Moms - When do you find the time?



  • marysinh
    marysinh Posts: 11

    I'm a single mother of an 8 y/o and a 2 y/o boys. I have to wake up at 4am and get my workouts in while they are still sleeping before work. I do workout dvds. That way I can spend my evenings with them. :-) Jillian Michaels dvds are great because they are mostly 30 minutes long. They're fun so I don't dread it.
  • epfenick
    epfenick Posts: 112 Member
    I am a 39 year mom of a three year old boy. I work full time outside the house, Monday through Friday. My husband is usually gone very early in the morning, so going to the gym in the morning is not an option unless I want to wake up my son and drag him to the gym at 5:30AM. No thanks!! I am too tired to go in the evening, and I really enjoy being able to eat dinner with my family and tuck my son in bed. My one hour lunch does not give me enough time to drive to the gym, change, work out, change again and then drive back, so I came up with a very effective alternative. I started walking stairs at work. I found that there are stairs everywhere, and stairs are one of the most effective calorie burning workouts. You build muscle and get cardio. I walk for 30 minutes, as many flights of stairs as I can. I walk up and then back down and then up again. After a few weeks, it wasn't so hard, so I started skipping steps and taking every other step. Soon, I plan to carry weights to make it harder. I've lost 8 pounds in 5 weeks by adding this workout. Like the other commenters said, you won't want to miss a workout. It also has the benefit of mentally clearing my head at work. Any stress is gone when I get back to my desk. By walking for 30 minutes, I still have time to get some lunch down and change my shoes before I go back to work.
  • rachelmorgan77
    rachelmorgan77 Posts: 131 Member
    I'm a mom to three (8, 5, and 3) and work full time. It is VERY hard to find the time. However - these are some things that worked for me. You have to find what works for you.

    I'm a schedule freak, so I"ll sit down weekly with my work and gym class schedule and see what I can make fit in the schedule.

    I do bootcamp at 5:30 am on M/W/F.

    I became a certified Zumba instructor, so I HAVE to be at my own class!

    I sign up for various races around the area to keep me motivated to keep running, always tackling the next goal.

    Luckily my Y has childcare in the evening, and that is a miracle.

    The crock pot is a best friend. It allows me to have supper ready when I get home and maybe squeeze in an extra class if I can.

    The most important thing is to not beat yourself up if you miss a workout, a day, etc. There are small humans depending on you, and the more you take care of yourself the better you'll be for them - so just take it one day at a time and know that you're ultimately teaching your kids good habits and they will be better people for it.
  • veggiehottie
    veggiehottie Posts: 590 Member
    My life is Kid, Work and Gym. I would not have it any other way.

    ha ha this is totally me!
  • AliceKP
    AliceKP Posts: 4
    Yh totally i struggled with this for a long time coz i always believed night time was better for me but recently i started pushing myself out of bed 1hr earlier and the more i do it the easier it gets. I dont like waking up early but working out is important to me so i do it.
  • cyoka13
    cyoka13 Posts: 288 Member
    Like many others have suggested, I have to work out early in the morning. If I wait until the evenings, I am either 1) too tired 2) too full from dinner 3) too busy with after school activities, getting ready for the next day, etc. I work 40+ hours most weeks and I am finishing up my masters degree. So, I understand completely that it is difficult to make the time for it.

    With all of that being said, my one word of encouragement is that when I work out in the mornings, I am better able to handle the stress of a busy lifestyle. I have more energy now that I get up early and workout then on days that I sleep in. It also gives me 45 minutes or so of "me time" which every parent needs :)
  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    You ladies are so dedicated. I need to quit moaning and crack on.


    Thanks, but for some of us (ME) this is about more than being dedicated. This keeps me OUT OF JAIL!
    I teach high school in a high poverty district and the stress levels are just unbelievable most days. We are expected to do everything with nothing. Imagine trying to help prepare students for the real world that hopefully includes either college or trade school without reliable internet! Our best and newest computer systems have Word 2003, if that gives you an idea.

    Without a healthy relief, I'd have killed either someone's child or more likely a coworker a long time ago.
  • genericaroar
    genericaroar Posts: 51 Member
    I'm a SAHM to a 16 month old. I used to workout at night but I have no idea how I ever had the energy. Lunch time and before my so gets up and husband leaves for work are my only times I have the energy now. Can you wake up early to get in a workout and use a DVD or YouTube video? You can try to make it to a gym over your lunch or even a walk.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    I have a 2 year old, a husband who's never home when I am and I work full-time(weird hours). I either wake up at the *kitten* crack of dawn, do it after he goes to bed, or while he naps in the afternoon (even though that's when I should nap too-I work late nights several days a week) If you really want to find the time-you will! It sucks but it's possible. Don't beat yourself up when your body really wants a rest day instead-we are all human. Just make small goals and work your way up. Tell yourself 30 mins 3X a week and go from there.
  • Suffer4beauty
    Suffer4beauty Posts: 44 Member
    I do not like to work out at night - I get way too tired and exercise also stimulates my blood/brain too much and then I can't fall asleep easily. I can't do afternoons because my baby tries to sit on me during exercises like crunches, push-ups, planks, etc. She also gets under-foot for the aerobic activities - and her nap is usually while I am an work. So, I work out in the mornings. I don't have to be at work until 9 AM, so I work out from 5:45 until 7:30 AM (with the understanding that if hubby wants to see a healthy wife, he must at least start getting the kids ready, like dressing the baby and maybe pouring cereal for the older child). I found another mom to take a walk with - so from 6:15 to 6:50 we walk 2 miles together - time flies when you are chatting and it keeps me going each morning because I don't want to cancel on her.
    Try finding another mama in the mornings to at least walk with you. At first it will be hard, but as your internal clock starts waking you up automatically and you know that you are also looking forward to - not the walk necessarily - but the friendship/conversation time, it will get much better.
  • I am almost embarrassed to say (after reading all the posting) that I can't say there is no time in my schedule but I need to know how to resolve the lack of interest/motivation to exercise. I have a short term goal of loosing 40 lbs.. but even that its a huge challenge without exercise.. I commute to work so I leave my home at 6a.m. and I get back at 6:30pm but between 6:30pm to 9:00pm I think I can fit something in, but I seriously get home so exhausted, and fatigued I can hardly even function.. Sometimes I don't even eat dinner since I feel so tired. I have 3 children, a spouse and my mother who is 80 yrs old and lives with me.. I can't say I'm a Mrs Clean type of Mom but I just simply can't find the motivation or energy to do it.. I've always blamed it on the lack of iron deficiency I have but I wish there was something I could do to help me with this. I work full time and go to online college p/t on top of all my normal other things :/
  • i_luv_irs
    i_luv_irs Posts: 30 Member
    I'm fortunate to be able to work out at lunch time 4 days per week. Since I work in Midtown Manhattan I walk just a couple of blocks and my gym is right there. Weekends my husband and I switch off our gym times. Sometimes I drop him off after our son's piano class and then he walks or takes the train the 2 miles home. Sometimes he drops me off. Then whoever hasn't gone goes after lunch. One thing I have to say is I don't mind a bit of a dirty home if it's that way because I've gone off to the gym. My health and sanity is more important than a clean house any day. Plus it is such a great example for my son to see us both making exercise a priority.
    Also I exercise with my son and my husband does as well. I bike with him and my husband jogs with him.
  • Thanks everyone and I suppose what I've been doing (waking up at 4:30 as opposed to 5:00) to do some exercise. It just seems like I should be doing more than what I'm doing. Unfortunately I have no gym close to my office, but I should start walking ( I did but then my PF starting acting up I've been babying it a little and I think it's getting better). Thanks everyone for the "pushing" :wink:
  • glenette1
    glenette1 Posts: 140 Member
    I made my workout a priority and stopped feeling guilty for it.
    The center I go to has daycare for some of the classes, and I plan my day around going to those classes.
    And to be honest, the household chores have been neglected. I'm backed-up in laundry but I'm 20 lbs down!

    Amen! That's it in a nutshell.
  • HealthyinAZ
    HealthyinAZ Posts: 408 Member
    I'm a 33 year old Mom of 5 - if I don't make the time to do something at the crack of dawn, it won't get done. So I'm in bed early (9pm or so) and up at 5am to get in my jogging/walking/fitness video or whatever before the kids get up to get ready for school at 6am.
  • I'm 36 and have a 1 year old and a 6 year old. I am not a morning person so I try to get my workout in after they are in bed, but sometimes my oldest joins me. Depending on how much time I have and how tired I am I try to do walk/jog on the treadmill for at least 20 minutes and then do a 30 min dvd, but sometimes I only get in one or the other. I like the Jillian Michaels Body Revolution dvds. They are intense, but there are 15 of them that you can customize to you.
  • jamielise2
    jamielise2 Posts: 432 Member
    I am a 43 year old mother who works full time, PLUS runs her own business on the side. I have found that you cannot possibly FIND the time. You have to MAKE the time. It's tough. I'm blessed that my gym has a kids club, and my daughter loves it there. I take her to the gym with me and we both exercise (though hers is play). Plus one day a week she has gymnastics, and on those days I take a kickboxing class near to her gymnastics class. But you could do something as simple as walking the parking lot at lunch. I'm a nicer mother when I'm working out and taking care of myself, so it's a win/win.
  • flower_chops
    flower_chops Posts: 59 Member
    Mum of 2 here and I generally do a workout DVD while my 2.5 year old is eating her lunch, or otherwise occupied at an activity. I babywear (well, toddlerwear lol) and don't drive so walk lots and FAST with my 30lb toddler on my back too.
  • Hi!
    I don't post here often but thought I'd throw my $.02 in! I am a 36 year old mother of 4, and I work full-time (40-50 hours/week). I commute to work 2 1/2 hours away two days a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays) and work from home Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. On my "drive to work" days, I get up at 3:15 AM, leave the house at 4:00 AM, and get to work at 6:30 AM. I leave work at 3:00 PM, drive home until around 6:00 PM, and then work a bit more before dinner and bed. I started out sneaking in exercise anywhere I could...walking on the treadmill while on conference calls, taking a 15-20 minute walk during my lunch at work, etc.

    What I've finally ended up with is that I'm just too exhausted to do much on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so they became my "rest" days. I now do 30-45 min on the elliptical during lunch when I work at home (actually eat my lunch while I'm working most days). I lift 12 pound hand weights and do squats when I am on a conference call and don't need my hands. Lifting doesn't make me out of breath so I can still participate! Sometimes my kids hang out while I work out, but I try to get it in before they get home. The biggest thing for me was to make time to do it. I felt guilty, but I got over it. We all deserve some "me" time, so I watch movies or TV shows that I want to watch (and my husband and kids may not want to watch) while I work out. If I don't do it, I feel yucky... You can do it! Just make it a priority!! Good luck!

    Wow! And I thought I had a rough schedule. I'm thinking maybe I'm just lazy :o/ I'll just try harder.
  • mrs_mab
    mrs_mab Posts: 1,024 Member
    I am 38 year old momma of two, my daughter is 17 & and my son is 10, so mine are pretty much independent at this point. I work 40+ hours a week. After shattering my ankle 10 months ago, my doctor has just recently released me to begin exercising again. I still have all the pins & screws in there, so still no high impact stuff yet. I have found that with all our busy schedules, ball practices, karate classes, and getting my "work" done at home as well, early AM workouts work best for me. I am usually in the gym by 5:30 - 6 which is 5 minutes from my job. I work-out til 7:30, shower & get ready for work. If I had a crappy workout, I will supplement by walking & doing calisthenics at work on my breaks & lunch. Sometimes I will even go back to the gym for a quick 15-20 mins on the elliptical. PM workouts just won't cut it for me, as I have way too much to do when I get off home from just have to find what works best for you, with your schedule and makes you feel your best! Good luck all!
  • I'm a 48 yo mom of 3 -- one left in the house but young -- kindergarten. Morning is the only time I have been able to be consistent with my exercise. I try to go to bed not long after my daughter (8pm) and I get up early to exercise. Presently do Nike+ Kinect for cardio (interval type workout, 30-40 minutes total at this point, 3X a week) and have bar weights in the basement (all off of craigslist, 2X a week). When I lift its about an hour from warm-up to being done, although I have shorter workouts on days when I am running behind.

    Having less time awake after daughter is in bed cuts into "alone" and "husband and me" time, and "TV" time -- but I've made it a priority. Also, husband spots me when I lift -- so that is some time we can spend together.

    I commute in and out of a city each work day on a train -- so I don't have scads of free time.

    Bottom line, you can do it -- but you have to plan it.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    handcuff the kiddies to the bed and away you go, they will shut up after awhile.
  • I'm a single mom of a 3 year old boy. I used to get up early before work to work out (4:30 am) and that worked really well for me for about a year. Then I got out of the habit and just couldn't get back into it. I let my son watch 2 shows each night before bed, and I realized that during this hour, I would just sit on the couch and play on my phone as I had no interest in watching Mickey Mouse or Go Diego Go. So now I work out while he watches his shows, he usually will come work out with me some in between shows or just come watch me.

    I think its about finding what fits best into your schedule.
  • 4 am is when I find the time. I work full time and also teach one night a week and am the mother of two, three year old and 10 month old. So when they go to bed, I don't have the energy or motivation to work out. It is much easier for me to do it in the morning and get it done. I like the quiet and the me time. Granted it has not gotten much easier to get out of bed at 4 but I love how I feel after I get done exercising.
  • loved1
    loved1 Posts: 206 Member
    Do as much of your weekly prep work as possible on the weekend to free up work out time during the week.

    Prepare a crockpot meal or casserole that will last a few days & freeze your daily portions.
    Prep your weekly breakfasts, lunch & snacks on the weekends. For me this is usually a pan of baked egg white/veggie omelets in muffin tins that are then frozen or green smoothies that can be frozen or at minimum the ingredients can be chopped & bagged in advance.
    Lay out your clothes for the week down to the details - hang 5 sets of clothing for each person with coordinating underwear/jewelry, etc.
    I transport a lot of bags on Mondays - work, gym, kid's daycare, lunch, purse - so I put as many bags as possible in the car (in garage) on Sunday night. In the winter I can even put lunch & breakfast in the car.

    I squeeze as many running around errands as possible into places that are along my route to work & I plan them in advance. I shifted my grocery shopping time to in the morning at stores I pass on the way to work - only purchasing from a prepared list. No frozen items. Some stores like Wegmans have apps that tell you what aisle each item on your list is in.

    Changing my schedule in this way has allowed me to squeeze in some gym time after work before I pick the kid up from daycare. I use a Planet Fitness which is on my route home. A few times the workouts have been as short as 20 or 30 minutes but it's something. I lay out my workout clothes when I do our weekly clothing.

    When I want to workout at home I get up a little earlier. Clothes have to be laid the night before & equipment like ball, weights, DVD have to be ready to go.

    Even when I don't feel like it I take 15 minutes to do household chores at night because if I wake up in the morning and see a mess it will distract my attention & I'll probably clean before I workout.

    Finally, sneak in a little exercise time throughout your day. Walk the stairs at work while on a break. Take a minute to do a plank or some bodyweight exercises for 5 minutes and challenge yourself to build up throughout the month. Do 25 jumping jacks 4 times a day.

    It's not easy, but it's doable. Good luck.:wink:
  • bootsiejayne
    bootsiejayne Posts: 151 Member
    I have 6 year old twins and we have made working out and being active a family thing. The boys work out with me, we play outside way more, and when I'm doing the elliptical I have them sit near by and do their homework. You'll work it in somewhere.
  • Well, I'm no mother. But I do know my mother takes my siblings to the park and plays with them there. Or when at home she exercises with the kids (a few push ups, pull ups and sit ups as a game.) Also, she would lay down and lift the smallest with her feet and play "Aeroplane" with them. (Kind of like a leg press.)

    Hope this helps!
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    I figure my kids not my workout schedule. Morning dont work for me as the gym daycare isn't open so morning are spent preparing for the day. Get kids up, eat breakfast, pack lunches, pack swim bags (if swim day) or gym bag (all other day) drop Kids at school and head to work. Work, get off and go pick up kids from school. Straight from school to gym, we do homework there first, then if its a swim lesson day I swim laps while they are in class. If its not a swim day, they play in the gyms kid room (/slides and such) while I work out for a hour. Then home for dinner, which I also have to preplanto make it work. I do once a month cooking and freeze everything!

    Also I often run while the kids ride their bike, or we go play soccer etc. all great workouts and even more fun cause they are involved and learning healthy living at the same time.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I'm a SAHM so it helps a lot, at least until Spring and Summer breaks. Then I'll have to do it in the evening, which sucks, but I guess it's better than the alternative and getting all the weight back. I do home DVDs, tried the gym and the daycare sucked, and my kids are still small (5) so I can't really do it when they're awake, unless it's really no impact, no kicks stuff, which I guess I'll do once a week or something.
  • TrishaCooper423
    TrishaCooper423 Posts: 41 Member
    If i were to try to find the time, there would be no way. I work 40+ hours a week and my daily commute is over 3 hours. Then i have to come home, make dinner, get the homework done and play with the kids too! I always work out at night, There are some days where it seems to be impossible, but i have to push myself.... because I am the only one that can stop me! I am also the only one that can Change me! So after dinner is done, homework is done, showers and baths are taken. Then it is Mom time. Sometimes my children even join me in exercising. I use dvd programs, I do not go to the gym, because It is usually just me. My husband works in different states 9 months out of the year.
    It is hard at first, but once you start, it is so rewarding!