How Many Calores Did I Burn?????

So do you think it is possible to burn 786 calories during one hour of Zumba? Cause that's what my HRM told me this evening. I figure it must be way overestimating. I mean I worked super hard, but 786 really???
I have a New Balance HRM, and I'm pretty positive I set it up correctly. What do you think?


  • ChrisLindsay9
    ChrisLindsay9 Posts: 837 Member
    It's possible. For a first session especially. But it's hard to say if it is accurate based on one session. Have you had multiple sessions? Maybe keep track over the course of 5-6 sessions of the results, and see if you can get an assessment from there?

    Regardless, one hour of Zumba? You rock! Nice going!
  • krichardson0102
    krichardson0102 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks! I went again tonight and my HRM read 654. I think I will do as you suggest and keep track of the different sessions and find an average.