30 Day Shred - who'll join me?!



  • Brandee4
    Brandee4 Posts: 26
    I am in!
  • Yunis10
    Yunis10 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm in! I did my workout today. I started w/L1 on3/1 and did L2 today for the first time. I plan to keep doing the DVD until I can do 6pack in 6wks
  • Hepburneyes
    Hepburneyes Posts: 9 Member
    level 1 day 2 complete wobbly legs!!!!:laugh:
  • Brandee4
    Brandee4 Posts: 26
    L1D1 complete. I have tried to do this before and failed. I am going to try to take it easy this time. Maybe I will stick with it! Has anyone completed this before? What did you do to stay on track?
  • Hepburneyes
    Hepburneyes Posts: 9 Member
    L1 day 3 very sore on waking. have just completed day 3 feel great now after doing it xxxx
  • gwangjujulie
    I found level two to be easier than level on. Odd.

    I think my problem is lack of upper body strength - I'm a runner and a cyclist but never do any upper body work. It's getting a bit easier now but I almost dread to think what delights level three will offer up!
  • Tanna2007
    Finished day 4 of level 1. I was so sore the second and third day, but today I just felt stronger... more alert. It's been great so far!
  • Hepburneyes
    Hepburneyes Posts: 9 Member
    L1 D4 complete! wasn't so stiff this morning. will have to remeber to do calf stretch after warm up as keep getting cramp in jump rope!