Buying the next jean size up- admitting defeat?

So I have issues with numbers.
I used to be almost 200 lbs at 5'3'' when I was in middle/high school.
I wore a size 16.

I lost all the weight going into college, and got down to about 135, (5'4'' now) and a size 2 or 4. Ran a half marathon 2 years ago.
Well, this past November, I tore a tendon in my foot. I ran with insoles on as a way to help support my knee, and it actually injured me.

I haven't been able to workout really- at all- since. I tried, but it kept hurting.
Went to the podiatrist 2 weeks ago- said I have a torn tendon and bruised bone. He told me to treat it like a fracture, and absolutely no physical activity for 3-4 weeks.

Of course, when I can't exercise- I put on weight like no ones business.

I eat pretty well- rarely go over in calories, always track.
It makes me mad when I have friends that can drink 5 cans of pop a day (not overexaggerating- she only drinks pop. Hates water) and she doesn't gain a lb.

I stop working out- I put on 15 lbs.

My jeans don't fit anymore.
I've been wearing yoga pants... for 3 months.
I think it's time to go up a size.

This is hard! I didn't want to buy more jeans because it feels like admitting defeat with my weight.

I'm not allowed to workout. I still do arms/abs, but how do you get in cardio when you aren't allowed to use your foot?! I'm not even allowed to swim because it flexes the torn tendon.

Anyone else have issues with numbers? I would hate to buy a size 6 or even 8. I'm about 150 lbs now... :(
I just want to run again!!!


  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    It's not admitting defeat! It's doing what you need to do to heal and be happier. 2 years ago I kept my size 2 short because "I know I will fit into these again!" I found it too stressful to keep trying them on and then peeling them back off. I got rid of them to get rid of the stress and it really helped.

    Buy the jeans because you want to look nice. Just keep in mind that you will not always wear them and when you can get back to running you will no longer need them and can donate them.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    I'll put it this way, I'd rather have clothes that fit and make me look and feel good than worry about the size. Yet, when I had to make the decision to buy 16's or lose weight, I figured it was time to do something about it. Right now I'm in a comfy size 6, sometimes 4's. I've told myself that I WILL spend the rest of my life in single digits and stay under 160 no matter what. But I can change the way I eat and drop 10 pounds easy...
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,713 Member
    my opinion? part of a healthy lifestyle is learning to love and look after yourself. you don't need to punish yourself for this gain! buy some new jeans, look fabulous in them, feel better about yourself and get into a good mindset for when you're ready to work out again. you deserve it.
  • VickiMitkins
    VickiMitkins Posts: 249 Member
    It's not admitting defeat! It's doing what you need to do to heal and be happier. 2 years ago I kept my size 2 short because "I know I will fit into these again!" I found it too stressful to keep trying them on and then peeling them back off. I got rid of them to get rid of the stress and it really helped.

    Buy the jeans because you want to look nice. Just keep in mind that you will not always wear them and when you can get back to running you will no longer need them and can donate them.

    I agree with this post. It's not admitting defeat! You have to heal. I also gain weight without some exercize most days (1500 calories is about all I can eat without exercizing). Look at your diet and see if you can make one or two changes to cut out 50 or 100 calories a day. That might help you stop gaining. If you eat really clean and can't, that's ok too. You also want to look nice at whatever weight you are. Buy a couple of things, you will feel better when you know you look good and not sloppy.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Yes I'd cut down the calories you eat too if you're not exercising.
  • Querian
    Querian Posts: 419 Member
    It is not admitting defeat at all. Wear the size you need to wear. Look your best. Continue to track and increase exercise when you can. Maybe try to add things like swimming.

    As someone who has also tore a tendon in my foot (the one that holds up the arch) I know how slow and agonizing recovery can be.

    Editted to say - ok I see you can't swim. For a time a did a very lame exercise bike routine while I wore a boot. It wasn't great exercise but it was better than nothing. And try to strength train with you big muscles like quads if you can figure out an exercise machine that doesn't use your foot. Also maybe consider those stretchy bands.