Young Athletic women 5'2ISH and 110-125lbs who actually eat



  • Just starting on this journey. I'm 5' only and weight 124. I'm 31. This is the weight prior to getting pregnant with my first kid 6 years ago. Of course it went up and back down after two babies.

    I'd really like to get to 115 since I'm only 5' tall. Any suggestions you guys have would be great.

    I am doing classes at the gym and trying to add in running on my treadmill when I can't get to the gym. My favorite classes are Core Shred, Ripped, CX Works, Barre and Zumba. I'm shooting for four days a week, but sometimes only get in two days a week. I really need to make a stronger commitment to 4 days a week.

    I'd love more women my size like you as friends. Hopefully us short, petite ladies can encourage each other. Anyone that wants to add me please do. I need encouragement.

    Oh and I love to eat. I just need to eat better foods!

    On another note I think 110 - 125 for 5'2 seems pretty good but I understand you wanting to lose that last 5 or so. I'm with you there. Best of luck.

    If you haven't tried Barre and have a gym that offers it, take it. An hour classes that really sculpts your body and makes you leaner.
  • I am 5'2" and currently weight 118 lbs ( more recently was in the lower 120's )

    If you feel like you are having a hard time being full on a low calorie diet... I would suggest trying some different low calorie food options!

    Today for lunch I had 2 mini sandwiches. Instead of bread, I used English cucumbers sliced long ways, spread some whipped cream cheese on the insides (I can't do fat free, whipped is too good) and then added 98% fat free sliced turkey.

    Just those 2 mini sandwiches only total 145 calories! That leaves you a lot of calories for power snacks throughout the day!
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    5'4 118. Maintain at 2200-2500

    Edit to add that I'm currently trying to stay around 1800-2000 to drop these last couple pounds.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I hear ya. To be really thin, it takes a lot of moving without a lot of eating. I'm taller than you and weigh less, but not a lot.

    At some point we have to own our bodies, ya know?
  • Im 5'4 currently 129.5
    If you do look at my diary it is low just now not been feeling well but I do lots of sports and most of the time when iv reached my maintain weight I eat 1750/1800 cals a day
  • 5'2", 129lb, 35 years old, work out 4-5 days per week.
    Goal weight 115.
    Currently doing interval training classes at the gym 4 days a week and getting a 5th day of cardio or TRX in when I can.

    How many calories do you all burn per workout? I wear a heart rate monitor that gives me between 280 and 360 per any given workout. I have no idea if that is accurate or not.

    I try to keep to the 1200 calorie net recommend by MFP but it doesn't really seem like enough and I'm always a few hundred calories over. I'm giving it a chance and a better try for awhile since just exercising and only watching calories without counting them didn't work after 8 weeks. I didn't lose inches or lbs.
  • I'm 5'1, my current weight is 134 and I'm hoping to lose about 20 lbs. Currently I'm sticking around 1200-1400 but I'm gradually increasing my work-out routine so think I might increase the amount of calories.
  • Oakley82
    Oakley82 Posts: 53
    I'm 5'2 with an UGW of 115 lbs. Feel free to add me anyone. I don't have an open diary, but I'm on here daily, all day. :flowerforyou:
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    5'2", 129lb, 35 years old, work out 4-5 days per week.
    Goal weight 115.
    Currently doing interval training classes at the gym 4 days a week and getting a 5th day of cardio or TRX in when I can.

    How many calories do you all burn per workout? I wear a heart rate monitor that gives me between 280 and 360 per any given workout. I have no idea if that is accurate or not.

    I try to keep to the 1200 calorie net recommend by MFP but it doesn't really seem like enough and I'm always a few hundred calories over. I'm giving it a chance and a better try for awhile since just exercising and only watching calories without counting them didn't work after 8 weeks. I didn't lose inches or lbs.

    I love working out and it has always been a part of me so honestly, after awhile and going into maintenance I stopped caring what I burned bc no matter what I was going to keep the same schedule. Eating at my TDEE or even TDEE with a cut also allows me to do this bc it doesn't care either. It just accounts for the length and/or intensity of your workouts based on a weekly average.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    I hear ya. To be really thin, it takes a lot of moving without a lot of eating. I'm taller than you and weigh less, but not a lot.

    At some point we have to own our bodies, ya know?

    Wrong. People can be a small although healthy weight and eat "a lot". Working out a ton and eating like a bird is not healthy nor an option to many of us. In order to survive my workouts I need fuel and a ton of it. :)
  • klhessling
    klhessling Posts: 48 Member
    I'm 38, at my goal of 136 lbs @ 5'7". I eat 1650 calories w/o exercise and about 1900-2100 on days I do workout (5 days per week). I do one day of heavy lifting/barbell and 4 days of cardio/running. I eat 30/30/40..... Protein/fats/carbs. I strive for clean eating.
  • canadiangirl71
    canadiangirl71 Posts: 4 Member
    I am in the same boat and trying to get past those last few pounds after a back injury put me out for 6 months.

    Just getting started but know from experience the last 5-10 will be a struggle..

    Starting - 141lbs
    Current - 131lbs
    Goal 124

    Sticking to the 1200 suggested for now - workout 5-7 days a week of cardio and weights 2-3x a week. Eating back my exercise calories now which I wasn't and hoping to get back to burning mode.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    currently doing a slow cut on 1850 cals/day, aiming for maybe 18-20% bf, but still lifting for making strength gains
  • Sebidian
    Sebidian Posts: 199 Member
  • balancedbrunette
    balancedbrunette Posts: 530 Member
    In the exact same boat as you unfortunately i'm still inbetween that stage of going with low cal or upping, between 1300-1500 has lost it steadily for me up to now but i think it is definitely harder now my body has adjusted to the drop in calories trying to loose the last 10lbs is proving so difficult im 124lbs at the moment and i've been here a while. :L

    Lots have suggested to me eating between 1600-1800 and starting into the weight training to tone up my body fat but i'm still nervous of hurting myself starting the weight training but very much considering buying NWOLFW and going for you can see don't have much helpful advice for you but from what i've heard upping the calories is the way foreward along with strength and or HILT.

    Hoping some others will reply with some useful tips :).
  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
  • veggieluver2
    veggieluver2 Posts: 70 Member
    49 years
    5'0 tall
    110 lb.

    I'm netting around 1700 after exercise. I think 1700 calories is my maintenance for me. I try not to weigh myself often, but I'm pretty sure I'm around 110 lbs.

    It's gotten harder to burn calories as I've gotten older. I like to eat--not restrict food.
  • Annie_ga
    Annie_ga Posts: 72
    Hi. I'm not that young, but I'm 5' 2" and 123 lbs. I've been on a low cal plan which worked great for the first 13 lbs. But now I have a little more to go. The other day I decided to set my weight to my goal weight on mfp. Now I'm eating and exercising to the weight I want to be. It's part of the fat2fit program. So this week, I've been eating 1800 calories-ish. And I'm pretty active too. It's counter-intuitive to eat this much, but I'm tired of "dieting" and just want to build my newer healthy lifestyle. I eat pretty healthy meals so feel free to add me as a friend. Good luck! PS - loved reading this post :)
  • IliN82
    IliN82 Posts: 108
    Hi! Our stats are quite similar, I am 5,2 and am now at my goal weight of 103.5 lbs. I am 30 and have 3 kids. I try to eat healthy but leave plenty of room for yummy things too!! I can't cut things out or it will make me crave them. I have just learned to control portions and I try filling myself up with healthier things so that I don't get bad cravings. I do not feel like I am on a diet at all, I just exercise and enjoy food and life. Everything in moderation :) Feel free to add me if you want to look at my diary.
  • IliN82
    IliN82 Posts: 108
    5'2", 129lb, 35 years old, work out 4-5 days per week.
    Goal weight 115.
    Currently doing interval training classes at the gym 4 days a week and getting a 5th day of cardio or TRX in when I can.

    How many calories do you all burn per workout? I wear a heart rate monitor that gives me between 280 and 360 per any given workout. I have no idea if that is accurate or not.

    I try to keep to the 1200 calorie net recommend by MFP but it doesn't really seem like enough and I'm always a few hundred calories over. I'm giving it a chance and a better try for awhile since just exercising and only watching calories without counting them didn't work after 8 weeks. I didn't lose inches or lbs.

    Sounds about right. Us smaller people don't have as big burns as more overweight or taller people would.