Time to share MY story.....

mlclarke22 Posts: 551 Member
So I began this little endeaver approximately 6 months ago however I have been dieting on and off for the last 14 years or so. I have been an excersise-o-holic for the same amount of time. I LIVE to excersise. Before I had kids I would do 2 workouts a day totaling anywhere between 2-6 hours a day(I would work out before and after work). I have never really had an eating problem..Do I like to eat?? Of course I do, but I was never one to overeat. I could never really understand why my weight fluctuated so much.

8 years ago I became pregnant with my first child and I gained a whopping 65lbs!!! I couldn't believe it. Luckily I lost 30 right away but shortly after I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease. My Dr. explained to me that I have had this condition my entire life and this was the main reason for my weight fluctuations. I learned what I should be eating and began to lose weight. I got down to my pre pregnancy size and got married. 2 months later I found out I was expecting my second child. This time I knew what I was dealing with. I worked out until the day before I had him and I only gained 20 lbs which I lost very quickly after having him. I returned to the gym 3 weeks after having him and started to get into the best shape of my life. I decided to train for a half marathon. During training I fractured my left leg in 2 places about 8 weeks before my big race, but if you know me you know I am crazy so I didnt let it stop me..I continued weight training and I rode a recumbant bike. I ran my half and finished(it tooke me almost 2.5 hours but I finished....and ended up back in my boot for 3 weeks). It was one of my greatest accomplishments.
2 months later I was extremely sick. Went to see my GI dr for some tests. She called me back in and sent me to see a surgeon.
I met with the surgeon and she told me that I needed to have a portion of my small intestine removed.

On July 7,2010 I went in and had a small bowel resection. A surgery that was supposed to take about 3 hours took 6. They removed 2 feet of my small intestine, a meckel's diverticulum(only 10% of the population has this) and my appendix. I lost an extreme amount of blood and almost died. I spent a week in the hospital and then went home. Well after a week home I became violently ill and got eushed to the hospital. After a day of extensive testing i was diagnosed with appendicitis which was not possible since it had been removed. My mother called my surgeon and she had me transferred to her hospital. I spent another 10 days in the hospital going through all kinds of testing and biopsies...they couldn't figure it out and I just wanted to go home! So I did..and about 4 weeks later I went back to the dr to get cleared to go back to work and to start a new medication that was supposed to help my crohns..however my ct scan showed that there was something going on and the surgeon called me in..she told me I needed surgery ASAP...seriously??? So the next morning I went back in to the hospital and had a 17cm blind loop of intestine removed. They told me I might never be able to have kids again...All I wanted was to get my life back to normal. I had lost almost 50 lbs during all these hospital stays but quickly gained it back due to the high dose of prednisone I was on for 3 months!
In September 2010 I started REMICADE treatments every 8 weeks and in November I found out I was pregnant. I only gained 22 lbs with this little munchkin however it was a very difficult pregnancy with my crohn's. I was in and out of the hospital with various complications.
Fast Forward to August 2012. My daughter was about to turn 1 and I wanted my body back! I was sick of what Crohn's was doing to my body. Everything I ate made me sick but I was still gaining weight due to malabsorption and my body thinking I wasnt getting proper nutrition. I was getting depressed. So instead of getting down on myself I decided to do something about it! I had done some research on OPTIFAST which is a medically supervised diet. I discussed it with my primary care doctor as well as my GI and we all agreed that it might actually work for me. I am on the OPTIFAST modified fast. I have 3 shakes(purchased through the program and 100% nutritionally balanced), a small piece of fruit, 6 oz of lean protein and 3 servings of veggies. I am also allowed to have 50 extra calories a day and must drink a minimum of 64 oz of water. They encourage you to workout but because the caloric intake is so low they limit your workouts to 45-60 minutes 4x a week(I do 60-90 minutes at least 5 days a week). Well since August I am happy to say that I have lost 63.3lbs and I am feeling better than I have in years. I am officially done with my program as of this Thursday and I am moving on to the Master's program for maintenance. I still have about 21.7 lbs that I want to lose so they will let me continue on the plan until I am 10 lbs away. I am back to running and I am currently up to 6 miles at about an 8-9 minute pace. I also love strength training and have started to train a few of my friends. I find it fun and exciting coming up with new workouts and sharing them with others. I have also recently begun going out of my comfort zone and taking a dance jam class at the gym(so not my style) and I absolutely love it!!!

So all in all that is my story and I was a little nervous sharing it but I am glad I did. Know that you can do anything that you set your mind to! The first step is the hardest but I promise you will not regret your decision. Hard work pays off and I am proud to say that I am proof of that!! People ask how I do it considering I am a wife, mother of 3 and I work full time, but it is extremely important to make time for yourself. I have a very supportive husband and we have a great routine and I am so grateful to him for allowing me the time to get healthy. I want to be around for a long time.

PS I would have put up some pics but I can't do it from work, but you can see some on my profile if you are interested.



  • CRichards22
    CRichards22 Posts: 120
    Ahhh! I am so proud of you! More than just for the weightloss, but for regaining control of your body. I didn't realize that you've gone through so much with the Crohn's. I knew you had to dela with alot and had the surgery but this really explains how far you have come, you've done so much more than just lose 63+ pounds!

    I'm so thankful that we found each other as friends on mfp, you really are one of my besties! You inspire me to push harder, go beyond my limits and keep at it especially when the going is tough. You know all about that and prove when the going gets toughm the tough get going!!

    I know you will meet your ultimate goal with your strong will and determination, this last bit might take a little longer and try your patience but I know you will be pedal to the metal til you get there! So glad we're on the same team.

    Love you girl, thanks for sharing!!!! This is sure to inspire so many that if you can overcome all of THAT and still manage to lose weight anyone can! Just takes some determination! :drinker:

  • cynbreau
    cynbreau Posts: 55 Member
    WOW! Very inspiring! Great job!!!
  • NoraMich84
    NoraMich84 Posts: 109 Member
    Thank you so much for sharing your story. You are truly a fighter!!!! I love how you didn't let your disease or any discomfort hold you back. You my pal are amazing :bigsmile:
  • mlclarke22
    mlclarke22 Posts: 551 Member
    Thanks Ladies!!
  • KoGettinFit
    KoGettinFit Posts: 51 Member
    bump for later
  • meidie1980
    meidie1980 Posts: 267 Member
    You are one amazing women♥ congrats!
  • dixiech1ck
    dixiech1ck Posts: 769 Member
    Amazing amazing amazing! My best friend has Crohn's and I know the pain he deals with on a daily basis, including the Remicade infusions. Best of luck to you with it and never give up!!
  • StrongLife
    StrongLife Posts: 525 Member
    I can't imagine the anguish...but your positive attitude shines through. Thanks for sharing!
  • stina412
    stina412 Posts: 78
    you rock ! :-)
  • mlclarke22
    mlclarke22 Posts: 551 Member
    Thanks so much everyone..it wasn't easy for me to share this...I'd rather be positive and upbeat than let this take over my life...Some days are very hard but I just keep telling myself I need to push through..I have so much to live for and I will never give up! I appreciate you all taking the time to read this and comment...means alot to me!! xoxo
  • lirpamc
    lirpamc Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for sharing. I'm a fellow Crohnie myself...diagnosed 15 yrs ago. Mine is strictly in my large intestine and I'm in remission thanks to Remicade infusions. I understand the up/down with weight. It's good to hear it can be done. Keep it up!
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    you are an AMAZING person!!! i can tell!!!! the fear you must have gone through with all those hospital visits....talk about working with the cards you've been dealt and then some. but you went above and beyond, and i'm proud of you (just in reading your story!).

    (ps: you're a great writer too...)
  • Lone_Wolf70
    Lone_Wolf70 Posts: 2,820 Member
    congrats and kudos, but no story should be more than 3 lines. Have a good day.
  • canadiandee
    canadiandee Posts: 196 Member
    Thanks so much for sharing your stories. Stories like yours - from people who have faced real adversity in their weight loss journey - makes me realize how shallow my excuses are. :smile:

    Good for you, and thanks again for providing inspiration for the rest of us.
  • deborahmills22
    deborahmills22 Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks for posting that. You are an amazingly strong woman. And congrats on your success.
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