New User, Looking for Weight-LossBuddy

I'm 5'5" and weigh 129lbs
I want to get down to 110lbs though (It's still in the healthy BMI category for my height)
If there is anyone out there with similar stats to me, it'd be great if we could motivate each other!
I do have a lot of tips and tricks -although I haven't really stuck to them the past couple months-
I'm just fed up with my body, it gets me down so much and now is the time for things to change!


  • hi there im 5.2-5.3 and at my heaviest at 10stone - 140lbs? and want to get to 9stone at least... i got to half way then let it slip over winter xx
  • my highest weight was 140lbs as well, at around november but the past months i've been jumping between 133 and 126 :(
    I'll add you and share some motivation with you
    Together we can reach our goals !!
  • yea please, im not to this site so bare with me xx