

  • Hume and Bentham on Natural Law, Social Conventions and Utilitarianism
    Readings (39 pages)

    David Hume, ‘Of the Original Contract’ [1748], extracts from Knud Haakonssen (ed) Hume: Political Essays (Cambridge University Press,1994) 186-97, notes 316-19.
    David Hume, ‘A Treatise of Human Nature’ [1739], extracts from Book III (Of Morals) in L.A. Selby-Bigge (ed) A Treatise of Human Nature (Clarendon Press, 1888) 469-70, 484, 489-93, 526, 541-5.
    Jeremy Bentham, ‘A Fragment on Government’ [1776], extracts from J.H. Burns and H.L.A. Hart (eds) A Comment on the Commentaries and a Fragment on Government (Athlone Press, 1977), 446-8, 482-3.
    Jeremy Bentham, ‘An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation’ [1789], extracts from J.H. Burns and H.L.A. Hart (eds) An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation: An Authoritative Edition (Clarendon Press, 1996) 11-13, 34-5, 293.

    Supplementary Reading (7 pages)
    Frederick Watkins, ‘Introduction’ in Hume: Theory of Politics (Nelson: 1951) ix-xvi

    I have included this secondary reading simply because it has been used in previous years as a primary tool for understanding Hume’s position.

    Introductory comments
    Writing in the mid 18th century, the Scottish philosopher, David Hume, takes issue with the positions of both Hobbes and Locke regarding the concepts of natural law and an original social contract. He does so, in large part, through his emphasis on the emotions and long-held social conventions. Strongly attracted to Hume’s moral philosophy, Bentham, some 40 years later, develops his still highly influential theory of utilitarianism. Here, the ethical standard, against which both individual and governmental actions are to be measured, is the degree of utility or usefulness a particular course of action might have in promoting the best possible happiness and well-being of an individual or community. Utilitarianism is also sometimes referred to as consequentialism, insofar as the best moral option is the one most likely to produce the best outcome or consequence for an individual or community.

    *sigh* Getting ready for my jurisprudence lecture...
    But philosophers though! :D
  • Orient_Charm
    Orient_Charm Posts: 385 Member
  • joes_ED
    joes_ED Posts: 3
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member

    I had pasted this into a thread about running in the winter.
  • How? Howwww xxx
  • laceyfowler
    laceyfowler Posts: 127 Member
    Address: 1-10-10kitamae
    City: Chatan 北谷町
    Phone Number: 098-936-6355
    Directions: North of foster's commissary gate, make a right coming out the gate, turn left at the first light and you will find it on your right hand side, its the second building. if you see Dragons ramen shop you went too far

    (info on an Indian restaurant near where I am currently working on Okinawa, Japan... boy is it ever hard to give/get directions or just to find things here! Oh, and no... no it was not a healthy meal choice at all... delicious... but probably went directly to my thighs. ~sigh~ so much harder to make healthy choices when living out of a hotel and eating at restaurants, in a foreign country where I can't read or speak the language!!!)
  • xxcandywrathxx
    xxcandywrathxx Posts: 200 Member
    Minerals Contained
    Potassium - 183 mg
    Calcium - 23 mg
    Phosphorus - 23 mg
    Magnesium - 8 mg
    Iron - 0.27 mg
    Sodium - 5 mg
    Zinc - 0.3 mg
    Copper - 0.052 mg
    Manganese - 0.062 mg
    Selenium - 0.2 mcg
    Also contains small amounts of other minerals.
    Vitamins Contained
    Vitamin A - 13286 IU
    Vitamin C - 2.8 mg
    Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.051 mg
    Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.034 mg
    Niacin - 0.503 mg
    Folate - 11 mcg
    Pantothenic Acid - 0.181 mg
    Vitamin B6 - 0.119 mg
    Vitamin K - 10.7 mcg
    Vitamin E - 0.8 mg
    Contains some other vitamins in small amounts.
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    thats about a carrot BTW.
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
  • Absolutely. Chicks dig "Hi my Name is" stickers.
    I give bonus points to people who are bold enough to write "The Doctor" in the blank.

    OH...I don't know what happened here...
  • Orient_Charm
    Orient_Charm Posts: 385 Member
    to comply with complete Scope
  • dodihere
    dodihere Posts: 490