Diet Soda - Quit Cold Turkey or in Moderation



  • TravisBikes
    TravisBikes Posts: 674 Member
    The first year I gave it up (for NY resolution), once I started drinking it the next year could not stand the taste of diet soda again. just tasted chemically and nasty. Last year I still had an occasional mountain dew or coke, but even those took a while before i re-acquainted the taste (non-diet).

    This year I gave it up again since it wasn't doing anything for me, except taking my money. More water please.
  • laurengaugler
    laurengaugler Posts: 45 Member
    Quit cold turkey. The first few days are impossibly difficult, but after about 5 days you don't crave it anymore and after a few weeks you never even think about it.
  • TanyaGirl76
    TanyaGirl76 Posts: 113 Member
    Good for you letting it go! It's so bad for you. NICE JOB!!
  • sgh4ra
    sgh4ra Posts: 5 Member
    I quite cold turkey. Had always LOVED diet coke since college. It wasn't as hard as I'd imagined it would be, especially once I read how bad it was for my health (I have diabetes risk factors and my mom developed diabetes at about my current age) and that it was counterproductive for dieters. Good luck!!!
  • LokiOfAsgard
    LokiOfAsgard Posts: 378 Member
    I honestly don't know if it was in moderation or cold turkey.
    I just drank more water.
    And I wasn't thirsty.

    Not being thirsty made me not want pop.

  • cold turkey and it was really shocking that i don't miss it all i drink is water and green, lemon or mint tea..
  • knk1553
    knk1553 Posts: 438 Member
    Why quit? I've lost bodyfat and weight without quitting drinking it at all, I still have 1-2 diet pepsi's a day. No reason to give up something you enjoy.
  • bren711
    bren711 Posts: 6
    read "skinny *****" they mention that soda is liquid devil...useless robs your bones of calcium and has fermeldryhyde (sp) in it... once you read that book you will never drink soda again lol
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I quit a month ago, cold turkey. I was drinking easily 6+ cans of Diet Mtn Dew per day.

    Now I drink tons of water, with some black coffee and unsweetened iced tea from time to time. Sometimes I go 4 or 5 days without any caffeine.

    I'm may not stay off it forever, but I know my consumption will be 95% lower than it was.
  • Quit cold turkey. :)
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    What's wrong with learning moderation?
  • HaleyxErin
    HaleyxErin Posts: 94 Member
    I have always hated diet soda so I was quitting the real thing. I haven't fully given it up, not really, I'll get a can from the vending machine at school every now and then (like once a month or less) but I always drink water.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Switched from diet coke to setlzer. I still have coffee in the morning so I didn't experience any caffeine withdrawals. I have a diet coke every now and then...maybe once a month.
  • I quit cold turkey once, you might get a headache, but it passes.
  • HealthWoke0ish
    HealthWoke0ish Posts: 2,078 Member
    I used to drink two to three two-liters of diet cola a day. I tried to do moderation but it didn't work for me. I quit cold turkey around April 2010 and haven't had a drop of soda since.
  • FionaDFair
    FionaDFair Posts: 125 Member
    Oh... and you can always try Zevia soda... you can find it at any health food co-op. It's sweetened with stevia which comes from a plant... so there is no sugar, no calories in this soda. Of course the nutritional value is low, but it helped me get off regular coke...

    This is my go-to if I do decide to drink a carbonated beverage. However, it has been at least a week (maybe longer) since I last had a soda. I might drink one a week, if that much. Increasing my water intake has helped me, and also reminding myself that there is a lot of acid in sodas and I don't want that in my body.
  • bluesky248
    bluesky248 Posts: 18 Member
    I was a diet coke freak, I never drank coffee but after breakfast so began the diet coke drinking..I drank 8-10 a day.

    I quit "cold turkey" a year ago February, it was hard and I had the horrible headache for 2 days but I don't miss it now, it can't be healthy to drink. On the holidays I have a caffeine free pop as a "treat" but it doesn't taste as good as I recall, so I drank like 4 diet pops last year, sticking with the water nstead. I gave up smoking the year before and found giving up nicotine and caffeine has made me less hyper and edgy too.

    good luck, you will feel sooo much better :)
  • My last cold drink was February 11, 2011. I quit cold turkey. I had bad withdrawals from it. I'm happy that I did quit like I did. I did have to go through the weaning process. I have never regreted getting off of the cold drinks and the weight you lose is terrific! I hope this helps you.
  • If you are at all suseptable to migrane headache DO NOT quit cold turkey. I did once and had the worst mirgrane of my life for 4 days. My normal migrane treatment wouldn't touch the pain, so I wound up in the emergency room. Quit slowly.
  • I quit drinking diet coke cold turkey, January 1, 2013 (my new years resolution) I was drinking 2 - 3 cans a day for years and years and it was hard at first, but I did it.

    Good luck! :smile:

    I also quit cold turkey on January 1, 2013. Before I was drinking caffeine free diet coke every once in awhile. But then I read that the ingredients make you fat, I quit.