
I heard that cravings only last for 15 minutes max, and they have new apps that time this so you can pass your cravings, but honestly it does not work!! I've been craving greasy junk food for the last 24 hours, burgers, poutines whatever it is I want it! Anybody have any methods to control cravings that might work? I've tried drinking water - so my stomach will be more fuller (half the time your hungry its actually thirst), I've been lightly snacking, but nothing! My craving is still there...

Any ideas would be wonderful?


  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
    I avoid cravings by eating what I want. I simply make sure I stay within my calorie goals.
  • Arismar2022
    Arismar2022 Posts: 24 Member
    Hot tea
    > BEST!!!!!
    Wash your teeth
    Chewing gum
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,497 Member
    Check your macros. Are you missing anything? I had a terrible sugar craving the other night (I very rarely crave anything sweet) and it turned out I was extremely low on carbs for the day. I think I had some fruit and it went away. If I am craving junk food, it frequently means I am low on fat or protein. I try to find healthier ways to get what my body needs. A handful of pistachios or a slice of cheese often helps.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Just have a portion of what you are craving every so often if the craving lasts that long, and then carry on as normal.
    You can always make your own burger at home if you want more control over it.
    But the occasional burger wont do harm if the rest of your diet is healthy.
    It is possible you just need more fat, in which case, have some steak or some peanut butter or avocado or nuts etc. Might be the red meat you are craving more than the grease itself.
  • stephanieross1
    stephanieross1 Posts: 388 Member
    Thanks guys! I made myself something of what I'm craving, and i think I'm could for a long while.... (HOPEFULLY)