Young Athletic women 5'2ISH and 110-125lbs who actually eat

Hi there... I have noticed a lot of women (and men) on here who are using a low calorie diet. This is fine, and I have been on low-cal diets in the past with mixed results. They don't really work for myself in particular because (a) I get very tired and feel very restricted causing me to (inevitably) cheat, (b) I am very active and I find low-cal diets don't really give me the energy I need to perform my workouts, and (c) failing all that if I DO manage to keep it up and lose some weight this way I ALWAYS plateau and can't lose past a certain point without further restricting, which is just a slippery slope and leads me right back to where I have started eventually. I am looking to up my cals as I have been reading about how increasing calorie intake can actually promote weight loss by revving the metabolism. This sounds great to me. Wondering if someone could help me with suggestions for a NET calorie goal, cause I am really not sure what would rev my metabolism and help me lose those last 10 lbs. Preferably some women who are like me: active, petite, pretty close to their goal weight, muscular body type. I would like to know what you ladies use as a NET calorie goal each day.

A little about me:

height: 5'2
starting weight: 137lbs
current weight: 125lbs
goal weight: 110-115lbs

Thank you for your input (:

PS: If you think I am bashing low-cal diets here I am not, re-read my post and you will see that I said the simply don't work FOR ME. To each their own. All the best to all you low-cal dieters out there (:


  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    I'm no young chick but I can run and lift circles around many young 20 something's these days!

    5'2 33yo and I maintain between 113-115 and my TDEE is 2000-2300 cals a day.
  • HMVOL7409- wow, you're an inspiration! Thanks for responding. You're exactly the kind of person I was hoping to hear from. Also... you are so a "young chick"... 33 years old is very young! I just sent you a friend add (: I really want to surround myself with more women like you on my FL... so sick of the 100lb chicks whining about being "fat" and berating themselves for attention. I'm pretty over that. Nice to see someone who has acheived a rockin body that is fit, lean and VERY healthy. Good for you!!!
  • hoping to hear from some more people (: I know you are out there somewheeeeeeeeere! haha
  • dearladydisdain
    dearladydisdain Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 24, weigh about 138 at 5'8" and I've lost 27 pounds eating 1500-2500 (and sometimes more) cals a day. It's been possible for me through carb cycling. :) I also lift heavy weights.
  • cool, I am going to research "crab cycling"... sounds interesting!
  • cool, I am going to research "crab cycling"... sounds interesting!

    and by crab I mean carb hahaha
  • anyone else? I know there are more people with an opinion/suggestion on here! haha
  • rieann84
    rieann84 Posts: 511 Member
    Gonna add all three of you, ok? :)

    current: 148 lbs, Size 7-10
    goal: 120? Whatever gets me to about a size 2-4 ish

    Just started lifting (ala New Rules for Women). I'm eating about 1600 on non workout days and 1800 on workout days. Hoping to see some progress :\
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    5'2 31 years old 158 goal weight 120ish. Working out 6 days a week. Eating 1700 calories a day!
  • ptjolsen
    ptjolsen Posts: 365 Member
    Follow these ladies advice and keep with it....Remember, this is an overall health/fitness journey....sadly there are no "quick fixes" Hope all of this helps :smile:
  • dmcb24
    dmcb24 Posts: 56 Member
    I am 37, 5" and 126 lbs, started at 132. I work out 6 days a week and eat 1800-2100 cals per day depending on workouts.
  • I'm 5'2" and I weight 123. I'm trying to get down to 115.

    I'm the same way you are...I can't do the super low cal diets I see some women talking about. I would go crazy on a 1200 calorie diet because I LOVE TO EAT and I have a big appetite. I do a little bit of everything, mostly running, ballet, strength training, swimming, and biking. I try to exercise 5 days a week.

    I'm still trying to lose 0.5 lbs a week, so my calorie goal is 1620. I can make that work if I exercise most days and eat back my exercise calories. I had to set my activity level to the highest one...even though I have an office job! LOL Otherwise my calorie goal is 1500, which still leaves me starving.
  • DorkothyParker
    DorkothyParker Posts: 618 Member
    Before I got pregnant, I ate about 1800 kcal for maintenance. My workouts focused on weight lifting - specifically the Starting Strength program. I don't know what I netted, though, because I wasn't logging exercise for that purpose.
    I'm 5'4" I weighed about 117 consistently over the 3 months where I was doing my "program", but saw definite improvements in strength and appearance of my muscles.

    DISCLAIMER: I'm 5 months PP and weigh 124. Working to cut to 115 before building back up.
  • enitsirhck
    enitsirhck Posts: 36 Member
    5'4", CW 130, GW is around 120 but having a hard time despite exercise and eating as clean as possible, hope I can get some ideas and inspiration from you ladies!
  • arkgirl81
    arkgirl81 Posts: 30 Member
    Someone posted this one day and i've been using it. Since i've upped my calories a little, i've been losing more weight. You might see what it suggests for you.
  • IbiH
    IbiH Posts: 250 Member
    5'2", 120lbs and 41 years. Hell yes I eat. I eat between 1300-1500 cals a day sometimes more, after losing 40lbs in the past year I no longer worry too much. I have a fitbit with I love and not sure what I'd do with out it now.
  • arkgirl81
    arkgirl81 Posts: 30 Member
    Also try eating more healthy fats when you increase calories- almonds, avacados, salmon, ect. I hear that helps people through a plateau.
  • rieann84
    rieann84 Posts: 511 Member
    cool, I am going to research "crab cycling"... sounds interesting!

    and by crab I mean carb hahaha

    hahaha..i lost it as i imagined a bunch of crabs in some big bike race. phew. wow. i have problems.
  • Rose_bee
    Rose_bee Posts: 226 Member
    I'm 5'2".
    Starting Weight 148
    Current Weight 142
    Goal Weight 120

    I'm losing about a pound a week on 1400 calories/day.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I'm 5'2". I weigh around 100 pounds. I usually eat between 1950 and 2100 calories a day. This past week I was eating between 2500 and 2800 a day. I'm not trying to lose weight. I don't exercise a lot, but I have an active lifestyle and I lift weights on a regular basis. I'm 35 and a mother of 2. I've never gone on a low calorie diet (even after my pregnancies). I never ate less than 1800 calories (and that was only for a short time after joining mfp, during which I lost a couple pounds). The New Rules of Lifting for Women had me at 1500 on rest days and 1800 on lifting days. If I ate like that I would be emaciated. So, I eat much more than that.