30 Day Shred - starting today! (10th March)



  • I started on the 11th also, looking forward to seeing a change (hopefully!). Only ever attempted level 1 in the past so I'm a bit scared of levels 2 and 3!
  • oahubeachgirl
    oahubeachgirl Posts: 13 Member
    just finished day 3 and I can already see a difference in my ability to keep up! And my legs are less sore today!!
  • I would love to join it!!!

    Where is the workout?? Skinniness is sooooo needed
  • Day 3 done - my legs are so sore it hurts to walk down the stairs! ! Hopefully I'll get more used to it and it might get less painful!
  • oahubeachgirl
    oahubeachgirl Posts: 13 Member
    Day 3 done - my legs are so sore it hurts to walk down the stairs! ! Hopefully I'll get more used to it and it might get less painful!
    I hear ya!! going down stairs is so hard!! and my house is 2 stories!!! LOL But today is a bit less sore then yesterday and I am actually looking forward to day 4 tomorrow!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • catrynjenkins
    catrynjenkins Posts: 8 Member
    Today I could hardly do the squats - my legs are screaming!! And I HATE those jump ropes - that two mins of cardio is soooooo hard..... But I love it!! How's everyone doing?
  • Smallc10
    Smallc10 Posts: 556 Member
    I'm on L1D5 today! The jump rope section and the anterior raise with lunges still kill me but I'm getting better! I think if my arms were stronger I could get through this workout no problem but until then I"m struggling.
  • laurasnyder411
    laurasnyder411 Posts: 172 Member
    Im on day three! Yay!
  • mikki1987
    mikki1987 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm starting this again (properly this time) tomorrow, so will join you all - feel free to add me! Have my before pictures ready, I hope I have some "after" pictures that I am truly proud of!
  • Tmoney19
    Tmoney19 Posts: 80 Member
    I just bought the dvd last night and will be starting today. :-)
  • mick8703
    mick8703 Posts: 18 Member
    Just finished Day 2 level 1. Boy am I feeling it.
  • TooLeftFeet
    TooLeftFeet Posts: 139 Member
    Day 3 Level 1. I can't quite get through the raises on the side lunges and I have to do knee push-ups half way through that second set. And my weight are # 5 with the exception of side lunges. I only use 2# there. Perhaps by the time I get through lvl 1, I wong have to modify.
  • Heartonsleeve
    Heartonsleeve Posts: 6 Member
    I'm on level 2 day 2-PHEW!
  • lanakills
    lanakills Posts: 12
    Day 1 L1 done esterday. It felt good! I'm sore though...
    Few exercices were not that easy (push ups - used to do a lot a year ago :( , lower abs). Let's see the progress and keep it up!
  • melw2910
    melw2910 Posts: 73 Member
    Level 1 Day 3 done, really feeling it in my legs today!!! Back to it tonight though
  • Peggy69
    Peggy69 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi, I'm in! Started L1D1 yesterday and not feeling too bad....mainly hurting above my waist.....looking forward to my second session today. I'm trying to combine it with two or three runs per week and watching my calories.....oh, how I'd love to lose 2 stones! Oh, by the way, you can also get each day's session on youtube!!
  • profesorakate
    profesorakate Posts: 39 Member
    Finally got round to starting today. Not as bad as I was expecting. I can already feel it though! I have to do modified push-ups (hopefully by the end I'll be able to do the full version). I'm continuing to go to the gym most days of the week, do yoga class twice a week (and 45 mins on the days I don't go to class), and pilates at least three times a week. I'm going to take pictures tonight so I can see my progress by the end.
  • SarahElizabeth1981
    SarahElizabeth1981 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm on Level 1 Day 8 today, and I'm determined to complete it without missing a day! I have a 20-month-old daughter who has been having sleep issues lately, so I feel your pain. You can do it!!!
  • Kiraboo86
    Kiraboo86 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm starting 30ds today. How do you guys log this program.
  • 2credneck208
    2credneck208 Posts: 501 Member
    L3d1 for me, 10 days left and then its on to p90x. Wish me luck!