HELP!-stuck at same weight for 3 weeks

ive been on mfp since beginning of january and was slowly losing but the last few weeks ive really hit a plateau and cant shift anymore.i was eating 1000 calories and read the posts about upping my intake so did that but still not losing.i do hit 5 days a week and also walk a couple of miles most days,i try and eat clean but nothings shifting the last stone or so.
i currently weigh 145 pounds.any help would be appreciated


  • 1000 calories is really low! I don't know how you coped! What is happening is that your body is getting used to those extra calories, and is hanging on to them in case you decide to drop to 1000 calories again.

    I have just upped mine from 1200 to 1300 after 3 weeks and now to 1500. I have noticed for about a week I haven't lost anything, but as my body has adjusted I have lost 1/2lb. I am however feeling less stressed as I know I can quite easily have nice meals and come in at around 1500 calories

    Just keep doing what you are doing, as your body gets used to the fact that you are not going to deprive it it will let those extra pounds go.

    By the way when you exercised were you eating these calories back? Also how long since you upped your calories?
  • thanks for your reply.1000 calories was really do able for me as im not a massive eater but ive upped now for about 3 weeks and getting stressed that nothings happening.i sometimes eat my exercise calories back but not always depends if im eating out etc
  • Just make sure they are good calories then as opposed to one's with a lot of fat.

    Just keep it up, it will just be your body's way of getting used to the new regime. Remember that eventually you will want to maintain and by upping the calories before maintaining is the best way to do so.Your body had a goood long while of taking in less calories than in needed to function so it will just be retaining what it can in preparation for you eating too little again. Like I said, when it knows this isn't the case the weight will start dropping off again.

    I don't know if your MFP does - but if I eat under 1200 cals, it tells me off as 1200 cals is what your body needs just to survive. If you can eat your excercise cals back - maybe invest in some protein bars. I have some Pulsin ones - full bar is about 190 cals but I had half before the gym last night and it's a lot better than a bar of chocolate :-) It was actually quite tasty too!

    Good luck!
  • mywise
    mywise Posts: 43 Member
    Your not eating enough..Im 5'4" 142pds now and am losing 2-3 pds a week at a 2,000 cal average diet since december....I do hiit 3 times a week and lift 3 times a week....I didnt lose anything for about 6 mths at 1200-1500......
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    If you want help, you're going to need to provide more information or open your diary. You said twice that you've upped your calories, but you didn't say what you upped them to. And why did you pick that number? Was it random or did you do calculations and base it off your TDEE? Do you eat your goal every day? How often do you cheat? Do you measure portions or eyeball it? Do you eat exercise calories if you didn't already include them in your calorie goal?
  • carolmags
    carolmags Posts: 3 Member
    I lost 1lb per week on 1200 cals per day for 8 weeks running then stalled for 4 weeks. I upped my calories last week to 1400 and have lost 1lb this week.
  • FattieBabs
    FattieBabs Posts: 542 Member
    Six months spent at around 1400-1500 cals a day. Lost around 16 pounds and stalled. Upped to 1600 and weight loss started again at one pound a week loss. total loss to date 24 pounds. I am happy with that rate of loss for the time being. Without seeing your diary it is difficult to make constructive comments.
  • ok thanks i upped my calories to 1300 for 3 weeks and nothing so gonna try 1400 for a couple of weeks,see if it shifts!
  • rayyesnk
    rayyesnk Posts: 24 Member
    Hi everyone, I have a similar issue and I'm a little confused about increasing calorie intake. How does it help you lose weight if you UP your calories?? I'm hesitant to do that because I don't exercise enough. I've been doing MFP for 3 weeks now and lost about 1 lb. at the most! (I was down 2 but then seemed to gain them back). It's frustrating because I'm really trying to follow the program. I don't exercise that much (what is "hit"?) -- I do yoga 3 x a week but it's not super intense. I walk my dog almost every day, but again, not getting my heart rate very high. I don't really like exercising, so I'm trying to keep my calories in check.

    I really don't feel like I'm making much progress..... I feel like I'm looking a little better and feeling good (and maybe I should be happy with that) but the weight is not going anywhere. I'd really like to shed 5 to 10 pounds to get to where I was last year. any advice??
  • fitgal05
    fitgal05 Posts: 149
    ive been on mfp since beginning of january and was slowly losing but the last few weeks ive really hit a plateau and cant shift anymore.i was eating 1000 calories and read the posts about upping my intake so did that but still not losing.i do hit 5 days a week and also walk a couple of miles most days,i try and eat clean but nothings shifting the last stone or so.
    i currently weigh 145 pounds.any help would be appreciated

    OMG I'm also 145/144 and weight I say is stuck like super glue! I'll read the responses and see what they say. I wanted to hit 140 by Sunday.
  • enitsirhck
    enitsirhck Posts: 36 Member
    I am having the same problem, can someone look at my diary and make suggestions, my diary is open

    I do kickboxing/cross training about twice a week, mixed gym work out 2 other days a week.

    I just changed my goal settings the other day to have more protein, less carbs and but I'm having a hard time getting enough calories without going over my fat/sugar goal.

  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    One word: Sodium, too high. I always try not to go over my sodium (set at 1800) and even try to stay under. You should try and reduce your sodium and increase water to flush the salt out of your body - cucumber and celery juice (with some ginger) is good for that.
  • fitgal05
    fitgal05 Posts: 149
    Your not eating enough..Im 5'4" 142pds now and am losing 2-3 pds a week at a 2,000 cal average diet since december....I do hiit 3 times a week and lift 3 times a week....I didnt lose anything for about 6 mths at 1200-1500......

    Thanks for the great advice, I'm also 5'4" and around 145 so I've been having trouble dropping another 5 pounds, but I think I also restricted my calories too much.
  • enitsirhck
    enitsirhck Posts: 36 Member
    One word: Sodium, too high. I always try not to go over my sodium (set at 1800) and even try to stay under. You should try and reduce your sodium and increase water to flush the salt out of your body - cucumber and celery juice (with some ginger) is good for that.

    Not sure if you were replying to me but I went and looked any my sodium is over, so I will try this, thanks! I do already drink about 64oz of water a day but if my sodium is too high then I can see how the two things could be exacerbating each other.
  • fitgal05
    fitgal05 Posts: 149
    One word: Sodium, too high. I always try not to go over my sodium (set at 1800) and even try to stay under. You should try and reduce your sodium and increase water to flush the salt out of your body - cucumber and celery juice (with some ginger) is good for that.

    Do you have a recipe for the cucumber juice? I only have a blender but since I've been eating more clean I do feel really bloated.
  • Thrasherbabe
    Thrasherbabe Posts: 68 Member
    This post sounds very similar to my own. I was eating 1200 cal/day and was losing weight every week. After about a 10lb weight loss I hit a major plateau that lasted about 3 weeks. I decided to up my calorie intake to 1500 to see how my body coped. After a week, I started to lose the weight again. This week I lost a total of 2.4 pounds!! =] It works! My body was being starved of energy and nutrients before.
  • enitsirhck
    enitsirhck Posts: 36 Member
    One word: Sodium, too high. I always try not to go over my sodium (set at 1800) and even try to stay under. You should try and reduce your sodium and increase water to flush the salt out of your body - cucumber and celery juice (with some ginger) is good for that.

    Do you have a recipe for the cucumber juice? I only have a blender but since I've been eating more clean I do feel really bloated.

    I'm willing to bet it's just put the cucumber in the juicer then drink XD I have an Omega juicer at home (my fiance does juice fasts) and it was well worth the investment.
  • rayyesnk
    rayyesnk Posts: 24 Member
    Wow, I haven't been watching my sodium! I use organic sea salt so I thought that was ok and healthy. But didn't realize how much sodium it includes. Thanks for the tip.

    I still don't understand how increasing your calorie intake helps you lose weight.

    I too, am stuck at 143-144! So frustrating!
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    have you done any research before starting your diet and weight loss efforts, or did you just jump in with no plan and no idea what to expect?
  • rayyesnk
    rayyesnk Posts: 24 Member
    I've done some research on nutrition and food because I had to change my diet a couple of years ago for health reasons. But I haven't done much on counting calories or weight loss, per se. I lost weight as a side effect of changing my diet. And it seems I have gained some of it back.

    What type of research is one supposed to have done before joining MFP? sorry if my questions sound ignorant!

    I joined MFP to help track what I'm eating to be sure I'm getting the right balance of foods and nutrients, and also to count amounts since I've never done that before -- thinking this all might help me get back to my ideal weight.