Misinformed Weight Watchers



  • Kaylaef
    Kaylaef Posts: 194 Member
    ^^ thank you.
  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    First of all, please don't bash on a program that you don't know because someone is not representing it properly.

    I'm on WW and I lost 56lbs. At the beggining, counting points was easier for me than counting calories. Eventually I began doing both, so I wasn't overdoing it on free fruits and veggies. Turns out I would need to eat a lot fo fruit to over do it.

    WW count on the fact that people WILL eat those free stuff. If you do eat them, you won't be under your minimal requirements.

    Also, 20 pistachios = 120 calories, 10.4 g fat, 5.6 g carbohydrates, 3.2 g protein, 2.4 g fiber, 144 mg sodium, 3 PointsPlus.

    Not 9 pts. 3 !! Maybe your friend should do her homeworks. Also, WW tell you that you NEED to eat healthy fats.

    MFP and counting calories is overwhelming for a lot of people. WW is a great alternative.

    I've been doing Weight watchers for 4 months with a lost of 16 lbs. i love the program and it works. Just like calorie counting, you have to make choices. Remember--different strokes for different folks...I did calorie counting with MFP lost 15lbs, doing WW lost another 15, just do whats best for you!! AND DO YOUR RESEARCH!! USE THE HANDBOOK TO REFERENCE FOOD! It's your friend..the calculation for the nuts was way off my friend!! Good luck
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I had fabulous results from Weight Watchers when I did it years ago. They put everything into a package that makes it easy for people to make small changes for a better lifestyle, and provides a lot of support during the change. I think the nutritional information that MFP offers a more accurate picture and drives a truly healthy lifestyle, but I wouldn't knock WW.

    One of the great things about WW is that nothing is forbidden, you just need to account for it in your points, so I don't know where she's getting that wild hair about nuts or beef.
  • QueenofComeBacks
    QueenofComeBacks Posts: 165 Member
    for a person that went to one meeting for ww and listen to what they said and got calculator and pocket guide book. what i understand that calories has nothing to do with the program but fat,fiber,protein and carbs is what determines the points. they encourage you eat veggies and fruit with every meal because we know MOST people didn't get fat on eating fruit and veggies. they also told eat good protein which would be lean meats and nuts so your friend must be eating prepackage food trying stay under her points which hard to do and your starve your self doing. also the lowest points someone can get is 26 points plus you get more if you exercise and they give extra points 49 each week too.
  • Jewles1285
    Jewles1285 Posts: 119
    I think that if she is going to give you a hard time about what you eat then you have two choices, stop discussing your food choices with her OR the next time a discussion comes up, and she pitches a fit about your choices tell her "im not on the same "lifestyle" as you. I am not judging your choices so please dont judge mine, what i am doing is working for me"

    I think you just need to stay strong with what you know works best for you!! keep up the great work!
  • cappri
    cappri Posts: 1,089 Member
    I just don't understand how not eating the protein and healthy fat foods--and still being to be at Caloric goal. Can someone explain it to me? Like obviously I would eat pistachios if i was counting points and I was allowed 25 and they were 9--seems ridiculous. But they are only 90 cals! so....Huh? someone break it down for me, how are they still getting the energy and nutrients they need to fuel their bodies? As far as I am aware, they don't take any 'magic pills'. Im not hating on weight watchers, I know alot of people have super success. Im just curious. Because to me, the math is the math, burn more then you consume=weight loss.

    In all honesty I have no idea why a 1/4 cup of nuts, about 1oz is between 80-90 calories and yet a 1/4 cup counted on WW is 9 points. If I put in ounces .75 ounces is 3 points, 1 ounce is 5 points. It's a little confusing. I haven't come across this in my 13 months on WW because I don't eat nuts.

    Don't think everyone on WW is doing it the same way your co-worker is though. Just like people use MFP differently, some only count calories, some pay attention to macros, etc.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    WW is a whole different system, but it's a good system; most nutritionists agree on that (see ratings for diet programs). She'll learn as she goes; the meetings cover a lot of good nutritional information.

    I agree with WW on this: nobody got fat from eating too many fruits and vegetables. But if you're counting calories, you count them anyway.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    I lost 90 lbs on WW. I also fully embrace the zero point fruit and veggies, and that did not hinder me one bit.

    Nuts are indeed "pointy" but I certainly don't cut them out of my diet. I don't cut any one type of food out of my diet, unless I just plain don't want to eat it (like processed junk food or sugar soda).
  • LB30
    LB30 Posts: 109 Member
    As a former WW, I've seen this before. In fact, I've been guilty of it. I don't fault WW for it (this is definitely NOT a bash of the program, it served me well once, and I'd have a lot more to lose if it weren't for my experience with WW) it is just the way some individuals see things. Points makes things easy to count, but many times it doesn't show you the whole picture. And I, and many others I have known, made some poor choices because of points. For example, I would choose a 3 pt bag of popcorn as a snack rather than 9 pts (if that is the correct calculation) worth of nuts. Popcorn isn't bad, per se, but the nuts are an overall healthier option in most cases. They just didn't fit into my points without giving up something else that I already had planned. Or, I'd have to keep the amount so low to keep the points equal, that I was left unsatisfied. WW never told me to do that, it was just how I saw it at the time. I left WW not because IT didn't work, but because I needed a fresh look at my habits.

    I would guess your co-worker may have a bit of the same mindset I had. She's not seeing the whole picture, just the "points" or, in the case of fruit/veg on the new plan, lack there of. That may cost her in the long run. It certainly did for me. I failed miserably on 'free' fruits because I overate the "0" and under-ate good foods simply because I didn't like the look of the points value.

    At the end of the day, counting points or counting calories often shakes out the same, but sometimes we miss the forest for the trees. I'm not sure what the best way to handle that would be other than to say choose your battles. If it is worth the debate, have it. But if you're happy on your path and she's happy on hers and you are both finding success, maybe you can get her to agree to disagree and just be happy for each other's success. :-)
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    It's not just about counting points! You need to get in all of the good health guidelines in as well, like getting your proteins, fruits/veggies, dairy, and healthy oils.

    If you get all these in, I have a feeling you would be pretty close to what MFP recommends for your daily goal of macros.
  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    First of all, please don't bash on a program that you don't know because someone is not representing it properly.
    I'm not seeing bashing.
  • happyheart15
    happyheart15 Posts: 383 Member
    I love weight watchers. I've lost 20 pounds in 2.5 months on it.
  • stratcat45
    stratcat45 Posts: 48 Member
    I love Weight Watchers and think they have an excellent program; unfortunately most people do not do the program correctly.

    Not all veggies are 0 pts. Starchy veggies (potatoes, peas, corn for example) have pts values to them. All FRESH fruit may be counted as 0 pts. however WW does not say that just because something is 0 pts. you can eat as much as you want.

    Their healthy guidelines say 5 servings of fruit or veggies a day, not as many servings as you want. They'll also tell you that if you are doing all or mostly fruit and your weight has stalled or you are gaining, it may be time to eat more veggies and cut back on the fruit.

    I feel sorry for your friend, she's missing out on a lot of food that she could be eating on WW. Turkey burger can have as much fat in it as regular hamburger. Cheese, nuts and an apple are a snack for me. She needs to re-read her material.

    Course some of the blame can be the leaders; there were times I wanted to just take over the class as my leader would seem so wishey washey with the new program. But she never said to eat all the 0 pt food you want or avoid nuts and hamburger.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    I don't think it is necessarily a WW issue. People say the most crazy *kitten* on here all day long too. Misinformed people are everywhere. Her leader could be giving her totally correct info - people hear what they want and spread their knowledge correct or not everywhere they go.
  • meldel49
    meldel49 Posts: 30 Member
    Let her know that if WW workks for her that is good and if this is working for you that is fine also. I know WW goes by points and veggies are 0 points and you meet certain points depending on your weight. I was on WW and it is a good plan but I like this better because it is free and hate going to their sessions where they all jump up and down bragging about how much they lost, making you feel horrible. The reason she says that about the nuts and beef is because they are worth more points than other stuff. Just ignore her if need be. She is only trying to make herself look good by putting youo down. Chin up and surge ahead.