
I was going so hard and so strong I thought nothing could beat me...That was three months ago up to 5miles a day 16 miles a week. Then I got sick, I tried to stay strong but when the cold was gone I was left with a bad case of runners cough for about 6 weeks after every work out I would have asthmatic coughing fits for hours. I quit going to the gym, my diet slipped and I gained all the weight I lost back (about 30lbs). I have lost all motivation :'(

I have been trying to read articles, watch what I eat, and get that spark back but with the added weight and uncomfort its so much harder than before! Help me find my motivation, what worked for you?


  • Ay_Rene
    Ay_Rene Posts: 32 Member
    hi friend!

    I know what you mean... illnesses and stress totally puts a halt on working out. The best think that I did was sign up for 5Ks, obstacle races, and got into social, yet active, activities such as hiking and rock climbing (at a rock gym) with friends! It forced, and later, motivated me to get in shape because I wanted to be able to keep up with my friends! When i first started out... it was anything fun that really put my body in motion, and then I started to venture into other things like spin classes and weight training!

    I hope this helps!
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    Thank you hun, the beautiful weather is coming out again so I hope that will keep me out doors.My mind said go for a run but my body said nope your walking today instead :)
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    Getting sick always throws me off track, too. I don't know why but my routine gets disrupted and I have such a hard time getting back to it. But the good news is that you know what to do and how to do it. Maybe you're remembering how hard you worked before to get those results and you can't imagine how you'll muster up the energy. But keep in mind you don't have to go all gung ho right away. Starting out with walking is a great idea.
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    I think thats what it is too. I think that i remember just how hard it was when I was first this big andstarted to run and because it was so hard my body is telling me no lol