How do you stop yourself from overeating?



  • GaiaGirl1992
    GaiaGirl1992 Posts: 459 Member
    Keep healthy things at hand, and resist buying sweets and stuff. if you can, keep a drawer full of healthier snacks next to you in your desk, so when you reach for something, you're better off than with sweets.
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    Eat in your underwear looking at yourself in the mirror.
  • The__Deflator
    The__Deflator Posts: 13 Member
    If I got the feeling that I need something to eat at nighttime (even if I'm not "hungry" at all) I'll just brush my teeth! After that, if I still feel to eat, I remember myself that I need to brush them again, what I dont want to :D
  • ruckerbenton
    First of all, you are not alone. I have lost about 30 lbs in all and have gained some back. It is really a motivation zapper. I'm trying to make sure I log all the late night snacking calories the next morning. Seeing all the calories I consume when I binge is a wake up call every time but does it make me change my behavior? Hmm. Setting small, realistic goals like, "I'm NOT going to binge tonight." I have accomplished this once or twice. Not having the food you like in the house is a good one...I just find something else to eat. I'll pray and seek support from my TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) friends but I never get to the phone--It's just too late to call anyone! I could go on.

    I like the idea of addressing the plateau. By opening up my calories some, I was able to make a bit of forward progress. Movement toward my goal makes me happy. I've considered saving calories for a late night snack and planning it into my daily food plan. This has helped some too. I have to recommit to exercise. I slacked off and have to admit it.

    It's very hard to change habits and move toward a healthier lifestyle. Holding ourselves accountable for our behaviors is about the hardest thing we can do. There are no easy answers cause if there were neither of us would be doing this self destructive stuff. Continue to be aware. Work on you and evaluate what drives the late night eating. Best wishes breaking this habit!
  • cheexy85
    cheexy85 Posts: 119
    This one personally works for me. I just remember the extra time I would spend on the cross trainer trying to burn off the food. Works like a charm :happy:
  • bbriscoe13
    bbriscoe13 Posts: 175 Member
    I have the exact same problem. I eat popcorn at night to stop me from eating other things. I make sure it fits in my calories and my macros. I find that if I put things in little bags of their serving size, I won't eat more than that. If I have the whole box/bag, then I will. I try not to keep things in my house that allow me to snack, so that helps. If you do buy chips or snacks, immediately split them up into servings. It really does help me. I have never believed in the whole eating after a certain time thing, so if you want to eat at night, then eat at night. Just make sure you have enough calories to do so. Good luck! :)
  • Lulzaroonie
    Lulzaroonie Posts: 222 Member
    Eat in your underwear looking at yourself in the mirror.

    Why? So they can shame themselves why they eat?
    Changing eating habits is a positive lifestyle change, no-one should be made to feel bad about losing weight, no matter how much they want it.
    Body shaming, whether passive in this situation, or active, isn't acceptable, and you shouldn't encourage people to feel bad about themselves.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Eat in your underwear looking at yourself in the mirror.

    I'm going to try this lunchtime in work - better check if I've got on matching underwear.
  • Female_On_Fire
    Female_On_Fire Posts: 104 Member
    Water or green tea right before meals and whenever you start to feel hungry. I also pop a piece of gum in my mouth. Keep yourself busy and distracted. Read, call someone, stand up and do some jumping Jack's, go to your closet and find something you're hoping fits better after weight loss and try it on. Tape a picture of yourself on the fridge that you don't like. Talk yourself down. You can do this!
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Hi, so I lost 50 lbs over the course of 5 months, from June to October 2012. I plateaued about November last year and have yet to lose more. I'm a college student and have been having a really hard time scheduling time to workout, since I pull multiple all-nighters each week and commute. I figured I could just workout when I can and focus on eating healthy. The problem is, I now seem to binge eat at night. I'll do okay the entire day but at around 10pm I just crack. I usually go for sweets and whatnot, and I eat way more than I should and end up feeling terrible about it. This has gone on for about two weeks now. I'm really worried I'm going to gain back everything I lost, and I still have over 60 lbs to go to reach my ultimate goal (and healthy) weight. I just don't know what to there anything you guys do to stop that vicious urge to just pig out?

    Plan your day better, log everything the night before or in the morning.

    Log your night time treat, and then plan the rest of your day, so that you can still stay within your calories, hit your macros, and still have your treat.
  • we797
    we797 Posts: 8
    1. Don't buy sweety foods and snacks to store in your place.
    2. When you feel hungry, drink water first. A lot of people mistake thirst for hunger. If you still feel hungry after that, then eat something.
    3. Understandably as a student, it is tempting to munch on something while studying. So buy more of baby carrots, strawberries and other small low calorie fruits to snack on.
  • mamaomefo
    mamaomefo Posts: 418 Member
    I'm suggesting eat more fiber. Usually items with fiber are very healthy and they more often than not...fill you up faster and you stay satiated for a much longer period of time. Web search "high fiber foods", go down the list and have some of these items ready to eat, set up in the refrigerator on the front shelves so you see them first, or on the front pantry shelves. I sometimes eat Wasa Flatbread Multi Grain Crackers with a dollop of peanut butter or Laughing cow cheese and drink water with it. It will give you that expanding feeling with the water and the cracker together and you won't be as prone to snack on unhealthy stuff. Even if you eat 2-3 items with lots of fiber back to back, it's still healthier than "junk" calories! Just drink more water with the fiber. Try this...Good Luck!
  • letmebeda1_wechange
    letmebeda1_wechange Posts: 480 Member
    drink water when wanting to binge, or eat fruits. put a picture of what you looked like in front of your fridge to remind yourself where you don't want to be. you will have to decide to do this. i know what i'm talking about. was doing the same thing like you. then a light bulb when on, if i want to accomplish my goal then i'm gonna have to fight this fight. there is no pill, no quick fix. put in your workout and do what you know has worked in the past. you have just gotten lazy just like i did too. and it does happen. now we both have to get up and decide are we going to just waste time going back to where we weren't happy?? or are we going to fight this fight until we win??? this is your choice, hugs and love always. but the ultimate choice would be yours. hope you don't get upset for giving you strong words, i can't pacify this one just like i don't want anyone pacifying my actions either. you were created to succeed yes you can do this. ♥♥♥
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    Make your own treats, don't buy them from the store. This has two benefits. First off, you can use smart substitutions to cut calories, make it healthier, or cater to individual tastes. Second, you will save money and probably snack less in general - since it's not as convenient, you'll only make it on nights you're really craving something, which will make it more of a conscious choice and less of a habitual behavior.

    If you have no idea where to start, try this: take half a cup of oats (I use quick-cooking, but plain is fine) and stir it in with a mashed banana. Toss in a tablespoon or two of whatever you feel like (peanut butter, chocolate chips, walnuts, and dried strawberries are some of my favorites), form into balls, and bake on a well greased cookie sheet at 300-325 (depends on oven) for 10-15 minutes. Even if you can't stop yourself (which is unlikely given the fiber content), the vast majority of what you're eating is oat and banana - the entire batch should sit comfortably under 400 calories.
  • merflan
    merflan Posts: 216 Member
    Binge eating is a behaviour and you have to really want to change it. It is so hard, I struggle every day with binge eating. You are defenitely not alone, having had my own binge last night. These are the things I've done, and they have really helped:

    I had a few sessions with a psychotherapist to try and break this habit. Things I learned from her were to write in a notebook why I want to lose weight, a list of the positive things about losing weight and not bingeing and a list of the negatives. I keep that list on my bedside table so it can be reviewed regularly.

    I also have "conversations" in my head about how important it is to me right now to lose weight to feel better about myself.
    I also replaced some of the stuff I was bingeing on with a lower cal/lower fat option. Like instead of 6 double stuffed oreos, 6 fig newtons lol yuck

    Save some cals for nighttime. Drink lots of herbal teas.

    Some nights I just get into bed and say that's it I'm only getting out to pee. Yep, I go to bed early ALOT these days.
    Also, one thing I learned was that eating clean and cutting all carbs out was one of the worst triggers for me. I read a book about serotonin and diet called "the Serotonin Power diet" For two weeks I added in higher carb snacks during the day and a nice carb rich dinner. My night time binges went way down. It was also liberating mentally to go buy some risotto or fiber one bars at the grocery store lol

    Good luck!!
  • emuravyeva
    emuravyeva Posts: 103 Member
    See if you can find a drink called Sparkling ICE - made by Talking Rain. It's zero calories, tastes yummy and it's carbonated so it may give the illusion of fullness so you won't want to snack.
  • cheexy85
    cheexy85 Posts: 119
    Water or green tea right before meals and whenever you start to feel hungry. I also pop a piece of gum in my mouth. Keep yourself busy and distracted. Read, call someone, stand up and do some jumping Jack's, go to your closet and find something you're hoping fits better after weight loss and try it on. Tape a picture of yourself on the fridge that you don't like. Talk yourself down. You can do this!

    Works for me too...especially at work :wink:
  • GinJon
    GinJon Posts: 447 Member
  • sPaRkLiNgLYFE
    snack on fruits and veggies or any other low calorie treats through out the day so that you don't get hungry and feel the urge to over eat
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    I tend to have this problem, too. I've joined a late-night snackers group (LNS Fighters) and a binge-eating support group on here, and I find it motivational because they have a challenge every month where you tally up how many days you are binge-free. It's also comforting to know that we're not alone.