has anybody lost weight by cutting out meat?



  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    People don't lose weight by cutting out any particular food group, they do it by creating a calorie deficit. You can keep eating those steaks and bacon.
  • jackiesaurus
    jackiesaurus Posts: 42 Member
    I've been a pescetarian for 10 years now and have had mixed results.

    At first I found it as a way to eat less at home with family without the guilt of "oh you need to finish your plate!" but then found myself binging on fast food (taco bell i order anything on the menu with beans instead of meat or grilled cheese and fries at in n out), pizza, mac n cheese, tuna melts, you know, stuff that is delicious and cheesy carb goodness, but little nutritional value.

    After I put on about 7 pounds I freaked out and started exercising like crazy but didn't change my diet - and thus didn't lose any weight. Then another 10 before i actually started exercising and changing my diet. Then fell off that wagon and gained another 5.

    Then I started researching food nutrition and got a membership at the gym across the street. This time I got it right. I lost 17 pounds (and gained a few back while traveling for work) but now try to incorporate fish at least once or twice a week, eggs almost every day, lots of spinach-based salads and quinoa salads. I roast a lot of veggies and eat baked potatoes, or quinoa, or soups on the sides of my meals. I still eat around maintenance on the weekends (under 2,100 calories) and 1,500 week days.

    I make lunches on sunday or monday nights for the rest of the week and pack egg salad, tuna salad, spinach salads, hard boiled eggs, veggie sandwiches, homemade veggie soups, fruit, peanut butter, celery and carrots, light dressing, homemade kale chips.

    Unfortunately, I'm also taking supplements for B vitamins and iron cos I feel better when I take my B's and I never hit my iron goal on MFP.

    TL;DR: need to be extra careful not to carb load and need to find iron sources.
  • micervera
    micervera Posts: 114 Member

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,118 Member
    Please don't cut out a meal -- this really slows down your metabolism. It's okay to reduce meal sizes -- Metabolically speaking it is very important to give your body something every two hours to increase its rate. But if you eat a large meal, its okay to extend that time somewhat.:wink:


    Meal timing and meal frequency makes no difference whatsoever for weight loss. That myth has been debunked for years.

    And she was asking about cutting MEAT. Not meals.
  • shabbychick81
    shabbychick81 Posts: 168 Member
    we cut out meat to help with cost and about a year later i almost lost over half my hair and my hormones went nuts. i now eat paleo and never have felt better. if you want to cut down on meat that is fine but please be careful
  • annleekat
    hi there i eat meat but like you going to leave it out my friend only eats fish and has lost a lot of weight x
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    has anybody lost weight by cutting out meat?

    Quite the opposite for me. I was a vegan/RawVegan and I started eating meat hoping to move the scales and lose fat weight. :) It worked, for me at least.

    ETA: It's more difficult hitting your calories and macros on a purely vegetarian or vegan diet. Harder still if you aren't used to the lifestyle. It was just too much food.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Hi all, I hardly post here but im looking for some advice. Im considering of cutting out all kinds of meat (except fish), as I think all the meat sold in the supermarket is full of chemicals, unless you buy organic stuff which is 5 times the price. Has anyone tried this and has it had any advantages/disadvantages?

    what will you eat in it's place that's chemical free?
  • domgirl85
    domgirl85 Posts: 295 Member
    Depends on why you're cutting it out. I tend to bloat when I have most meats (unless I have only 2-3oz rather than the recommended 4 a couple times a week). Not being bloated obviously helps you lose weight but if you don't have a health-related reason, I don't see why you'd need to. A lot of people gain weight as vegetarians (maybe even more weight) because they add a lot of processed foods into their diet to replace the meat. It would take a lot of extra planning to avoid being an unhealthy vegetarian, but it is cheaper.
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    calories in, calories out
  • dirtybadgermtb
    dirtybadgermtb Posts: 140 Member
    I have tried many fad diets. South Beach, Atkins , Paleo, Weight Watcher, and 3 months vegetarian. The cold hard truth was that until I started balancing my calories in vs calories out, I made no sustainable progress. All I did was cut out lots of variety with each of the above listed diets. Now I don't limit any type of food and have lost and kept off the excess fat by initially spending more than I took in and am now currently sustaining by matching what goes in and what gets burned. No need to suffer a life without meat (that is assuming you enjoy it on occasion)
  • dgljones
    dgljones Posts: 89
    Also for those complaining in general about the price of organic food, if you have any sort of land try growing some of your own, it can actually be an enjoyable hobby and give you some nice outdoors exercise as the weather warms up. Or combine it with befriending the farmer next door and get baskets of free food all summer long. Worked great for me, only just finished up the frozen bags of chopped tomatoes and peppers.
  • n_unocero
    n_unocero Posts: 445 Member
    I went vegetarian for 6 months and lost a little bit of weight (about 7-9lbs). It worked for me because most of the unhealty junk food i eat is meat (chicken wings, hamburgers, gyros) so it helped me stay away from those temptations which lead me to make better choices. I've actually thought about going back meatless to help my eating get on track.
  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    Hi, because of the Horsemeat scare over here in the UK,..i've cut out eating Beef and Lamb but still eat Fish, Chicken and some Pork .
    Plus i've really cut down on eating processed Meats too (i.e Sausages, Bacon, Frankfurters...that type of thing).
    I believed it would help with my weightloss, but no luck i'm afraid.
    I'm probably a bit more healthier [for eating less of the processed stuff] - but sadly it hasn't helped with my weightloss at all, which is a bit disappointing. :/
    But thinking about it, i guess it's because i was never a big Red Meat eater in the first place.
  • Fibergurl
    Fibergurl Posts: 44
    No meat and loving it!
  • paxbfl
    paxbfl Posts: 391 Member
    Muscle helps boost your metabolism, and protein helps you build muscle. So go meatless if you wish, but make sure you find good protein sources and incorporate lifting into your workout.

    It's not impossible but it's going to be more difficult than just grilling a chicken breast as I typically do.
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    What shapes are you looking to make your meat cut-outs? Sounds pretty, but a little laborious.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I cut out most animal products and packed my diet with mainly fresh veggies, fruits, nuts, and beans. Feel the best I've ever felt with more energy, too. I did this for health reasons. No major health issues, just not interested in getting any! I lost my last 10 pounds going 80% vegan quicker than the first 10 by "everything in moderation" including the elimination of junk food and refined grains. If interested check out www.drfuhrman.com for the Eat To Live approach.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I cut out red meat in July of last year. Mostly, it was to give myself a challenge and something to focus on besides "losing weight". It gave me a small victory each day in order keep myself charged up. I agree with the earlier poster, that it comes down to calories. I think 100 calories of chicken and 100 calories of steak, are 100 calories.

    100 calories of chicken and 100 calories of steak are both still 100 calories of meat. But 100 calories of beans is different. Not calorie wise, but nutrient content wise.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I cut out red meat in July of last year. Mostly, it was to give myself a challenge and something to focus on besides "losing weight". It gave me a small victory each day in order keep myself charged up. I agree with the earlier poster, that it comes down to calories. I think 100 calories of chicken and 100 calories of steak, are 100 calories.

    100 calories of chicken and 100 calories of steak are both still 100 calories of meat. But 100 calories of beans is different. Not calorie wise, but nutrient content wise.

    Nutrient wise steak and chicken is fairly different too. Where do you draw the line?

    Look at 8oz of beef tenderloin vs 8oz of boneless/skinless chicken breast.