I Always Relapse Please Save Me!!

RyckaW Posts: 6 Member
Hello Everyone,

My name is Rycka, and I have had no stickability in the past and I am SICK OF IT!! I am sooo ready to get this weight off (as if I have not said this before) but even more so now because I am fed up with quitting. I pray that I am able to stick with it this time, and hope to make some new friends in the process.

Thanks guys, feels good to be back. ;)


  • cjosling
    cjosling Posts: 13
    Hi Rycka

    I feel your pain! I will support you.

  • jacketbaseball
    I am in the same boat with you. I start my diet over each week and sometimes after 1 or 2 days. I have got to get this weight off. I hate looking in the mirror each day. Summer is fast approaching and we spend a lot of time outside at baseball games. I don't want to be the fattest mom of the team anymore. I actually started eating good yesterday and then I blew it at dinner. So, today I am eating better again and even exercised for 30 minutes! I keep telling myself.....one day at a time.
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    My name is Rycka, and I have had no stickability in the past and I am SICK OF IT!! I am sooo ready to get this weight off (as if I have not said this before) but even more so now because I am fed up with quitting. I pray that I am able to stick with it this time, and hope to make some new friends in the process.

    Thanks guys, feels good to be back. ;)

    I've been dieting my whole life, but I haven't been serious since my 30th birthday last April. Something just snapped, and I realized that I wasn't healthy, and didn't feel attractive at all. To keep me motivated, I set a weird goal. I am in a relationship, and we are ready to get engaged/married/kids, all of that. But, I told my bf that there was no way I would ever accept a proposal unless I lost 100 pounds first... I'm down 69 pounds... 31 more pounds and I get my ring! Lolz. He was NOT happy about that "agreement" though. I really did have to talk him into it, he was going to ask me to marry him on my 30th bday last year. I put a stop to that. And, as twisted and stupid as it sounds, it had to be done. It was the only motivation that I could think of to make me finally lose this weight and keep at it. Find something that will keep you motivated 150% of the time, and run full force at it.
  • Brad805
    Brad805 Posts: 289 Member
    My guess is when you get motivated you start with a very restrictive plan. That is a hard plan to follow for a long period of time. You can make healthy foods that taste good (admittedly less tasty than junk) and will leave you full. If whatever plan you follow leaves you constantly struggling with hunger it is doomed to fail. I also think it is important to think of this as a lifestyle change. Whatever plan you follow must fit your daily lifestyle from this time forward. Its not a diet. Nobody can tell you what will fit your lifestyle, so it is up to you to do some experimenting to learn to cook things you like and find activities that you can tolerate. You might even find exercises that you will learn to enjoy.

    Good luck
  • KBrodzen1022
    I am in the same boat as you... I just started back up myself... well tomorrow I am... but i am the diet lifer as well.. I can never stay on it. I lose some then I gain it all back!!... we can keep each other motivated on staying on track !!!
  • KBrodzen1022
    I am in the same boat with you. I start my diet over each week and sometimes after 1 or 2 days. I have got to get this weight off. I hate looking in the mirror each day. Summer is fast approaching and we spend a lot of time outside at baseball games. I don't want to be the fattest mom of the team anymore. I actually started eating good yesterday and then I blew it at dinner. So, today I am eating better again and even exercised for 30 minutes! I keep telling myself.....one day at a time.

    I'm glad I am not the only one who does that! It is so hard to diet.. or eat right... I understand your pain completely!! :flowerforyou: Good luck... and feel frree to add me as a friend.. I'm always looking for more motivation and support!
  • fercar3000
    fercar3000 Posts: 286 Member
    You gotta stay focus .. it takes time but you will be pleased to see the results ... if you cheat or skip workouts you are gonna be working against yourself ... stay strong :-)
  • buffermarie
    buffermarie Posts: 54 Member
    I feel you. I've done every diet and cleansing and juice weight loss program there is. Nothing has stuck.
    I started therapy which really made me look at why I was eating so much. I highly reccomend it.
    But I am sick of quitting too... I'll support ya!
  • Cyclingbonnie
    Cyclingbonnie Posts: 413 Member
    I can see you've been a member here for a while. My advice is to make sure you stay active on this site. Log in several times a day. Let people know what you are up to. Make your diary open to your friends. Make this place your total accountability place. As someone else said, don't make your food selection over the top restrictive, accept a slow steady loss with satisfying meals as the way to go. Remember this needs to be a permanent life style change, and not a temporary diet fix.
  • annleekat
    hi what plan do you follow do you just eat healthy then count the cals
  • aquemini001
    As one fellow Bahamian to another, I'm here to tell you, you can do it! I've found the most helpful thing to be this website and tracking what I eat along with forgoing some of the fun things (like TV watching, video games) for exercise instead. Also high intensity / interval training workouts have been super helpful to me. Good luck!
  • shannonalgren
    I think some where along the line we all do, the thing is, keep going and don't beat yourself up over it
  • yellowsnowdrop
    yellowsnowdrop Posts: 154 Member
    I am now 54yrs old and have relapsed more times than I care to remember.I loose then gain over and over.I have back problems now and strange as it sounds it's absolutely been my wake up call, loose the weight to improve my health (and chronic pain!!)I may need surgery and am determined to get healthy in case I do.You absolutely have to decide this is the time you want to do it, find help on here (add me as a friend if you like) and just imagine how good you'll feel when you start loosing
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Don't diet this time. Just log what you eat. Every two weeks pick one new healthy habit and incorporate it into your lifestyle. Once you get enough healthy habits, you'll start losing weight without working at it.
  • charlesnapolitano
    charlesnapolitano Posts: 302 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you. I started counting cals then lost 30lbs and started to feel good. Then fell off the plan and gained it all back. A few of my friends told me about myfitnesspal.com and started again here. I lost 3 lbs so far and I am hoping to stick with it. Seems to be a lot of support here. Good luck I'm here to talk and support you and everyone else.
  • CaliforniaJay
    Just believe in yourself, you can do anything you put your mind to. Take it day by day, and you will see it will get so much easier.
  • EmilyE93
    EmilyE93 Posts: 3
    I'm the same way, have tried multiple times and somehow the tacobell drive thru always is my breakdown lol. Just gotta look in the mirror and tell yourself it's time for a change. Goodluck & don't give up! :)
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    You need a lifestyle change. Perhaps in the past you've tried to deprive yourself and that hasn't worked.
  • izzyloveszumba
    Hi friend! Dont get discouraged! i find the easiest way to not relapse is to join a gym. You make lots of new friends and around this time alot of their enrollment fees are discounted. I got rid of the "bad" stuff in my fridge and made a whole new grocery run. also helps that my roomate and i last year made a goal to loose weight, she did, i had quit and now shes super slim and fit and im well just beginning. this fitness pal really helps me keep track and know when i can treat myself. its rewarding to know ive accomplished something good at the end of the week that i could have a lil treat (depending on my left over calories from working out. KEEP GOING YOULL SEE RESULTS! They wont be fast, but when u get there, ull look back and say wow! better to be sore now than sorry tomorrow!

    Also what helps me when i dont feel like working out is i have a pinterest board full of workout motivations. if you dont have a pinterest, use instagram, facebook or anything. they help me soooo much!
  • abbyrae1
    abbyrae1 Posts: 265 Member
    good luck Rycka!
    Try "making friends" with some people on here that can help keep you motivated. Use this space as a resource for any questions you have so you can get input from people going through similar things as you. Feel free to add me if you would like.

    Also, make sure you know what you want. Set small goals to start so you don't get discouraged easily, maybe its to hit your calorie goal 4 days a week, maybe it is to lose that first pound, or walk 4x per week. Once you achieve these, keep creating new ones to keep you going. Make sure you are doing this for the right reasons. It has to be for yourself, your health, your desire to feel/look different. If you are doing it for any other reason than the ones important to you, you won't have as much success and you will be more likely to quit. Last, remember it will take some time so be patient! If you set your mind to it, you will be successful!