Lets lose 20 pounds in 15 weeks!

Anyone want to go in on this with me?? =) It is do able if we can reach a goal of 2 pounds a week!!


  • SarahDuffy81
    i will!! i want to lose like 60 lbs by tomorrow, but since i know that clearly isnt happening, maybe ill give this a go. We can help motivate eachother!! let's do this Molly :)
  • jeni8383
    jeni8383 Posts: 29 Member
    hey im in... add me if u like....

    Jeni :happy:
  • goldengirl28
    goldengirl28 Posts: 130 Member
    Add me. I'm up for it, would like it tomorrow,but hey thats not gonna happen :)
  • Debbiedebbiey
    Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
    So what's the game plan ?
  • 2013queen
    2013queen Posts: 82
    I want to lose 24 in 24 so this would be a GREAT starter.
    But I guess its dependent on how much you have to lose. 24 is my ultimate goal and I am 150 now @ 5ft 3.... so I think it will be hard!!
  • mbish18
    mbish18 Posts: 10
    This will be great!! How about we write in here every week or something how much we have lost so far? This will totally give me motivation since i started this board!! Sweet!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Lucy2lose50
    Lucy2lose50 Posts: 15 Member
    OK.. I am ready.. Going to the gym now. tracking my food. keeping my calories under 1400 per day. shooting for 1200 but seem to fall short during dinner. (wine) oops..
    Need motivation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • dldearborn
    I'm in. That would put me nearly half way to goal. Will there be a specific posting day?
  • mbish18
    mbish18 Posts: 10
    Actually I was taking in under my calorie goal and i wasnt losing anything. A friend on here said to take in all the calories for the net goal and drink allot of water and eat fruit to. I did that for a week and i lost 2 more pounds. I recently was in a funk so i ended up gaining weight back... :-( But it worked though
  • mbish18
    mbish18 Posts: 10
    My last post was supposed to go to @lucy
  • mbish18
    mbish18 Posts: 10
    hmmm Well there seems to be quite a few people interested in this and i am sure everyone has different weigh in days. So how about we post on here on the day we weigh in. I was in a funk recently and started back up yesterday so tuesdays will be the day i post on here with my weekly update
  • Lucy2lose50
    Lucy2lose50 Posts: 15 Member
    Got it!:flowerforyou:
  • marybowldseddington
    marybowldseddington Posts: 71 Member
    I would like to try..very new to working out. I had a baby one year ago on 03/12/12 and really need to get back to following the meal plan I was on for gestational diabetes. Lab work showing diabetes stuck around with fasting sugars in 130..not awful but I might be able to get it back under control if I change my lifestyle now.
  • SweetlyVague
    SweetlyVague Posts: 172 Member
    I'm so in! Feel free to add me!
  • Swanie76
    Swanie76 Posts: 75 Member
    i would love this challenge, I am 58 pounds from my goal.
  • Swanie76
    Swanie76 Posts: 75 Member
    are we still doing this?was there a group created?