I need motivation to eat better

So I have accepted that I need to EAT more to LOSE more. I was previously eating an average of 1200 calories and burning about 700/day at the gym. I was advised to increase my calories to 1600. So...anyone there that has successfully lost weight by eating the calories they burned from exercise (which is recommended) please share. Tell me how many calories you ate, how much you exercised and the pace you lost weight.


  • SweetlyVague
    SweetlyVague Posts: 172 Member
    Hmm, let's see.

    Well, I'm 5'2" and I weighed 180 pounds in the summer of last year. I'm currently 149 pounds. There was some downtime in there where I really fell off the wagon, but generally I burned about 400 calories 4-5 times a week. I was intaking 1200 for the first bit, but then realized I was starving with how much I worked out and how right I was on calories, so I upped it to 1500. I now also eat back a little bit of my workout calories and it seems to work just fine.
  • chels0722
    chels0722 Posts: 465 Member
    I don't eat back my exercise calories, but I try to eat about 2200 calories a day. My daily intake is based off of my exercise level and macro needs. I recommend checking this link out:

  • krhale11
    krhale11 Posts: 8
    Can I give you a better indicator than what I do? Results and plans vary by person depending on how many calories your body burns per day and how many calories you take in. I just started using the Fitbit zip and it's fantastic. I promise I don't ever endorse things unless they work. Use this little beauty and you won't ever have to count calories again. It syncs directly with myfitnesspal too!!!!! I've only been using a couple weeks and already lost 3 pounds and trust me, if you follow it, it works and you'll know that you're eating enough calories based on what the system says. No more counting and guess work.

    Check it out at www.fitbit.com. Honestly, best fitness product I've ever purchased, really is awesome! I get excited telling people about it. :)
