anyone here finished couch to 5 k



  • Skeena4
    Skeena4 Posts: 209 Member
    I completed the program April 14th (34min16sec) and I have said it a million times over that I am NOT a runner! I hate running, I am not a small person and every day I thought... wow there's not much chance I will be able to complete the next run day without resting during a run segment, but every day I reset my brain and went for it.
    You CAN do it... it's all mental... and start at a slow pace, try not to bounce up and down and keep your arms relaxed (in my head I was conserving energy for my legs through having relaxed arms)
    I used the C25K app from my iPhone (it's the yellow one with the runner on it) I'm doing the Jillian Michael's 30 Day shred right now but after that's done I plan on doing an app that "bridges" you from a C25K to a 10K.

    If you don't want to follow it exactly, you can download your own timer (I like the Nike Training Boom) it's free and I recommend ANY Nike iPhone app as they are AMAZING!
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    Yep, I've finished it and have run several 5k's. I did it for the firs time 2 summers ago. Then last summer I "restarted it" at week 4 or 5 after not running much over the winter. This year I kept running over the winter (even in zero degree weather), but still pop in an old workout and use it for speedwork intervals.

    Repeat a week or a workout if you have to. Running is mostly mental, and sometimes repeating a week and conquering it is what I needed to be able to face the next run confidently.

    Good luck & happy running!!
  • Starsighter78
    Starsighter78 Posts: 62 Member
    I am proudly a C25k graduate! :) That being said, the jump from 5 minutes to 20 was difficult, however, as long as you take each day/time at your own pace (repeating days if necessary), you will do it! The jump is a big one, but once you tackle it, you will feel like you can finish anything. I ran a few 5k's, a 10k, and now I'm about to begin training for my first half maration. Just stick with it!!!! :)
  • thefreebiemom
    thefreebiemom Posts: 191 Member
    Thanks for letting me know about the apps that will help a lot.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    I completed it this summer. I had the best support group on here when I did. Many of us are still friends. If there is a hard day you can repeat it or go on depending on how you feel about it. After the 20 minute run it gets alot easier. However I did it for the time not the speed. I still run slow. I am working on that. It is fine to individualize it by repeating. I just had a knee injury (weight training) so I may do it again to get back up to speed again. You can do it if I can.
  • Starsighter78
    Starsighter78 Posts: 62 Member
    I want to do this program but I have been wondering what people use to time the segments. Like how do you keep track of when your 60sec for jogging ends and then your 90 sec of walking ends. I don't think the timer on my iphone will do it without me having to stop and change the timer after each segment. Not sure if my HRM does it either.

    I use an app on my iPod - Nike+ GPS. The app will tell you when to run/walk so you don't have to keep an eye on your watch. You can also listen to your music through it, so it keeps you moving. My favorite part is the GPS - when running outside it is nice to see how far you've gone. Definitely check it out, I think it's like $2 or something. :)
  • KellyKAG
    KellyKAG Posts: 418
    Stick with it! I still have trouble running a full 5K without actually running in an actual 5K timed event. When I run on the treadmill or by myself around the neighborhood I walk/run but when I run a 5K I run the entire time and every time I'm shocked I can do it (I've done 5 since November). Its amazing how much better the run feels when there are a bunch of people and you work off each other's energy. Sign up for one a little down the road and it gives you something to work for and its such an awsome feeling of accomplishment.
  • Starsighter78
    Starsighter78 Posts: 62 Member
    I'm just starting tonight, I'm nervous! Has it been good to you & when you do the "Run" are you more jogging at first??

    Definitely start at whatever speed is comfortable for you, that you will stick with the program at. The program teaches you how to breath, so speedwork can come later. I know a lot of people say it, but if I can do it, ANYONE can. Good luck!! :)
  • mdink620
    mdink620 Posts: 11 Member
    I did it a couple years back and since then have ran lots of 5Ks, a 10K, and 3 half marathons :) It's really hard, but so worth it! Repeat workouts as necessary, and listen to your body. Also remember as temperatures warm up running is harder, your body will adjust to the temp change, but adjust your speed as the temps rise to keep from overdoing it!
  • erinm2629
    erinm2629 Posts: 69 Member
    I am repeating week 6 right now becuase on my app that is the week with the 20 minute run and my mind is playing tricks on me! It is such a great program and I never thought I would be running as long as I am now. I am not a runner but with the app I feel like there is hope :-)
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I just started today! I had to use my treadmill because of weather, but plan on jogging outside when I can. Love the phone app!
    If anyone else is just starting, add me and we can help encourage each other.
    Good luck!
  • cranberrycat
    cranberrycat Posts: 233 Member
    I am on week 1. I started last week, and only went once (other things came up). So, I am just going to repeat week 1.

    My biggest problem right now, after 2 sessions, is that my joints are sore afterwards. Anyone have some advice for a 48 year old who is jumping in on this? I don't want to end up with a premature joint replacement!
  • scarlettgeorgia4
    scarlettgeorgia4 Posts: 88 Member
    I did it, I did the 20 minute run! Hooray!
  • Bumppp
  • laineylynnfit
    laineylynnfit Posts: 369 Member
    I am bumping this because I am (again) trying to conquer this program. I am repeating Wk 2 this week. My problem is that my legs hurt severly after. I think its shin splints. I want to keep on but how do I stop my legs from hurting?? I am overweight and some people have told me that I need to build the muscle in my leg. Should I work on that before conquering the program or should I continue to work through the pain? It's hard but I get through it somehow, I'm just worried about the longer runs! I don't want to hurt myself.
  • anne2605
    anne2605 Posts: 482 Member
    I am bumping this because I am (again) trying to conquer this program. I am repeating Wk 2 this week. My problem is that my legs hurt severly after. I think its shin splints. I want to keep on but how do I stop my legs from hurting?? I am overweight and some people have told me that I need to build the muscle in my leg. Should I work on that before conquering the program or should I continue to work through the pain? It's hard but I get through it somehow, I'm just worried about the longer runs! I don't want to hurt myself.

    Have you considered just walking (briskly) for a few weeks before embarking on the running. Nordic walking is a great form of exercise. Or continue to repeat week 2 or 3 of the programme until your legs get used to jogging.