Working to get back to my old marine self

All my life I have always been the chubby kid. In 2008 I was around 205 lbs. I decided I needed a change in my life. So I made the choice and I joined the Marine Corps. I came out of the Marine Corps bootcamp at 160 lbs. I lost 45 lbs in only 3 months. At 5'11 I felt extremely skinnny and I felt great. After the course of 5 years I gained more weight to where I was close to 195 at the end of my enlistment. A few months later after getting out I jumped to 215. I know to some this may not sound like a lot, but to me.. I felt very self conscious. I started noticing that I couldnt fit into my clothes without it being tight and alot of my clothes I can't wear all together. I didn't have the drive to workout while I was in the Marines, but since I got out I really feel the motivation to do it. I am tired of being fat and I am a cheap *kitten* so I don't want to buy new clothes either.

I want to get to a good weight for me which is 185. I felt very comfortable at that weight and I dont think its too large of a goal to see impossible for me. So by 6 weeks I want to drop to 200. I know a lot about exercising so I know how to get there.. My problem is I love to eat. So I started cooking and using this website. My brother is about the same size as me and he lost all of his weight and dropped to 170 in a few months. No supplements. Just healthy eating and exercise. I think with the support from him and reading the success stories of others I can remain steadfast in my goals.

I made my food diary open to the public so feel free to message me about anything. Advice or tips are well recieved from me and I might have a few things to help you with if you have questions.


  • Quadzilla4425
    Hello and welcome back. If after you review my profe you want to add me please do. I'm funny and motivational as well. Even though our goals may be different the end result is the same. Success!

    Either way all the best and good luck with your fitness goals. I know you can do this