how long does the Road Map to work?

Over the past 10 years i've been following Weight Watchers style of eating, then joined MFP a year ago and started eating 1200 cals a day. Needless to say, my weight loss was initially successful, but quickly stopped completely... I read about the road map, and have increased my calories to 1580 a day, and i'm wondering when should I expect to see results? (I upped my calories to 1350 about 3 weeks ago, and up to 1580 last weekend).
I struggle with PCOS and have already cut out wheat, most sugar (only sugar is through one or two pieces of fruit a day) and only have 20% of my intake as carbs, and still my BMI is about 24.7! I should look like Elle MacPherson, right?!? ;-)
Any encouragement right now would be very welcome.


  • npetercmway
    I struggle with PCOS and thyroid issues too. During 2012, I did great losing weight (+/-55 lbs) following MFP and exercising. Something changed at the beginning of this year though. My eating stayed relatively the same and I added some circuit training to my exercise routine and the scale hasn't really moved in 2-1/2 months. I have adjusted my calories upwards (1500-1700/day) but nothing. I acknowledge that I may be building more muscle as I know my endurance has increased but my measurements really have stayed the same.

    All this to say that I share your frustration and sometimes wonder if it has more to do with the PCOS and whether the Road Map works with those issues.

    Congrats to you on staying on track! Keep persevering, you are maintaining a healthy lifestyle regardless.