Help me ditch the diet soda



  • demorelli
    demorelli Posts: 508 Member
    "Pur" has a filtered water bottle so you can get fresh tasting water wherever you want. *Not* recommended for lake water etc. on a wilderness trip (you'd need a stronger filter than that) but definately improves the taste of water.

    Find a friend who will go on a soda fast with you for a month, whether it's someone on the site or a friend from work or elsewhere. It's easier to kick soda if you give yourself a limited time that you have to stay off them and also makes you more likely to stick to it if you add the competitive/accountable side of having a friend join you. After a month you will feel much less of a need for sodas, especially if you replace them with water, unsweetened tea, etc. Then you can let yourself have soda a couple times a week as a treat.

    ETA: You might also try water infusions. Slice a lemon or orange, shred a bit of ginger, or toss in some cucumber or whatever flavors you want to add. Add to a pitcher of water and let sit for an hour.
  • explainsitall
    its as simple as this:

    soda is for people who don't give a ****.....

    Thanks for that...uh
  • jade2112
    jade2112 Posts: 272 Member
    I quit caffeine many years ago doing what my doctor told me to do. This way I avoided withdrawal symptoms.

    The first week drink half as much caffeine each day. As someone mentioned above try drinking, say two cans of regular diet coke and two cans of caffeine free.

    The second week you drink 1/4 the caffeine you did before. Same as above with mixing the regular with the caffeine.

    Third week drink 1/8 the caffeine you normally drank.

    Fourth week you can stop the diet coke entirely. No migraine or energy loss.

    Right now I'm drinking up to 10 cans of diet Mt Dew a day. I'm kicking around the idea of going to the decaf.

    I'd keep drinking the decaf all day. I'm a recovering alcoholic/addict and I'm used to constantly having something to drink by my side. For me the addiction turned to the soda and not coffee like the majority of recovering people do.
  • stmcfred
    stmcfred Posts: 78 Member
    I have well water too. Do you have a water softener? Also, I know here you can but jugs of water and just take the jugs in and get them filled. It'll reduce the amount of plastic jugs you buy.

    I loved diet coke. Wasn't a huge drinker because I never bought 12 or 24 packs (didn't want them in the house for the kids to get and I would go through them like crazy!)

    If you usually buy 24 packs, try only buying 12 packs and tell yourself your not buying anymore till XX days.

    I've also heard of mixing coke with sparkling water. That way your drinking the same amount, but only half the coke.

    Good luck and know that you can do it.
  • StrawberryThief
    Sparkling water plus sugar free fruit juice?