Has anyone had luck with diet supplements for over 55?

Just interested if anyone takes supplements that have actually helped them? Or shakes, bars, etc.??


  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    If they worked so great, there wouldn't be so much money to be made, or such wide variety. Long term sustainable healthy eating and activity. That's not glamorous or fast, but it works. If, however, you can't get enough nutrition with food, then you have a big variety of supplements to fill that. I like food... I have to think it's better for me if it's honest to goodness not franken-food, too.
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    If they worked so great, there wouldn't be so much money to be made, or such wide variety. Long term sustainable healthy eating and activity. That's not glamorous or fast, but it works. If, however, you can't get enough nutrition with food, then you have a big variety of supplements to fill that. I like food... I have to think it's better for me if it's honest to goodness not franken-food, too.

    As above, just use honest fresh food not a chemical concoction unless there is a real medical problem
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Do you mean supplements or weight loss products? Supplements are something in addition to your regular diet like vitamins and minerals to aid you in reaching your needs. These can help if you're deficient in something but I wouldn't take them without a blood test showing a problem.

    If you mean weight loss shakes, bars, etc for meal replacements then no. It's all gimmicks and hype to steal your money and make false promises.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    I'm not anti supplement. Some people need extra in their diets. Most people probably don't. I take iron. I probably ought to get more calcium. I think glucosamine helps me. Most people ought to decide that for themselves instead of fad supplements. I don't personally believe in a handfull of things that I should be gettting from food to be taken in pill or shake form.

    What I don't believe in is weight loss aides, and that shakes and bars are needed. I do have protein bars in my purse as convenience food so I don't go through the drive-throughs! I eat processed food for quickie lazy food, i'm not a vegan or a saint. But limiting foods that don't come whole seems to be the best healthy diet tip in my opinion
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    I don't take meal replacements, protein drinks or weightloss pills. I do take vit D3, magnesium, fish oil, probiotic, alpha lipoic acid and sublingual B12 everyday. Otherwise I eat tons of veggies, some fresh fruits, fish, chicken, beef, nut butters, beans, olive oil, eggs, some bread, some pasta and of course chocolate!
  • ThisGirl2013
    ThisGirl2013 Posts: 220 Member
    I believe in organic, whole food supplements that are used in conjunction with normal, healthy eating. Not necessarily just for weight loss even but in meeting nutritional requirements that maybe you can't get with real food (financially or because the local grocery store doesn't stock those items year round (at all or at a decent price that can be met within a budget)...