Downward fast!!

bjenegiles Posts: 75 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok so....I havent been eating like a TOTAL maniac; however, I haven't been watching my sodium, sugar, OR water intake as I should. I have gained about 2 -2.5 pounds in the past couple of days. I am aware that it's water weight (hopefully) however, I just feel as though I am spiraling. Today, I vowed to do better with my intake and ended up doing so much worse. I ate like a bizillion townhouse crackers w/ Cajun Turkey Salad (that was not measure NOR was there use of ANY kind of portion control) a bag of chilli cheese fritos, a plum, ....and the list goes on and on and on and Have a tracked it....NOPE!! What's my issue!?!?!?! I am needing a serious kick in the pants!! I need some encouragement and suggestions. HELP!!


  • gcgrl788
    gcgrl788 Posts: 30
    Ok so....I havent been eating like a TOTAL maniac; however, I haven't been watching my sodium, sugar, OR water intake as I should. I have gained about 2 -2.5 pounds in the past couple of days. I am aware that it's water weight (hopefully) however, I just feel as though I am spiraling. Today, I vowed to do better with my intake and ended up doing so much worse. I ate like a bizillion townhouse crackers w/ Cajun Turkey Salad (that was not measure NOR was there use of ANY kind of portion control) a bag of chilli cheese fritos, a plum, ....and the list goes on and on and on and Have a tracked it....NOPE!! What's my issue!?!?!?! I am needing a serious kick in the pants!! I need some encouragement and suggestions. HELP!!

    I've felt the same way plenty of times so when that happens I just don't log it and I move to the next day (or I log it to see how much I really ate to show myself that it's not what I want). Moving on to tomorrow tell yourself "I'm going to eat better" find some motivation with a picture or maybe losing weight for something (ex. boyfriend) and use that. I know when I see pictures of girls with a flat stomach in their bikinis it motivates me. Also sometimes I plan the next days food that I'll eat the night before that way you know how many calories you have to snack on and you have a plan for the day! Good luck, I hope this helps a little!!!
  • tairui2009
    tairui2009 Posts: 37 Member
    You're not spiraling if you recognize there's an issue ~ and... that you're willing to take a step to correct. That's not spiraling, that's being watchful and proactive! Good for you...

    Sounds like you're blood sugar might be a little off ~ (in addition to the bazillion townhouse crackers) try to eat the foods that will help to *stabilize* your blood sugar and offset your cravings. I had the SAME problem, and I always felt it was a sign of weakness for me and my dieting habits.. but it's really all physical. Your body is CRAVING for a reason.. carbs are a quick fix to stabilize.. so your body wants them. But remember, the more you eat those carbs.. the worse the cravings become.

    First step, make sure you are eating REGULARLY... going long periods in between, may only lead to a crash and burn at the end of the day. I wasn't eating breakfast.. now since I start my day with a protein shake, *I* am MUCH more in control. I also try to stay away from sugar.. and white flour... etc...

    It's not you, though! Your body is just doing what it's supposed to do... just make things better for it, and it will stop craving those carbs.. :)

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