my feet hurt

I'm doing JM extreme shred dvd. My feet really start to hurt. I thought it was because I was on carpet with no shoes so the next night I put on my tennis shoes. They hurt from the ball to the beginning of my heel. they only hurt when I am doing jumping jacks or toe raises for my calves. I never have this problem running or walking. Is this an arch issue, muscle issue, or just plain too much weight on my feet? Anyone else have this problem?


  • smilingirisheyes
    smilingirisheyes Posts: 149 Member
    I'm not a fan of doctors, but that really is something to see a doctor about. I had similar pain and ignored it, and it was the start of plantar faciitis. Since I ignored it, it got worse and resulted in a heel spur (the growth of a piece of bone on the bottom of the heel) and incredible pain for several months.

    I was told that aerobics, particularly done barefoot, are commonly a cause, and I did that for years. I'm not trying to give you an internet forum diagnosis, just sharing my experience of a huge hassle that could have been avoided if I'd gotten it checked out when I noticed the pain.
  • lizzyb83
    lizzyb83 Posts: 107 Member
    Do you normally workout barefoot? That is really hard on the feet, so you need to work up to doing full workouts that way. Also, if you go to a good running store, they can fit you for the perfect shoe.
  • PrettyandPolished
    PrettyandPolished Posts: 45 Member
    when I first started working out my feet hurt very badly. I ended up getting new shoes and getting arch support socks as well as inserts and my feet haven't bothered me since. If changing the way you work out and what you are using doesn't help I'd agree that you should see your Dr.
  • 1hotsw
    1hotsw Posts: 2
    Thanks everyone. I think payday I'll buy a better pair of shoes and then if that doesn't work I'll take your advice and seek medical attention. Thank you for responding to my question.
  • emmalousmom1
    emmalousmom1 Posts: 121 Member
    I got plantar facitis also from doing jillian barefoot:(
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    Just sharing my experience. My plantar fasciitis pain was all in my arches.

    What I did to get better:

    - put really good arch support in my shoes and stopped wearing completely flat, unsupportive shoes like cheap flipflops
    - froze a water bottle and then rolled my arches over it
    - invested in Orthaheel flip flops so I could still wear them, but have arch support
    - stretched