Hello :) looking for motivation buddies :)

xija13 Posts: 5 Member
Hey everyone! My name is Nicky and I'm 23. I'm looking for a pal who is in the same boat that I am in. My highest weight was 350 pounds in Jan 2012. I started losing weight and got down to about 309 in October but gained the weight again up until last week. I was back at 332. I want to find a friend who has about the same weight loss goals that I do (I would like to lose 200 pounds). I want someone who can understand this journey and how hard it's going to be. I don't have any friends or anything on here so I'm ready for some!!!


  • welcome!! im not in the same boat as you, but we alll have simillar goals! and that is to have a healthier life :D

    feel free to add me! im always up for more friends
  • kshah86
    kshah86 Posts: 4
  • hiphopdisco
    hiphopdisco Posts: 27 Member
    I understand completely
  • phyllisbobbitt
    phyllisbobbitt Posts: 347 Member
    :flowerforyou: hello, i have sent you a friend request. i am on here several times a day. i read & answer all of my friends. i look forward to talking & encouraging each other!
  • xija13
    xija13 Posts: 5 Member
    Aw thanks everyone!! I feel the love! I look forward to being motivated and motivating! lol
  • I'm also looking to add friends for motivation and cheering each other on. Together we can all succeed.
  • lafilo
    lafilo Posts: 3
    Hi there,

    While my struggles with weight loss may not be the same as yours I'm happy to help motivate you along your journey :smile:
  • xija13
    xija13 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks again! I appreciate that even though we may not have the same weight loss goals that everyone is still really supportive :) for some reason I thought that it was going to be difficult finding people to become friends with and to help keep me motivated :)
  • spike90
    spike90 Posts: 704 Member
    You are welcome to add me (anyone can). I am on here a few times each day and try to comment on all my pals. I am in the same boat as you and started here with 162 pounds to lose. I have lost 74 so far thanks to this site and the great support on here. I will send you a request :) Good luck!!
  • golfchicken
    golfchicken Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I would love to add you! I am in a similar boat with you. After a stressful job and poor eating habits, I am at my all time heaviest. I used to be a college athlete and want to get back to being active and healthy. I need all of the motivation that I can get and I hope that I would be able to help others get motivated as well.
  • xija13
    xija13 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks guys :) I will definitely add you both! I appreciate the motivation!!! Seriously!!!