Sugar from Fruits???? IS it too much



  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I asked the same question awhile ago and decided to stop tracking my sugar because eating fruit was making my sugar intake go through the roof. Personally, I think there is a big difference between getting sugar from fruit and gettng sugar from other foods like ice-cream, baking, chocolate, etc. And if eating fruit lessons the cravings for the other stuff, then it's actually helping you. My theory is, no one ever got fat from eating fruits and vegetables, so eat up the sweet goodness of fruit and enjoy ( :

    There are people that have gained weight and stored fat from the wrong types of fruits and veggies too. I used to think the same way and Yes, I have gained a lot of weight from eating a lot of fruit and also have HIGH Triglycerides also from it.

    So natural sugar can be as detrimental to your metabolism and ability to burn fat as refined and processed sugars.
  • nolife1980
    nolife1980 Posts: 14
    I think this is a question that is debated by many and can only be answered really by your own body...

    From my personal experience, I find that eating too much fruit (ie: too much sugar!!) will hinder my weight loss. I figured this about 2 weeks ago and have voluntarily cut fruit out of my diet altogether for about a month (I'm on week 2) and after having hit a weight loss plateau I have now broken through it and am losing again. However, I am also a low carber, so the no fruit/limited fruit/limited sugar thing is kinda par for course.

    Again as I say...I think it really just depends on our bodies. I plan to add fruit back into my daily diet in another 2 weeks but to watch my intake and to not eat the fruits higher in sugar very often. Hope this was somewhat helpful! :flowerforyou:

    I can not agree more with SimonLondon. Hello all. My name is Adam and I am new here. I have been read posts for two days and like it very much. I am diabetic for 16 years type II. I am also computer geek in analysis, everything I can analysis I do. I did analysis sugar intake several times and watch my BG if it raise. It doesn't in my case. I don't like substitute sugar because is no such thing substitute of sugar. If taste like sugar is not meaning it is a sugar. All substitute sugar in the world is chemical stuff and has nothing to do with sugar. So you can only imagine what harm do you do to your system swallowing this staff. I never pay attention how much fruits to have a day, I know I have not enough, I should have much more. But sugar way in my blood stream doesn't change drastically. Even being a diabetic in hospital I have receive orange juice on any meal, and never see my BG raise and should. But again maybe is only me. On someone else reaction will be different. We need sugar make are mood happy and we're smile more often.
    Best wishes to all of you
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I think this is a question that is debated by many and can only be answered really by your own body...

    From my personal experience, I find that eating too much fruit (ie: too much sugar!!) will hinder my weight loss. I figured this about 2 weeks ago and have voluntarily cut fruit out of my diet altogether for about a month (I'm on week 2) and after having hit a weight loss plateau I have now broken through it and am losing again. However, I am also a low carber, so the no fruit/limited fruit/limited sugar thing is kinda par for course.

    Again as I say...I think it really just depends on our bodies. I plan to add fruit back into my daily diet in another 2 weeks but to watch my intake and to not eat the fruits higher in sugar very often. Hope this was somewhat helpful! :flowerforyou:

    I can not agree more with SimonLondon. Hello all. My name is Adam and I am new here. I have been read posts for two days and like it very much. I am diabetic for 16 years type II. I am also computer geek in analysis, everything I can analysis I do. I did analysis sugar intake several times and watch my BG if it raise. It doesn't in my case. I don't like substitute sugar because is no such thing substitute of sugar. If taste like sugar is not meaning it is a sugar. All substitute sugar in the world is chemical stuff and has nothing to do with sugar. So you can only imagine what harm do you do to your system swallowing this staff. I never pay attention how much fruits to have a day, I know I have not enough, I should have much more. But sugar way in my blood stream doesn't change drastically. Even being a diabetic in hospital I have receive orange juice on any meal, and never see my BG raise and should. But again maybe is only me. On someone else reaction will be different. We need sugar make are mood happy and we're smile more often.
    Best wishes to all of you
    Adam, I tend to agree with both you and Simon, fruit is not something that is what got me overweight, it's the not eating of fruit that probably got me there. More likely not eating fruit but chocolate and yadda yadda yadda x 100 other simple sugar foods, so 3 cheers for good healthy fruit! :drinker:

    I think it may react differently to some bodies, some diabetics and some non-diabetics. I'm not sure there's a straight across the board 'right answer' because each of our bodies vary so differently. But for me putting good natural fuel like an apple or peach in my body by far is better than cutting that out and finding myself craving something sweet. It's then that can get me in trouble.:ohwell: :blushing:

    I've enjoyed this thread, lots of thoughts on fruit vs. sugars for sure and bonus round, no fighting, does life get better than this on here?:flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :wink: I think not!:tongue:

    I love MFP:heart:
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    For those that have found they do better with all types of sugar in moderation... how many grams do you try to stick to? I usually eat a banana a day & that only is 15 grams. :noway:
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    I've always lost weight, regularly when I have eaten fruit everyday. It has never, ever hindered my weight loss.

    The reason I have been on and off diets for years is because of the other crap I have eaten and stuffed myself stupid as I was so damned greedy.

    However, when I have been on strict eating plans, fruit is always included and my weight loss has always been steady when I have dieted this way.

    This time around, I am on a permanent lifestyle change. This yo-yoing of weight gain, weight loss is now getting beyond a joke and things have to change, I will continue to eat fruit even though it has sugar in it.

    Regarding the amount I eat, it varies from two to five pieces per day and includes large oranges and medium sized apples.
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Fruit eater here.

    I'm really glad to see this thread as I have been dismayed to see how much my sugar is far above the recommended amount from MFP every day. Today I made a stir-fry and was annoyed to see that peas have 5g of sugar in them per serving! Aaaarghh. What's a (trying to be healthy) girl to do?

    I agree with the other posters who say that it was not eating fruit that made them fat -- it was the other stuff. However, now that I have been trying to lose weight for a year and have only seen minimal changes (despite burning 500+ calories per day, eating exercise calories, cutting out processed junk and sticking to healthy foods) I have decided to try to go a month keeping my sugar under the recommended limit. That will mean really limiting the fruit that I eat and treating it like dessert (maybe once or twice a week).

    It will be interesting to see if it jumpstarts anything for me personally.
  • nahhan12
    nahhan12 Posts: 79
    I've always been one to eat a lot of fruit but I've never noticed it as being a problem for my weight or causing sugar rushes or anything like that. Perhaps for some people blood sugar levels can be an issue when eating fruit, but I think that's more of the exception than the norm. If eating a banana for a snack fills me up and keeps me from eating a half a box of cheese-its instead, then it's worth it.

    The way I see it is a calorie is a calorie no matter if it comes from fat, carbs, or sugars (which are calculated as carb. calories for the calorie count on food packages). So to lose weight you'd just need to make sure you're still in the right calorie range whether you're on a "grapes only diet" or a "steak and eggs only diet".

    In regards to being healthy while you lose the weight, fruit is at the top of the list for fiber and vitamins and minerals as they naturally occur. Most natural foods (things that grow in the ground instead of come in a package) are low in calories and packed with nutrients. They're perfect for diets as long as you eat a variety and eat enough that you aren't left hungry.
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    For those that have found they do better with all types of sugar in moderation... how many grams do you try to stick to? I usually eat a banana a day & that only is 15 grams. :noway:

    My MFP plan says that I should get 27g of sugar/ day max. Even if I'm not eating fruit it adds up quickly -- 1/2 cup of milk, veggies, cottage cheese and that's pretty much it right there. Very eye opening!
  • noneya2010
    noneya2010 Posts: 446 Member
    My body definately does better lower carb so I am used to not eating much fruit at all. Now however, I'm trying to just stay within MFP guidelines and am incorporating 1-3 fruit servings daily. I try to eat them with a protein though -- like today's snack is a small plum with a 2% cheesestick. I had berries with my breakfast this a.m. too and am having applesauce with my lunch.

    Surprisingly, eating fruit has not stalled my loss at all so far and I'm down 10 pounds as of my weigh-in last Friday and am down almost another 2 "unofficially" (Since Friday is my WI day) from the weekend. This Friday will be my 3rd full week so I'm losing at a really good pace - probably the same as when I do low carb.