Fat guy in need of support

Hello all,
my name is Adam. I'm happily married and have decided to start a personal journey. This particular journey, i have tried many time in the past to start but was never able to stuck with it. I have found though that if i can keep a daily track of something, i do a better job of sticking to it. So, lets start at the beginning, shall we?

I AM FAT!!! I'm not overweight, healthy, husky, big boned or any other sugar coated phrase we have coined to help us deal with our weight. The way I see it, if I am going to be successful in this endeavor, best way is to be totally honest and not hold anything back.
I think in my situation, addiction is a strong word, but I will say that I have a very close relationship with eating. I love fast food, I love soft drinks, love greasy food, and all the other things that are not good for you. But you know what I don't like? I don't like having sore knees and a sore back at 25. I don't like not being able to compete to my fullest when it comes to sports. I don't like knowing my family history with heart disease ( my dad and aunt both died of massive heart attacks at very young ages and my grandad had 5 massive heart attacks in 80 years) and not doing anything about it. In summation, I don't like not being healthy anymore
So I have decided to be more diligent and attempt a lifestyle change. I say a lifestyle change because diets don't work, if you don't change everything in your life and commit 100% you will never achieve what you want.

I'm being honest, health is not the only reason I'm doing this. Like most, there is some vanity behind it as well. I will say that I am not lacking in self confidence( like Terrell Owens said "I love me some me". ) I'm not trying to impress women (see first paragraph, but I would like to turn my wife's head) but I wouldn't mind it if I got some wolf whistles or a damn or two, lol.
So I will be using this blog (http://time4achange4ever.weebly.com/) as my personal journal to log daily my progress

I really don't know if anyone will ever look at this and it's ok if no one does but if you do please feel free to throw some words of encouragement my way. Every little bit helps
So, here's to forgetting the past, changing the present, and looking forward to the future.....

Please feel free to respond here or on my blog I will be updating both regularly


  • misalillstead
    misalillstead Posts: 407 Member
    Sending a request! :)
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    Right on dude. You've taken the first step towards a new life. You can do this. Add me if you would like. I'm older but in a similar boat.
  • AncientLullaby_
    feel free to add me :flowerforyou:
  • WaimanaloMan
    WaimanaloMan Posts: 165 Member
    You can do it dude, there is no special trick to this other than a little determination and faith in yourself, add me if you need more people to support!
  • lisam625
    lisam625 Posts: 30 Member
    I'll send a request. The more the merrier!! I like to add little bits of motivation and support for others through out the day. Its always nice to get that high 5 when you do something good for yourself! :)
  • Cheesebrger1231
    Cheesebrger1231 Posts: 5 Member
    Well ppl it is officially Monday and I am starting my new life today

    Plan for today is to get the nutrition on the right foot and to give myself a "fitness test" to see where I am and go from there

    What will probably be the most difficult thing for me will be doing the fitness/exercise after the first two or three days when the soreness begins to set in and trying to get on a set schedule of when to eat and trying to wrap it around my work schedule

    I'm a third shifter so ill be eating first thing in the am when I get off but when most ppl are eating lunch I'm catching zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's so if I can get these two things down I think ill be ok for a while
  • misalillstead
    misalillstead Posts: 407 Member
    Don't go too crazy with exercise at first, is all I can say really. Maybe just start out with walking for a week or 2. Then introduce weights/ other cardio. It's no fun to hurt yourself at the very beginning.
    You've got a great outlook though! Keep it up! :)
  • Cheesebrger1231
    Cheesebrger1231 Posts: 5 Member
    Made a few updates to the blog

  • wllwsmmr
    wllwsmmr Posts: 391 Member
    Like the positivity!!!!
  • jprewitt1
    jprewitt1 Posts: 264 Member
    Fat third shift guy here too. I've lost close to 40 lbs since starting my diet/lifestyle change in June of 2012. Good luck and I sent a request. Something I always have to tell myself as a third shift worker: "You aren't hungry because you're hungry, you are hungry because you are exhausted." Some of my worst days happen when I am completely wiped out after working all night and not getting to go to bed for several hours after I get home. Overeating is easy when you are exhausted. You get hungry when your body needs rest/fuel. So be careful about eating too much before getting sleep. That will probably be one of your biggest hurdles.

    Also, a little tip for late night work. Soda is something that you will hate getting rid of, but I really enjoy the Powerade Zero drinks. No calories or carbs and they taste great. If you need any support let me know. Hopefully we can do it together.
  • Cheesebrger1231
    Cheesebrger1231 Posts: 5 Member
    Well I'm back lol still gonna use my weebly account so if anyone is still checking in the link is
