What am I doing wrong!

Not losing weight - 3 pounds over 2 months does not make sense!!! I have lost weight before on ww - just doesn't seem to be happening now.

Advice please...

40 years old eating, 1200 + exercise calories, my diary is open, working out 3 or 4 times a week, count everything fruit and veg, weigh 69 kilos wanting to get back to 62, height not sure, 5.6?

Curves strength training 2 maybe 3 times a week - plus running 1 maybe 2 days - live on a dairy farm and work 30 hours a week in an office then home doing physical stuff..


  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Hi - people will need a bit more info to give you advice. Eg. How tall are you? How old are you? How much do you weigh now? What's your goal weight? How many calories are you eating? Are you weighing/measuring/logging everything you eat accurately? Are you counting fruits/veg as "free"? (Only asking because some former ww-ers do.) Are you doing any exercise, and how much? Are you measuring inches lost, and if so have they changed?
  • KatjaNZ
    KatjaNZ Posts: 186 Member
    I guess it's just harder if you don't have that much to lose. I lost 5 pounds over 2.5 month and one was over the last month.
    Would be interesting to see the advice you're getting.
    Your diary looks good and you're excersing well, it should be more weight lost to be fair.
  • slimnicola01
    More information