Have you swayed co-workers?



  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    I work with 5 other people. One needs to GAIN weight and one is "too old" for smart phones and computers. (So he says) But the other 3 are all using MFP, some more religiously than others. I'm the only one looking to lose a lot, the others are looking for about 15 lbs.

    The one guy is very active especially after lunch when he does his most physical work. He always used the "big lunch" to get ready for this labor. Two weeks ago after eating his lunch he said "That thing you are doing is really working, maybe I ought to try it?" Just for kicks and to show him how it works we logged the lunch he just ate lunch together. 1980 calories!!!

    For the next few days he logged all his food without changing anything just to see what was what. He intended to go a week like this but was so disgusted by what he was eating that on day 4 he changed his habits. It took a couple days to wean him off sugar as he was consuming a ton of it but since then he has been doing great!

    The morning conversation used to be about what we watched on TV last night. Now it's about how we exercised and what our numbers were from yesterday. Very cool indeed!
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    Motivated some people (I think like 7) to start exercising cause they know where I started from not too long ago, not sure how many of them are still exercising though, I know for sure at least 3 are...
  • lktaylor85
    Nope, I try and they just sit there with blank stares while shoving girl scout cookies in their pie holes.

    So very true! I admit to giving in to a Samoa now and then, but I've encouraged 2 co-workers to jump on the MFP train and they're as addicted as I am! Overall, it's been a huge success.
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member

    They mostly either:
    1. Don't believe I lost weight just by eating less and moving more....mainly because they see me eating all the time.
    2. Still believe in fad diets
    3. Are just pissed that I lost weight and they didn't (even though they didn't do anything to achieve their goal).

    Pretty much this. Then I had one coworker say that I didn't eat/starved myself - nevermined I eat 6 to 7 times a day - I'm always snacking on something. Her desk was moved closer to mine and now she's seen frequently I eat. She tried a juice fast and can't figure out why she gained back the weight she lost when she started eating again.

    if they ask what I'm doing I'll share what has worked for me but I don't go out of my way to offer advise
  • __RANDY__
    __RANDY__ Posts: 1,036 Member
    I tell them my secret is to drink over a gallon of water every day.
  • SweetlyVague
    SweetlyVague Posts: 172 Member
    I haven't gotten my roommate/coworker into MFP, but how much weight I've lost + how much I leave the apartment to go workout have motivated him to get off his butt, too.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    My coworker is drinking body by vi shakes, and taking fat burners.
    She thinks that she'll "tone up" for the summer... ugh
  • bokodasu
    bokodasu Posts: 629 Member
    I got one co-worker into the gym and lifting heavy, and she's an older woman (dunno how old, but her daughter is in medical school). So that's pretty awesome.

    But mostly I just say "yeah, been working out" or something and try to change the subject when people bring up weight loss because if I actually engage them on it they'll argue that they "bulk right up" if they lift or that they "hardly eat" now or talk about whatever fad diet they plan on going on as soon as they can get the money together. If you're just going to dismiss what I'm saying, why did you ask me in the first place?
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    "I got one co-worker into the gym and lifting heavy, and she's an older woman (dunno how old, but her daughter is in medical school). So that's pretty awesome."

    Holy crap! She is old. As old as me hehe.

    Congrats on the recruit, just busting on you about the age.
  • bokodasu
    bokodasu Posts: 629 Member
    Oh, I just meant "older than me" (which none of the complain-y coworkers are), not "so old I don't know how she totters into the gym".

    Now, that 102-year-old guy who started going to the gym at 98, he falls squarely into the category of "older gentleman".
  • spruitt417
    spruitt417 Posts: 101 Member

    They mostly either:
    1. Don't believe I lost weight just by eating less and moving more....mainly because they see me eating all the time.
    2. Still believe in fad diets
    3. Are just pissed that I lost weight and they didn't (even though they didn't do anything to achieve their goal).
    ^^^^ and so much this!!! We have had three rounds of "The biggest Loser" at my work and the people that have the hardest time losing weight and want to whine about it to everyone are the same ones that hit the candy bowls on everyone's desk two or three times a day!! A snack size candy bar is around 70 calories, you probably only burned about 4 getting up and walking to the candy bowl and back to your desk... do the math!!

    Exactly the same thing happens where I work. Now that my results are visible I get a lot of "Having just one won't hurt you" as they try to push Girl Scout cookies, candy & cake at me! There's a reason why I didn't buy any Girl Scout cookies this year.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    I have tried to educate my colleagues, but they are mere blind fools who believe that in order to lose weight they must eat nothing but lettuce leaves, and that if they so much a run a finger over a dumbell they will instantaneously blow up to a female Arnold Schwarzenegger and grow chest hair and veiny arms. So I let them get on with it.