Thinking of trying the Jillian Michael 30 day shred

Hi there, i've written a post before but no one replied.
Just wondering if anyone who has a lot to lose like 80-100 pounds has tried the Jillian Micheals 30 day shrede?
If so, is it doable?
also, do you do the same video for 30 days straight?
any info would be appreicated


  • AquaFan
    AquaFan Posts: 309 Member
    I absolutely think it is doable. As Jillian says, she has 300-400 lb people doing these workouts. Just listen to your body.

    As for how to do it, I did level one 10x (doing it 6 days a week), then level 2 10x, then level 3 10x. Hope this helps.
  • zhannka77
    zhannka77 Posts: 27
    thank you!
  • adreeea
    adreeea Posts: 47 Member
    I have about 70-80lbs to lose and I made it halfway through level 2 and quit because I let life get in the way. I am getting ready to start it again tonight, actually.

    It is definately doable!!! I say go for it! It was difficult and the first night I did it, I couldn't finish it. However, I did it again the next night and made it through the video. Just modify the moves you can't do at first and you will be surprised at how much better you get pretty quickly.

    I really enjoy it because I can just keep telling myself, "Come on, there is only 30 seconds of this or a minute of that. You can hang on for that short amount of time."

    The first time I did it, I did not take a rest day at all but I think this time I will. I may do a rest day between each level or one day a week like the previous poster said.
  • zhannka77
    zhannka77 Posts: 27
    thank you for all the info. Good luck this time around. :)
  • Ashwee87
    Ashwee87 Posts: 695 Member
    I just did Day 3 of Level 1 today. It's is a work-out, that is for sure, but very doable. Get 1lbs weights though and don't do what I did and get 5lbs weights. xD I am still doing it with the 5lbs ones, but it is not easy.

    But I have seen amazing results from everyone who has done it so far so I figured it was something worth doing.

    What I am doing is Mon-Fri, 30 day shred. Saturday walking and Sunday break from everything.
  • zhannka77
    zhannka77 Posts: 27
    Thinking of going out to get supplies and start tonight..
  • lhuber1105
    lhuber1105 Posts: 72 Member
    I lost about 63lbs about a year ago and kind of fell off the wagon with the unexpected death of my sister about 6 months ago and I am now starting over and getting back on the wagon....I am on day 3 level 1 and loving it.....already feeling my endurance increase...I think it is very doable...good luck

    also for those of you that have done did you log it under exercise????? thanks
  • I am in the middle of week 2 and I think it is a great workout. You will be SORE so you might not be able to do consecutive days at first. My favorite part is that after you do the work outs once or twice and know the moves (they are not complicated) you can turn the sound off, use closed captioning, and turn your own music up! Personally I would go with at least 3 lbs weights if you are new to strength training because you will progress past the 1 lb really quickly.

    I am also doing each week more than 5X just like Aquafan.

    Good Luck!
  • adreeea
    adreeea Posts: 47 Member
    I logged it as circuit training the first time on MFP. This time around I have a heart rate monitor so I am anxious to see the difference in the two calorie burns.
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    I started it and ran into some injuries that made me stop. But not caused by the video! LOL I will be restarting it in probably a week. It's a great video series. I seriously want to muzzle her half the time just because she annoys me, but once you get the routines down the DVD actually has an option to just play music in the background and not have her voice at all! LOL

    Oh and due to my out of shape-ness, I couldn't do it every day at first. I had to skip two days after the first one, but eventually was doing every other day no problem.
  • alikat2986
    alikat2986 Posts: 72 Member
    DO IT!!!! I lost 7 lbs on 30ds!!!
  • zhannka77
    zhannka77 Posts: 27
    Okay, thank you all for your advice and opionion. I don't kow if this is the right program for me to start, but I went to Canadian Tire bought 2lbs dumb bells and a yoga mat.. Will give it a go tonight. I figure even if I can't get through it, at least it more then i'm doing now and going the right path
  • adreeea
    adreeea Posts: 47 Member
    Okay, thank you all for your advice and opionion. I don't kow if this is the right program for me to start, but I went to Canadian Tire bought 2lbs dumb bells and a yoga mat.. Will give it a go tonight. I figure even if I can't get through it, at least it more then i'm doing now and going the right path

    That is the attitude I have. At least we are moving, right!? Good Luck!
  • sigridcr
    sigridcr Posts: 1
    I have a little more than that to lose and just did my first session of 30ds. It was hard, but totally do-able! I say go for it, you can always stop for a breather if it gets too hard :)
    SEC_RULES Posts: 63 Member
    Bump for later
  • Just be really careful to get your form down right on all the moves, the video goes pretty fast and it is easy to do them wrong. I did it for about three days in December and messed up my knee for about a month and could hardly walk. I'm not that out of shape, but my form must have been terrible. Just be careful not to hurt yourself.
  • woodwardtm
    woodwardtm Posts: 361 Member
    It is possible but will be tough at the beginning. Just keep doing what you can and you will get stronger with each day.

    Another thing you can do is try the Leslie Sansone walking videos on youtube. I sometimes do the 2 mile video in my office when the weather is bad outside. They will be low impact and good for a beginner. Anything to get you moving is a start!

    Good luck!
  • Monkey_2013
    Monkey_2013 Posts: 19 Member
    Okay, thank you all for your advice and opionion. I don't kow if this is the right program for me to start, but I went to Canadian Tire bought 2lbs dumb bells and a yoga mat.. Will give it a go tonight. I figure even if I can't get through it, at least it more then i'm doing now and going the right path

    I'm starting with it and her Shred-it with weights (walmart has both dvd's for 7 bucks each)

    I'm just going slower and taking a couple seconds break when I need too.
    Also I do modified jumping jacks because no matter what she say's in the video my right ankle doesn't agree with her that
    it doesn't need modified :grumble:
  • ElizabethObviously
    ElizabethObviously Posts: 380 Member
    I do modified jumping jacks, do the push ups against something and modify the crunches cuz my boobs would about suffocate me if I did get on the floor. But one day I will be able to do it the non modified way.

    I am on Day 3. Woke up sore but not too sore to NOT do it.

    And like you said, anything is better than nothing.
  • zhannka77
    zhannka77 Posts: 27
    looking forward to taking a day break from level one to two.. was happy to be able to do jumping jacks without my knee giving out.. good luck and keep me posted on how you did
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    Love it and RI 30 is even better!
  • Bookaholic88
    Bookaholic88 Posts: 106 Member
    Loving the 30 day shred. Today is day 28 for me! Have lost a noticeable amount of inches!
  • sugboog29
    sugboog29 Posts: 630 Member
    I'm almost close to the finish line....did level 3, day 4 today!! I've lost 1.5 inches from my waist and hips and 1 inch from my thighs!!! When I finish 30DS I'm doing Ripped in 30!
  • matimoore
    matimoore Posts: 2 Member
    I am getting ready to start the Jillian Michael 30 day shred with a new group that starts Monday, March 25, 2013.

    Anyone interested in doing it as part of a group check out the group under Fit4Life_7's 30 Day Shred.