Protein Shakes...Water or Milk?



  • scythswife
    scythswife Posts: 1,123 Member
    I have to use milk to be able to drink it.
  • abbyrae1
    abbyrae1 Posts: 265 Member
    unsweetened almond milk is my favorite!!
  • Tercob
    Tercob Posts: 151 Member
    Have you tried non fat milk, it has a little less caloires
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    If water tastes too "watery", you can cut the calories by using unsweetened Almond milk (30 cal per cup) instead of milk.

    We had the same idea :)

    But you did not read the part of no nuts she is allergic:huh:
  • pstaceyca
    pstaceyca Posts: 306 Member
    Try coconut water...great health benefits!!:wink:
  • glenner
    glenner Posts: 160 Member
    Have you tried low cal yogurt with water? I do that sometimes. I also put a bit of cinnamon in (supposed to help lower blood sugar) and sometimes a packet of equal.
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    GuybrushThreepw00d Posts: 784 Member
    -OR make it with 1/2 cup milk, 1/2 cup water (does anyone do this?)

    Yeah, I do a 50/50 mix.
    I started on the maxi muscle stuff which tastes great with just water. I then moved to my protein, which doesn't taste so good with just water. I found the 50/50 mix to be about right.
  • smaihlee
    smaihlee Posts: 171 Member
    I have only been using the powder (same brand as you are) for a short time now and have been experimenting with different recipes. Liquids do have an impact, but I think the add-ins have more of an impact in terms of giving you the "rich" flavor that most people are looking for.

    Most shakes I've made have used water & whole milk; either 1/2 and 1/2 or a little more water than milk. The shakes I made with berries were "meh" and tasted more watery than I cared for, and the powder taste was more pronounced.

    Today I made a shake that kicked *kitten*. 1 scoop powder, 2 Tbsp PB2, 1 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder, 1/2 frozen banana, 1/4 cup milk, 1/2 cup water. I know you said you have nut allergies so that won't help, but I'm really just trying to illustrate the point.

    Frozen bananas are a game-changing ingredient, IMO.
  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    I use half skim milk and half water when I need to cut the calories.
  • 32013
    32013 Posts: 4
    1/2 of a 6 oz container fat free Greek yogurt, 3/4 cup ice, and a scoop of chocolate protein powder in the blender.
    The yogurt makes it thicker and adds 50 calories. Sometimes I'll add Splenda if I feel like having it sweeter.
    200 calories total.
  • japruzze
    japruzze Posts: 453 Member
    Yes. I use non-fat milk with vanilla, chocolate and strawberry protien. I use water with lemonade, ice tea and other fruity flavored protien. I use Nectar. It's 90-100 calories a scoop and then I add the water for 0 or milk 90. I have done half milk and half water to cut the calories. I've also added yogurt and fruit to up them. Depends on how I'm feeling and what I need.
  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    cow's milk fan here.
  • anothermop
    anothermop Posts: 187 Member
    I've tried a bunch of different brands and flavors. I always start out with water and move to milk so I can choke it down. I finally found one that I actually like with water and that's what I've been using. EAS Vanilla - Strange but true, I actually like it!
  • jemimasmum
    jemimasmum Posts: 249 Member
    I've been mixing with pouring (2% fat) yoghurt and a little water. Scoop of proteinworks powder makes 165 cals in total.
  • GlorianEversea
    Look....I think this is an issue that begs for context. If you want protein shakes and you're doing any sort of workout during the day, I'm not sure that the few extra calories of using milk is going to change your trajectory.

    In my opinion, they taste significantly better, which of course means you're more likely to drink them.

    Sometimes it seems like we try to make ourselves miserable!! Skim milk vs. water in a protein shake isn't going to set you back unless some other part of your workout plan is unbalanced. And it has the added benefit of being real food and adding more substance to your shake....not to mention more protein.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I do both.. depends on my mood and calories that day and how much time iI have.. ill mix it with water if I just looking for protein or am time pressed or out of milk, mixed with milk if i'm looking for increased calories or craving chocolate milk or make a shake with yogurt if I have time and i'm using it for breakfast.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    It depends...I usually don't have the calories to spare on a week day because I'm pretty routine with my snacks and meals, so I use water. I tend to use milk with my whey on weekends as I often go to the gym and finish up around lunch time but have a bunch of errands, etc to some whey, milk, and fruit and that holds me over until I can get home and get a proper meal.
  • mandipandi75
    mandipandi75 Posts: 6,035 Member
    Any milk substitutes will work. Water and powder is just not easy to drink. I use almond milk and berries and add ice and blend it into a smoothie. Works best for me. Also, there are different ways to get your protein. As well as different calorie counts for different protein powders. Just a thought.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    i just added strawberry and peanutbutter to mine.

  • SStrauss79
    SStrauss79 Posts: 124 Member
    Unsweetened almond milk here as well.

    I will sometimes drink them as a meal replacement and add a scoop of dry oatmeal, 1/2 Tbsp of honey, dash of cinnamon, banana, 1 Tbsp almond butter, 1 Tbsp cocoa powder. I add this to my vanilla protein powder with some unsweetened almond milk and a couple ice cubs and blend in a blender. Delicious.