A month ago, I reached Onederland weighing in at 199.6 ....but it was bittersweet. All the worrying about going back to the 200's unfortunately made it happen. So, after a couple weeks and hanging off the wagon (not fully fallen off) I finally today reached 199.0! Back in Onederland again...This time, I need to stay there! So I'm calling all of you tough love motivators to add me as a friend to make sure I stay in Onederland and push towards my ultimate goal of 140!!!!

Thanks In Advance




  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    you can do this girlie:) 200 pounds is no more for you. reach forward and don't look back.

    what helped me set mini goals aim for 10 pound intervals instead of positing your ultimate goal.
  • You can add me as a friend, I will be here for you. You can do it. I am also back and forth from 190"s to 200's and it is so frustrating, Let me know what I can do!!
  • thunderwoods
    thunderwoods Posts: 41 Member
    You are doing great! GO! GO! GO!
  • Nitabug36
    Nitabug36 Posts: 65 Member
    You are awesome and you can do it!
  • The_New_Christina
    The_New_Christina Posts: 818 Member
    You are awesome and you can do it!

    Thank You
  • doonesbury
    doonesbury Posts: 281 Member
    Looking great! You've got this!
  • The_New_Christina
    The_New_Christina Posts: 818 Member
    you can do this girlie:) 200 pounds is no more for you. reach forward and don't look back.

    what helped me set mini goals aim for 10 pound intervals instead of positing your ultimate goal.

    I have a short term goal up right now of 189, 10 lbs from where I'm at now. But it hasn't helped much. I'll keep trying harder though!
  • ShellyAnn46
    ShellyAnn46 Posts: 212 Member
    No hanging have worked too hard!!! Come on let that strong woman in you fight this through!! You are doing awesome, we always go a little back then LEAP forward. 2013 is your ONEDERLAND.
  • lfergurson1
    lfergurson1 Posts: 137 Member
    Awww just remember how hard it was getting here and how much worse it could be... One day one pound at a time. Like Christina said mini goals do really help... i bought new make up at 10 and a new work out outfit and 20 let it be simple but something you really wanna do for you! You got this. You know sometimes when I wanna quit I come here and read success stories for hours if there arent enough here google them it really helps you see that people do find success and you will too! I cant wait to see your 140 pics. By that time maybe just maybe I will be in onederland like you! Be blessed dont stop!
  • LoggingForLife
    LoggingForLife Posts: 504 Member
    Your thoughts dictate your reality. (I know, kinda deep). Stop thinking about and fearing going back. Just keep saying to yourself...when I reach my goal......Everytime you catch yourself having negative thoughts, stop, become aware of them and change them to positive ones.
  • Cre8veLifeR
    Cre8veLifeR Posts: 1,062 Member
    You're doing great! It's a marathon, not a sprint. :-) You've been doing great - keep up the lifestyle change. No wagons needed. ;->
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I can't wait to get to onderland myself! Super excited for you that you made it. Hang in there...don't let anxiety impede your progress!
  • jparks341
    jparks341 Posts: 216 Member
    Feel free to add me as a MFP buddy! I'm on daily posting, supporting, motivating and when needed giving the kick in the butt comments. Add me if you feel my type of friendship is what you are looking for. Actually I'm a really nice person, but I will try to lead by example. Stay strong and focused on your goal. By all means enjoy this awesome journey we are all on together! :)
  • The_New_Christina
    The_New_Christina Posts: 818 Member
    Wow! Thank You all! I've received so many new FR's! Let's do this!
  • anarjackson
    anarjackson Posts: 79 Member
    I think your mini goal is great! They are the ones that help in the long run! Girl you have done such an amazing job getting this far! Keep pushing and you will be at 140 in no time! You are amazing!!!
  • thirstyflea
    thirstyflea Posts: 114 Member
    You're doing great! I keep lingering at that exact same line as you, so I would be more than happy to help motivate you to keep going, if you'll do the same for me!! We can do this!
  • bonitacash08
    bonitacash08 Posts: 378 Member
    Woooo look at those curves!!! You look hot keep going!
  • The_New_Christina
    The_New_Christina Posts: 818 Member
    Woooo look at those curves!!! You look hot keep going!

    LOL. Thank you