Ugh! I'm getting really stuck- I have 1200 calories a day plus exercise (which I rarely have time to do) and I find myself ALWAYS going over on my calories! I am quite a picky eater so that doesn't help, but I'm having a hard time finding things that keep me full! Any suggestions? I've been eating 2 hard boiled eggs and a banana quite often but I'm getting so sick of those I have to choke them down. I can't seem to find enough time in the morning to have breakfast so I'm eating on my way to work or stopping for a bagel and cream cheese at the coffee shop. The bagel and cream cheese is not the best choice but it keeps me full all morning! Basically I need some ideas of foods that will keep me full- any ideas? I also don't like to go for walks by myself in my neighborhood, so if I can't talk my husband into it, I usually don't go. Any ideas for exercise that would be doable in a one bedroom apartment? Thanks alot for the help- I love the MFP family and all the support!


  • studentRN
    studentRN Posts: 440 Member

    It will keep you full in the mornings. On days I work I just grab a protein bar that has 15g in it. Keeps me happy until lunch when I load up on protein again and an afternoon snack that has protein as well. I'm a picky eater too but I've found a way to incorporate the foods I like into my diet so that I don't feel deprived every day. Stick it out, you'll get the hang of it!
  • mrsw510
    mrsw510 Posts: 169
    As for excerise, could you get some DVDs? I am currently doing the 30 day shred and it is kicking my butt. I am sure the people on here could recommend other good ones...
  • fabandfitmama
    Awww no worries MFP is definantly to the rescue! What I find that works for me is preplanning. This should include both your meals and exercises. For me, when I don't do this I make choices that aren't per se the best for me. I can send you a sample plan of what I eat and what I incorporate. Let me know. Just remember to stay focused on the prize!
  • fabandfitmama
    Awww no worries MFP is definantly to the rescue! What I find that works for me is preplanning. This should include both your meals and exercises. For me, when I don't do this I make choices that aren't per se the best for me. I can send you a sample plan of what I eat and what I incorporate. Let me know. Just remember to stay focused on the prize!

    I forgot to add that Turbo Jam, P90x, Insanity are great home work outs!
  • blondeheat
    blondeheat Posts: 254 Member
    If a bagel and cream cheese work for you, buy them at the store and get low fat cream cheese. Definitely do not eat things you have to choke down. If 1200 cal is not enough, try 1400 cause if you are too hungry you will end up binging which is much worse than eating 200 more calories a day.

    If you can get some exercise going, that will really help with the amount of food.
  • Buppie
    Buppie Posts: 43
    Zumba DVD... It is 20 minutes of dancing that will make you sweat! It is fun and my 3-year old even joins me. As for food, I am still struggling with this myself, but I am finding Laughing Cow cheese wedges, pretzels, almonds, celery and 100 calorie snacks work well for me. For breakfast, I buy the small boxes of cereal (120-150 cal each) and use soy milk.
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    try kashi cereal or bars also fiber one helps keep you full
    round it out with fruit and soy or almond milk.
    most fruits are single serving size
    snacks fruit and nuts (1 oz) or a cup of fav veggies with ff drsg
    BIG salad and chick, tuna or salmon
    all can be made nite before and packed up

    exercise walk walk walk break it up in 15 min intervals if needed (.5-1 mile each)
    take the stairs whenever you can
    watching TV? get off the couch and march in place, side steps, kicks, step, ect
    there it always time the trick is to multi task!:bigsmile:
    good luck and let me know if you need help or a little extra motivation
    I'm here most nights est:flowerforyou:
  • ksills05
    ksills05 Posts: 11
    Thanks for all the help! I know I should have more protein, but eating just a little bar for breakfast and maybe some fruit scares me! I'll give it a try! I also found on my At&t Uverse- under the Free on Demand- a BUNCH of free exercise "videos!" Can't wait to get started!