#^@%&* Skinny Co-Workers!!

So the other 4 women in my office are ALL SKINNY - and I mean size 2-4 skinny. They are ALWAYS talking about taking this bee-pollen stuff to keep them skinny...

I'm sitting back at a horrible 172lbs (5'2" short!) and feel so ashamed and disgusting around them...I'm back on the horse to lose the weight, but it is near humiliating hearing them go on and on about the latest fashions and how they need to lose weight!

I know there is a beautiful woman deep inside, waiting for the fat to be shed and be let out of this cage I put myself into...but I could sure use a bit of encouragement from those like me!


  • Elle408
    Elle408 Posts: 500 Member
    And you can find it here, just don't skinny hate! It's just the same as fat hating. I'm 'skinny' now, and it takes me a lot of hard work to stay this way and I sometimes talk about what I have to do to stay skinny, I'd hate to think that someone was bashing me for it.

    Forget about what they're doing and focus on what you need to do! As soon as you stop transferring all that energy on to what others are doing and start focusing on what you need to do, you'll see results. Maybe try joining in with their conversations and mention that you want to get fit and healthy, they might surprise you by being supportive!
  • HappyNinjaStar
    HappyNinjaStar Posts: 353 Member
    It's tough to be the odd one out. For 3 years, in my immediate group at work, I was the bigger girl, all of the others were very tiny (and also much younger than me!) The healthiest thing you can do for yourself right now is to turn a deaf ear to their chatter if it bothers you, and focus on your journey. Don't make any decisions based on what they're doing but do the things you know are healthy.

    And you never know, a year or so down the road, you may be one of the 'skinny' girls. I was shocked when I looked around at a staff meeting and realized I was no longer the biggest girl in the group.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    What they ^^ said. Get rid of the negative energy and just focus on what YOU need to do.
  • moxiecowgirl
    moxiecowgirl Posts: 291 Member
    First off, that beautiful woman is not "inside". You are already beautiful. Your weight has nothing to do with that.

    Secondly, let them do what they do, and you do you. I know it's frustrating to hear, but it has no bearing on you at all. If you can't ignore it completely, use it as your motivation to spur you on to success.
  • rungirl71
    rungirl71 Posts: 7 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I used to be the "skinny girl" . Now at 5'2" and 171 lbs, I have to watch everything I put in my mouth and exercise like crazy just to lose a pound. I will admit that I don't always " get" thin people who talk about their weight or health because when I was thin I just didn't think about it. Probably why I am overweight now :smile: We get older and our metabolism changes and we are not as active and then we have to think about it. I am starting to realize that people who have stayed thin as they grow older are making a conscience effort to do so. Anyway, when I am around the "skinny girls" I try to see what food choices they make and how much they are exercising. We have even went to some zumba classes together!
  • thunderwoods
    thunderwoods Posts: 41 Member
    Thank you all....I needed that! Good luck in all of your endeavors!
  • _Josee_
    _Josee_ Posts: 625 Member
    What the other said.

    I'm now the skinniest girl in the office. 1 year ago I was the biggest one. It wasn't a easy journey for me, and I worked freaking hard to get where I am now. And I will ALWAYS need to work hard to stay that way.

    I don't like it when bigger person tell me that I'm so skinny I don't know what they are talking about.

    Just concentrate on YOUR journey, stop looking at others and you'll see that you have what it takes to be one of those skinny girls in a couple of months/years.

    Good luck!
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    From the title I'd love to be (#$(#*$# skinny co-workers AMRITE!?!!!!!
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    So the other 4 women in my office are ALL SKINNY - and I mean size 2-4 skinny. They are ALWAYS talking about taking this bee-pollen stuff to keep them skinny...

    I'm sitting back at a horrible 172lbs (5'2" short!) and feel so ashamed and disgusting around them...I'm back on the horse to lose the weight, but it is near humiliating hearing them go on and on about the latest fashions and how they need to lose weight!

    I know there is a beautiful woman deep inside, waiting for the fat to be shed and be let out of this cage I put myself into...but I could sure use a bit of encouragement from those like me!

    Totally unrelated, but... Love your profile pic! GSDs are my fave.
  • GamerLady
    GamerLady Posts: 359 Member
    How do you know that they didn't use to be heavier, and just trying to keep to their current maintenance? I've worked with a lot of people that are very thin, then find out months/years later as you become to know them, they use to be very heavy.
  • AliciaStaton
    AliciaStaton Posts: 328 Member
    Yes it is very hard but you need to focus on you and not them. So what if they are skinny and they depend on this bee-pollen stuff (hmm) it doesnt matter, you just need to sort yourself out and get on with it. I work with someone who is for ever eating biscuits and cakes etc etc and she is very skinny and I think it must be nice, but on the other hand how heathly is she really. We know when you seen someone who is overweight you know it isnt healthy but at least if you are doing something about and changing your lifestyle you are in CHARGE. This is your lfe and nobody else can take control of it. It is hard but please dont gave up and dont feel bad about yourself. I have got 70lbs to lose still a long way to go and no matter what matters in my life I cant afford to gave up like I said this is all about my life and my choices:bigsmile:
  • GamerLady
    GamerLady Posts: 359 Member
    Yes it is very hard but you need to focus on you and not them. So what if they are skinny and they depend on this bee-pollen stuff (hmm) it doesnt matter, you just need to sort yourself out and get on with it. I work with someone who is for ever eating biscuits and cakes etc etc and she is very skinny and I think it must be nice, but on the other hand how heathly is she really. We know when you seen someone who is overweight you know it isnt healthy but at least if you are doing something about and changing your lifestyle you are in CHARGE. This is your lfe and nobody else can take control of it. It is hard but please dont gave up and dont feel bad about yourself. I have got 70lbs to lose still a long way to go and no matter what matters in my life I cant afford to gave up like I said this is all about my life and my choices:bigsmile:

    ^^This is the right attitude^^ Stay postive and focus all your energy on yourself, because you're worth it! :)
  • MelStren
    MelStren Posts: 457 Member
    So the other 4 women in my office are ALL SKINNY - and I mean size 2-4 skinny. They are ALWAYS talking about taking this bee-pollen stuff to keep them skinny...

    I'm sitting back at a horrible 172lbs (5'2" short!) and feel so ashamed and disgusting around them...I'm back on the horse to lose the weight, but it is near humiliating hearing them go on and on about the latest fashions and how they need to lose weight!

    I know there is a beautiful woman deep inside, waiting for the fat to be shed and be let out of this cage I put myself into...but I could sure use a bit of encouragement from those like me!

    Skinny doesn't mean healthy. Eat and exercise for your health and you will shed the weight and probably feel better and look better than they do!

    I'm 5'1" and I weigh 129 to 132 lbs at any given moment. I started at about 155lbs almost a year ago. I eat healthy and exercise and lift weights and I look better and feel better than gals I know who are only skinny. My skin is clear and healthy, my hair is soft and touchable. I can walk for hours without getting tired and I can have a cheat meal once a week without worring about "blowing my diet". Heck even my teeth are whiter than I've ever seen them. Feel free to add me to your friends list! I'd love to be of some support for you! ~mel
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    dont hate on others because of how you feel about yourself. That is not a road you want to go down.

    You can lose the weight, just stick with it and focus on yourself- not anyone else.
  • I have a freakin' awful skinny coworker who is also close to me in age. She has lots of things she has over and above me--daughters who pay her a lot of attention, a big house, a husband who acts like her slave, and a whole lot of money. Not too long ago she was disproportionately overweight. I am about six inches taller than she is, but I am a size 18 and she was probably a size twenty around the hips. Back then, I thought she was pretty. She has lost weight dramatically (probably close to 100 lbs) and she looks kind of awful now. Even a facelift won't really help. And she is just plain screaming mean. She tries to hide it, I don't understand her behavior, except perhaps as the sign of someone with absolutely no empathy as to how others feel.

    As an old broad who was once 'thin,' I know it will not bring me happiness. If I am not careful, I will feel physically ill with waves of severe low blood sugar, terrible headaches, and kidney inflammation from the intake of all the water I need to try to pump up my hydration. I have an attractively Rubenesque figure with no health problems except migraines, bipolar disorder and an addiction to self-injuring myself.

    So why am I on a 'weight loss' site? I want to learn more about nutrition as I sail into old age. Plus my new med recommends eating large, frequent meals, and I don't want to gain weight. But the fact is, it is easier to obsess about my weight and hate myself for it, than to pick up that paint brush and use the talents that I prize most.

    Signing off. Going to go pick up that paint brush.
  • lornaloo3
    lornaloo3 Posts: 102
    And you can find it here, just don't skinny hate! It's just the same as fat hating. I'm 'skinny' now, and it takes me a lot of hard work to stay this way and I sometimes talk about what I have to do to stay skinny, I'd hate to think that someone was bashing me for it.

    Forget about what they're doing and focus on what you need to do! As soon as you stop transferring all that energy on to what others are doing and start focusing on what you need to do, you'll see results. Maybe try joining in with their conversations and mention that you want to get fit and healthy, they might surprise you by being supportive!

    Super sensitive much? Other than some gibberish in the topic, I don't see anything about her bashing her coworkers. She's just discussing her feelings.
  • Melizabeth84
    Melizabeth84 Posts: 128 Member
    What did you do to loose your weight? I am fortunately not over weight I just want to loose 10 lbs to make me feel better about myself and keep it off. I have tried changing my lifestyle of eating recently. Any pointers. I eat 1200 cals a day because for my weight it says I should eat 1600 so I cut down 400 a day in hopes to loose. I usually work out 3 -4 days a week taking weight training and cardio classes as well as Jillian Michaels at home.
    And you can find it here, just don't skinny hate! It's just the same as fat hating. I'm 'skinny' now, and it takes me a lot of hard work to stay this way and I sometimes talk about what I have to do to stay skinny, I'd hate to think that someone was bashing me for it.

    Forget about what they're doing and focus on what you need to do! As soon as you stop transferring all that energy on to what others are doing and start focusing on what you need to do, you'll see results. Maybe try joining in with their conversations and mention that you want to get fit and healthy, they might surprise you by being supportive!
  • Over the years I have been that skinny girl that people used to mock when I was at the gym working out to stay that way in my late teens and early 20s. I could never understand why my trying to stay slim and healthy bothered the other ladies at the gym so much. I've heard, and sadl, remember, all the comments you can think of - "She's so skinny if she stood sideways she'd look like a zipper..." Seriously I was strong and healthy at 5'11" and 130 .lbs and being mocked for trying to stay that way.

    As soon as I became pregnant with my first child in my early 20s the weight battle began in earnest and I have been at the other end of the scale. I've gained and lost over 80 lbs. 3 times in my life - through every diet imaginable from starvation to those expensive crappy tasting packets of food, which worked until I started eating real food again, to you name it.

    This FINAL time I have decided to use the tools that I know work to lose the 40 .lbs. I regained. I'm logging my food and exercise and trying the 5:2 diet which has more benefits beside weight loss. So I see both sides of the coin. The difference is I would never begrudge anyone, thin or heavy, for working to be where they feel the best and healthiest, and I don't compare myself to them.

    I realized one very important thing just recently. Skinny or fat, I am still the same me. My confidence has taken a major beating, but the epiphany here is that no matter what I look like on the outside, I am still the same person on the inside. The shallow people react to the fat me differently than the skinny me, and have been known to make unkind comments, but I got those when I was skinny too. That's their problem. Not mine. It seems the haters will be the haters - all you can change is your reaction to them.
  • Elle408
    Elle408 Posts: 500 Member
    And you can find it here, just don't skinny hate! It's just the same as fat hating. I'm 'skinny' now, and it takes me a lot of hard work to stay this way and I sometimes talk about what I have to do to stay skinny, I'd hate to think that someone was bashing me for it.

    Forget about what they're doing and focus on what you need to do! As soon as you stop transferring all that energy on to what others are doing and start focusing on what you need to do, you'll see results. Maybe try joining in with their conversations and mention that you want to get fit and healthy, they might surprise you by being supportive!

    Super sensitive much? Other than some gibberish in the topic, I don't see anything about her bashing her coworkers. She's just discussing her feelings.

    Not sensitive at all, just sensible. I think the title alone is enough to warrant a 'how about not bashing skinny people' reply, particularly as I didn't turn it around and do the '#^@%&* Fat Co-Workers' approach. Whatever, I still stand by what I said, focusing all that negativity from 'skinny co-workers' and applying it to yourself, will work wonders for anyone, it's not anyone's fault by your own for weight gain, and same goes for weight loss!