Help me ditch the diet soda

Okay guys. I have a pretty bad habit...its a diet coke habit. I find myself struggling most mornings to get going (5 AM wake up time doesn't come easy no matter when I sleep) so I grab a cold diet coke with my protein bar. I'm finding myself wanting 2-4 more cans throughout the day. I know caffeine can help calorie burn but I'm just feeling shaky all the time now.

I don't live in an area with a decent water supply (well water that's likely contaminated by farms nearby) so I have to buy bottled/jugs of water. It's fine, but pricey and has a huge environmental footprint.

Any suggestions on what I can do? I honestly haven't drank milk in a long time because of the calories, I usually supplement my calcium.



  • nornyb
    nornyb Posts: 224 Member
    Can you get a Brita to filter the water? 1% or skim milk is low on the calories, and you could try some of the sugar free drink mixes like Crystal Light. I make pitchers of it at home and take the single serve packs to work.
  • sprintto50
    sprintto50 Posts: 410 Member
    I have the same reaction to too much sweetener, in general. Do you have Water Depot or some such near you? You get a cooler, and just keep refilling your jugs with water there. It's cheap. Many towns have a public water source where you could fill containers. Have you had your water tested? Maybe it's not contaminated or can be treated with ultraviolet? If there is a will, there is a way. Good luck.
  • LeeAnnWisdom
    Diet Coke is my down fall too.. I used to drink a 6 pack a day
    Now I put Koolaid in my water bottle & that helps but can't give it all up.. down to 1 can & a 32 oz a day...
  • freelancejouster
    freelancejouster Posts: 478 Member
    If a filter is possible for your water, (I don't know how bad your water is) I would suggest that paired with any kind of sweetener/supplement to make it not feel like water and to energize you. Try Mio or any kind of crystal light. If it's energy you're looking for, in an alternative to drinking large amounts of it, try Sheetz - they're like lysterine strips and help me stumble to my five am shifts. Or 5 hour energy if you don't like that kind of thing.
  • explainsitall
    If a filter is possible for your water, (I don't know how bad your water is) I would suggest that paired with any kind of sweetener/supplement to make it not feel like water and to energize you. Try Mio or any kind of crystal light. If it's energy you're looking for, in an alternative to drinking large amounts of it, try Sheetz - they're like lysterine strips and help me stumble to my five am shifts. Or 5 hour energy if you don't like that kind of thing.

    I will try Sheetz.

    Sadly I am very very allergic to the Mio drinks (stupid sucralose).

    In regards to the water, It has a really horrible smell more than anything. We live in a rural area so there's no public filtering system for the water, just the well that with an underground reservoir.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Buy diet caffeine free soda?

    Despite what some people on here will tell you diet sodas aren't the devil.
  • explainsitall
    I have the same reaction to too much sweetener, in general. Do you have Water Depot or some such near you? You get a cooler, and just keep refilling your jugs with water there. It's cheap. Many towns have a public water source where you could fill containers. Have you had your water tested? Maybe it's not contaminated or can be treated with ultraviolet? If there is a will, there is a way. Good luck.

    Thanks! We haven't had the water tested but ours doesn't come from a public source (just our own well) because I live in the boonies.

    I will have to see if we have something like water depot nearby!

  • Sheila_KI
    Sheila_KI Posts: 206 Member
    I understand the bad smell.....I have a water delivery service and it is worth it. As for caffeine, it is addictive. It would be hard to go cold turkey, maybe you can mix it with a little decaf diet coke or alternate throughout the day. Though most decaf doesn't taste the same. Eventually wean yourself off. The footprint of buying soda vs water should be about the same. You can make flavored caffeine free tea.
  • ChrisLindsay9
    ChrisLindsay9 Posts: 837 Member
    I had a 70-80 oz./day diet pepsi habit that I was able to kick over the course of a couple of weeks. I bought the mini-bottles (8 oz., I think?) and whenever I felt a caffeine-withdrawal headache coming on, I would drink half of the mini-bottle. And if I got a craving for diet pepsi, I'd drink water first - and usually that helped as well. Over the course of a week or so, I'd "take a hit" off of a mini-bottle to ward off the headaches. Eventually, after two weeks, I wasn't getting the headaches anymore. And I got rid of the remaining mini-bottles (gave them away or something).

    My diet pepsi alternative? At first, it was beer. lol, I don't recommend that. Then, I found SoBe lifewater (0 calories, 8g Carbs per bottle) or Propel (can't remember the nutrition on that) as a substitute for diet pepsi to drink with meals. Protein shakes and water are my other sources of liquids. Like you, I don't like the taste of the tap water at my house, so I buy jugs of refillable water at my grocery store.

    Good luck to you! I found that during the first six months, I would get a craving for diet soda about once a week. After six months, it was once every 3-4 weeks. After a year, I don't get any cravings for it. It's like I totally forgot what it tastes like.
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    I'll reiterate what someone mentioned: Be careful because cutting out caffeine cold turkey can give some people nasty headaches. Personally, I'd recommend cutting them down gradually. And our water sucks too, but buy a filter. It's been totally worth it for us.
  • lbesaw
    lbesaw Posts: 267 Member
    Unsweetened Iced tea--I mix mine half Green Tea bags and regular Black Tea so I get the benefits of the green tea without having to taste it. You'll still get some caffeine but it will give you something to drink besides water that won't hurt you on the scale. I am against regular use of artificial sweeteners so I rarely use them. I'd rather eat my calories so I make sure my beverages are not caloric. Good luck. If the sweet aspect is your issue you might try sucking on a teaspoon of "Buckwheat honey" 2-3 times a day. Only 20 calories per teaspoon, very sweet and good for you too! It takes a while to consume just a teaspoon--feels fudgy almost. That will take the edge off of your sugar craving and allow you to wean off the sugar with some comfort. Good luck. Soda is hard to break away from but you CAN do it. I have been soda free for the last 10 years. Bet I might have a soda maybe twice a year now. Used to drink diet soda all day for many years before that so believe me I know your pain. :smile:
  • daphne_m
    daphne_m Posts: 84
    Can you boil your water for drinking? It's worked for me when I haven't had access to good water - I can't stand throw away water bottles. I just boil water, put it in reusable glass bottles and pop it in the fridge.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Okay guys. I have a pretty bad habit...its a diet coke habit. I find myself struggling most mornings to get going (5 AM wake up time doesn't come easy no matter when I sleep) so I grab a cold diet coke with my protein bar. I'm finding myself wanting 2-4 more cans throughout the day. I know caffeine can help calorie burn but I'm just feeling shaky all the time now.

    I don't live in an area with a decent water supply (well water that's likely contaminated by farms nearby) so I have to buy bottled/jugs of water. It's fine, but pricey and has a huge environmental footprint.

    Any suggestions on what I can do? I honestly haven't drank milk in a long time because of the calories, I usually supplement my calcium.

    are you looking for a way to ditch the diet coke and replace it with something else, or just ditch it all together? do you still feel like you'll need the energy boost? If so, I agree with the posted who discussed green and black teas. They're good for you AND can give a little energy boost. They also hydrate a helluva lot better than soda! :)

    good luck!
  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    I would see if you could get a brita water filter. we have one where I live and use it.

    can you do caffeine free unsweet tea. its 2 calories a glass.
  • stella1314
    stella1314 Posts: 66 Member
    its as simple as this:

    soda is for people who don't give a ****.....
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    After I'd stopped drinking sodas, what I found I really was craving was the carbonation (but I've always been a coffee and tea drinker as well as soda). So every now and then, I buy some Perrier (carbonated water). I like that brand because I am a Francophile, but you can get much cheaper carbonated water.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    its as simple as this:

    soda is for people who don't give a ****.....

  • smilingirisheyes
    smilingirisheyes Posts: 149 Member
    I used to drink a 2-liter of diet soda per day. Those little packets of water flavoring (like Crystal Light) in a bottle of water helped transition to water. Now I drink water only most days and will occasionally have a packet or two of flavoring as a treat.

    I don't think it's a horrible habit, I just know I do a lot better without all the artificial sweetener.
  • lms333
    lms333 Posts: 23 Member
    I have the same problem. I force myself to drink 32 oz of water before I can have another diet soda and that cuts down what I drink in soda per day. Also, I add 100% Natural True Lemon or True Grapefruit to my water.

    Their packaging = Cold Pressed and Crystallized Grapefruit - Ingredients: Crystallized Grapefruit [citric acid, malic acid, lactic acid, tartaric acid, grapefruit oil, grapefruit juice, ascorbic acid (vitamin C)]. 1 Packet = 1 Wedge - 0 calories, 0g sugars, rich in vitamin C

    Good luck in finding a water source. Maybe a city friend would lend thier hose to ya if you bring the jugs and pay the city rate. =)
    I also live out in the country and our water, when we first moved out here, was very smelly and tasted funky. We got a water softener and also a filter for the kitchen sink. That helped a lot. It was somewhat expensive, but that was about 15 years ago and I believe the prices of water softeners are more reasonable now. To me it was worth the money we spent on it. Someone suggested boiling your water, that sounds like a pretty good idea to me. I have also tried the berry flavored caffine free teas and they are pretty good. Hope you find a solution to your problem. Good luck.