Any ideas please?

Hello all! I have just started working out about a week ago and aiming for about 4-5 days a week cardio and 2-3 weights. I lost most of the weight I wanted to lose with food (7 months ago I was 148 lbs and now I'm 128, 5'6") and I'm really only looking to lose about 8 lb or so more.
But my big thing now is that I really want to tone up especially my legs so I can feel more comfortable in shorts, and especially since I'm really pale, I feel like every lump and bump shows more than on women I see with tan/darker skin. Do you all have any particular exercises/weight training ideas to tone up the thigh area? Being able to do them in a small space would also be ideal, since I live in a dorm.
Thanks so much!!:)


  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    not a chick but your program kind of sounds like are working out seven days a week which will lead to burn out.

    I would recommend a revised program where you lift about three days a week and do two days a week cardio, maybe three.

    You can build a program around squats, deadlifts, bench press, over head press, chin up, pull up, etc. Then incorporate these into a program where you are hitting legs/back/shoulders/arms three days a week and doing cardio two days a week with two rest days...

    Just my two cents....
  • suv_hater
    suv_hater Posts: 374 Member
    You should buy a stationary bike from craigslist and put it in your dorm.

    Or you can do squats with dumbells.

    Or buy an exercise ball and do wall squats.... with dumbells too if you'd like. You don't need much space for leg exercises.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    oh I missed the dorm part..whoops..

    does your school have a gym?
  • xxstormynightsxx
    Actually, I had been planning on gyming only about 4 or so days a week, with weights being on every other cardio day, if that sounds right. i'm sorry i just realized my first post was a bit confusing with that. but yes, that's a great idea, getting more areas than one at a time, that would certainly more efficient, especially with deadlifting for what i'm going for. while i have had many spells of going to the gym, none of it has really revolved around weights and muscle training at all, so these are helpful ideas. thank you!!

    Edit: also, this was a reply to you, ndj1979. and yes, we do have a gym so thankfully this will work out
  • xxstormynightsxx
    You should buy a stationary bike from craigslist and put it in your dorm.

    Or you can do squats with dumbells.

    Or buy an exercise ball and do wall squats.... with dumbells too if you'd like. You don't need much space for leg exercises.

    Getting an exercise ball is an excellent idea. I don't have any experience with them as of t=now, but I bet that'd be super helpful. thank you!!!