up red peppers, string cheese, an apple or a banana, a glass of milk (or almond milk, in my case) and lots of other things. I also constantly break the "don't drink your calories" rule I've heard so often, having a small glass of orange juice or a latte to get some extra food in here or there.

    I still have teeny bags of food in my purse all the time, the other day I was starving to the point of thinking of grabbing something from a McDonald's (which I haven't eaten at in three years) when I found a ziploc of almonds at the bottom of my bag.

    There are tons of things with high caloric value (almonds, walnuts, etc.) that you can eat in virtually no time and anyplace. Also, if you can find a bulk food place in your area, you can get these things relatively cheaply.

    I have found that I do best when I incorporate one high-calorie (but whole food, full of nutrition) item at each meal. Like half an avocado, some olive oil, or some nuts.

    Also, if I'm having a particularly low appetite day, I will eat a tablespoon of almond butter or peanut butter right out of the jar, but I'm weird that way.

  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    I second the nuts. I get the single serve packs from Trader Joe's of almonds and keep them in my purse, desk, etc. for times I'm hungry. They do have high calories, but fill me up and are good fat.
  • ryandarby
    ryandarby Posts: 24
    I've always found it easier to eat more if I prepare my food ahead of time or portion out food for certain times throughout the day. I noticed the other comment suggested nuts, which is a great idea. I would purchase a pound or so of mixed nuts (unsalted if possilbe) and put them in baggies and bring them to work, bring 3 days worth and just snack on them. Bananas are full of calories and carbs also. the serving size i found for a banana on here was something like 80g but the bananas I get are almost 240g so it's 3 servings of banana and a few hundred calories.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    You'll hardly notice a bit of Peanut Butter and it can have anywhere from 100 - 300 cals. Great for eating when not hungry.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Almonds, avocados, bread (whole wheat or whole grain).
  • innocenceportrayed
    innocenceportrayed Posts: 569 Member
    I totally agree with the snacking on nuts idea. My favorite besides peanuts(which I've recently learned aren't as great as everyone thinks) are almonds. I loooooveeee almonds. I would totally suggest getting a little baggie of them for those long days at work, car rides, etc. Also, I'm a fruit nut, no pun intended, I love fruit. I'll eat virtually any fruit with the exception of a very few which is also a great snack. And I don't know if anyone else does it, but occassionally if I have no fruit or nuts, I snack on dry cereal, usually special k chocolatey delight or cheerios.
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